TO: Admiral Jorel Quinn, Admiral Of Starfleet
FROM: Commander Avery Brooks, Starfleet Intelligence
SUBJECT: Debriefing/After Action Report
In one of the most awe-inspiring displays of reckless bravery eyewitnesses say they have ever seen I call to your attention to Captain Julian Bashir who led his ship, the USS Cryptic, straight into the face of a gargantuan Iconian fleet, in the Battle of Idran system near Dominion Space .
He was part of a very small fleet designed to support a humanitarian effort to help a small cluster of planets currently experiencing drought and starvation.
This fleet had 1 Nebula Class starship (USS Cryptic) 7 Oberth class starships, 9 Miranda Class starships and 13 Yellowstone class Runabouts The fleet was not expecting a naval engagement as Starfleet intelligence deemed any conflict from the Iconians unlikely due to the fact that opening of a sphere in such close proximity to the dominion Border would ensure that the Dominion would in all likelihood retaliate. Yet this is exactly what happened.
The small fleet initially tried to Withdraw from the area when confronted by such massive force. Bashir, however, after reassessing the situation refused to yield to the enemy. Just as the USS Cryptic was about to enter the enemies weapons range, Bashir came over the intercom, A large Iconian fleet has been contacted. They have discovered us and are headed in our direction. They are believed to have 3 battleships, five cruisers, and about 15 support vessels. This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can.
He ordered the USS Cryptic to come about and attack at flank speed, charging the entire fleet alone. When the other captains saw this, they all followed suit falling in behind their fleet commander, the captain of the USS Trendy reportedly laughed and said, Well, what the hell. You gotta die of something. Small boys attack.
The Iconians opened fire with withering fire at will and torpedo spread charges, Astoundingly Captain Bashir conned the ship through the onslaught in a zigzag until he was within range with his weapons but to his dismay he found he was having trouble penetrating the hulls of the Iconian battleships and cruisers. He ordered fire concentrated on the upper decks to do the most damage, and this succeeded in knocking down and collapsing some of the superstructures and setting the ships on fire.
Then the cryptic using a sensor scan and a well-placed gravity well fired torpedoes and blew the bow off one of the iconian heavy cruisers which necessitated another cruiser leaving the fight to assist evacuation. Finally, the Iconians scored hits, on the Nebula class Cruiser including one salvo which went clean through the entire vessel without detonating. A second and third salvo knocked out half the engine power and the power to the aft torpedo tubes.
Captain Bashir was struck by one of the torpedo blasts that managed to find the bridge of the Cryptic and had 2 fingers ripped from his left hand and his shirt burned off.
The Cryptic was nearly crippled, but still refused to withdraw and deployed a photonic fleet, and ordered other ships to release mines.
The other ships of Bashirs outgunned fleet arrived and began laying mines and deploying their own photonic fleets to help swing the tide of the battle, when the battle began it seems as though the cryptic and her small fleet had signed their death warrant but then, slowly at first, then increasingly at a faster pace Iconian ships started to withdraw, it is not known if this is due to the ferocity and the bravery of Capt. Bashirs fleet or if the Iconians thought this fleet was simply a scouting party for a larger fleet that would be arriving on the scene at any moment .
By the time it was over, the Cryptic had slugged it out with titanic battleships and cruisers, and a line of Iconian support ships, driving the latter off with the Capital ships withdrawing as well.
The Cryptic itself was dead in Space. Incredibly, Captain Bashir had refused to order abandon ship until all remaining torpedoes had been fired, he had even fired the empty torpedo casings, which were used for practice.
While many consider this a stunning victory and a display of tactical genius the victory was not without its price, the Iconians withdrew with one battleship crippled one Battleship Destroyed, 2 cruisers crippled, one cruiser heavily damaged and one cruiser destroyed and 13 of their 15 support vessels destroyed.
The casualty report for Captain Bashirs fleet is as follows: the USS cryptic crippled but salvageable of the 7 Oberth the class starships participating in the battle 6 were destroyed, of the 9 Miranda class starships participating in the battle 7 were destroyed and 1 crippled and of the 13 Yellowstone class runabouts committed to the action all were lost with all hands with 5 of the runabouts reportedly making successful kamikaze style attacks on the largest of the Iconian ships.
As of this report, we have not reengaged, or have made any sensor contact, with this Iconian fleet we have also not made any sensor contact or discovered any dominion fleets in the vicinity as well.
want to know what riker, crusher, picard, kira and others are up to ??? let me know who you want a update on