While I've enjoyed myself with this Event, it certainly seems to have gone on for a looong time. I decided going in I wasn't going to power level this char. I wanted to take my time and revisit parts of the game I have not been to in years. With the primary difference being this time I can actually play the game well, or at least decently so, lol.
Annnd...at this point I am over it. I am fatigued by the sheer length of this Event. I decided today to stop playing my Delta until I feel good and ready to continue. And the 'extra' rewards can go hang.
I do appreciate the time and effort the Devs put into this. It was a good gesture on their part to allow my other chars to benefit from the efforts of the Delta Recruits. But it seems like this Event has been going on forever and I am no closer to successful completion than I was at the beginning.
I guess being in the Cardassian SlogFest part of the game has a lot to do with my fatigue. I had forgotten how many missions there are to this part. Some of them are very good but more than half are just, "OhGawdIsn'tThisOverYET?!" Maximum mission length for minimal rewards. and near the end I get "Kurland Here!" yay and hooray for me.
Anyone else thinking this way?
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
I enjoyed leveling my first Delta as well. Then I hit the "Cardassian wall" with the other two. I was hoping to complete the event with all the rewards unlocked across the board, but I just didn't have it in me.
I really did appreciate the chance to do this. The extra resources helped my less fortunate alts, and to finish up some holding projects in my small fleet.
I think it's a given, than 99.9% of "old timers" do not like the whole DS9/Bajor/Cardassian part of the story. It might have been cool at one time, but now it's just ... gawd noooooo rip out mah fingernails with pliers, stick red hot skewers in my eye's, just don't make me do those missions again!
Instead of farfing around on other missions, they should look at reworking that whole chain. The gear isn't really even worth it any more TBH, not with all the new rep stuff, except if you are an un-repentant "completionist" like me, and you simply MUST have every set.
I really did appreciate the chance to do this. The extra resources helped my less fortunate alts, and to finish up some holding projects in my small fleet.
Instead of farfing around on other missions, they should look at reworking that whole chain. The gear isn't really even worth it any more TBH, not with all the new rep stuff, except if you are an un-repentant "completionist" like me, and you simply MUST have every set.