Requirements: 40 Lolunat Pearls (or whatever the hell we're using, you get it anyways)
Use on: Risian Luxury Cruiser, Risian Corvette
Starship Traits gained:
Cruiser: Tractor Hold: When activating Soliton Wave Generator enemys are drawn in however held while the thing is running. When the wave emanates the held enemies get damaged more severly and the Tractor beams then repulse sending them over 5km away from the ship where they lose more health.
Corvette: Subspace Wave: adds a form of wave in front of your ship every time subspace wake generator is activated. Any enemies caught in the wave will be held by said wave for a short time before being thrown into the wake to receive further damage.
BOFF slot upgrades:
Cruiser: Lt Cmdr. tactical seat can be converted into a universal/intelligence/command/pilot seat, ensign engineering station can be converted into a universal seat
Corvette: Lt. Cmdr. engineering seat can be converted into a universal/intelligence/command/pilot seat. lt. tactical seat can be converted into a universal seat
Bonus: Cruiser receives Generating Inspiration and other Command ship abilities and can equip command ship consoles and vice versa
Corvette receives pilot ship abilities and can equip pilot ship consoles and vice versa
Extend these stats by posting below
Captain Joseph Riker, U.S.S. Odyssey==General V'Mar, U.S.S. Blackwater-A==Admiral Laura Holmes, U.S.S. Forward Unto Dawn Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
I'm hoping, but not all that hopeful, that the reason, beyond shallow "exclusivity", the Corvette and Luxury Cruiser are being retired is they will be coming back as T6 versions.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
While I would REALLY like to see a Risian Command Carrier (instead of the command BC's we've gotten lately,) or a sci-intel ship, The current release trends make me more expect a T6 pilot escort--one that can really exploit the other Risian consoles from the upcoming summer event.
In the last couple of summer events, I started to participate, but stopped when I took a good hard look at the ships. As much as I liked the lines of the ships, I couldn't for the life of me think of a good build with those boff and console setups. Now however, with specializations, (particularly the high end pilot specs,) the xindi stuff and even some of the vaadwaur stuff, a T6 Risian Pilot Escort/Raider or three that could use the earlier ships' consoles could have some serious possibilities....
I'm hoping, but not all that hopeful, that the reason, beyond shallow "exclusivity", the Corvette and Luxury Cruiser are being retired is they will be coming back as T6 versions.
I really, really hope that is the case, I mean heck the Corvette is supposed to be a racing ship right? That would be a perfect match for the pilot abilities.
For the sake of speculation I can see this happening with Summer Event '15:
Return of Risian Corvette & Luxury Cruiser with a Science Vessel of some sort.
T6 Risian Corvette - Intel/Pilot
T6 Risian Luxury Cruiser - Command/Pilot
T6 Risian "Science Vessel" - Intel/Command
Event & Promo Ships so far have never been Full Specialization Ships, i.e. Cmdr Hybrid Station. The Samsar, Sarr Theln, Sheshar, JHSS? None of them let you go Full Cmdr level for max specialization in any specific one. Which is why I believe the Risian ships will be hybrid of one or two specialilzations.
In the last couple of summer events, I started to participate, but stopped when I took a good hard look at the ships. As much as I liked the lines of the ships, I couldn't for the life of me think of a good build with those boff and console setups. Now however, with specializations, (particularly the high end pilot specs,) the xindi stuff and even some of the vaadwaur stuff, a T6 Risian Pilot Escort/Raider or three that could use the earlier ships' consoles could have some serious possibilities....
I really, really hope that is the case, I mean heck the Corvette is supposed to be a racing ship right? That would be a perfect match for the pilot abilities.
Return of Risian Corvette & Luxury Cruiser with a Science Vessel of some sort.
T6 Risian Corvette - Intel/Pilot
T6 Risian Luxury Cruiser - Command/Pilot
T6 Risian "Science Vessel" - Intel/Command
Event & Promo Ships so far have never been Full Specialization Ships, i.e. Cmdr Hybrid Station. The Samsar, Sarr Theln, Sheshar, JHSS? None of them let you go Full Cmdr level for max specialization in any specific one. Which is why I believe the Risian ships will be hybrid of one or two specialilzations.