Greetings and Live Long and Prosper.
I'm looking to start or join a fleet where I can exercise my love for government in STO. I would like to find a heavy PvE fleet, (I just dropped some real money on getting an overall decent endgame ship, at least for PvE), that has meetings of admirals on the bridge of the C in C's ship and that the meetings are run similar to the US Senate or the UK House of Commons, heavy debate on issues and a speaker that runs the debate. I think this would be so cool to have is STO and I really want a good community. Also, if there is a fleet out there where I can get into a command position quickly, that fits my needs (PvE and large) please let me know in the replies. Also, if you are interested in starting a fleet and building something bigger around my fundamental ideas, let me know as well. Fleet recommendations also welcome
Vice Admiral Cummings
Those are the ones dedicated to fleet recruitment, so I think you'll find the fleet that suits you best over there.
Join the Deltas today!