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Next specialization: Healer/Medical?

timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
Was thinking about what the next spec after Pilot could be.

I think medical is the most likely, because with Intel, we sort of had a generalized spec (compatible with different ship types), with command an engineering heavy one, with pilot a tactical oriented one as a pure space spec (commando would be the tactical ground one) and no real science one yet.

So the obvious science based specialization would be healing and medicine.

This could give healers a real boost.

I could see medical officers as being very ground based, but there is precendent for medical ships in Trek, too. Though how you can fit them into the combat oriented gameplay could be tricky.
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  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd like for healers to play a more prominent role, but unfortunately, you don't need one 95% of the time - most people can (read: should) take care of themselves. New passives like T2 Ico Rep make it a lot easier.

    A lot of the incoming damage can be staved off with passive regen, healed away by low level heals, or is of the one-shot instakill range that should never exist in the first place.

    Plus you can be immune for around 20 seconds every minute or so now. That's just... silly.
  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Sounds like a ground focused specialization to me. Medics don't need any buffs though. Having those new Xindi doctors is like Aux2Batt on the ground.

    As for space... healers are pointless.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Was thinking about what the next spec after Pilot could be.

    I think medical is the most likely, because with Intel, we sort of had a generalized spec (compatible with different ship types), with command an engineering heavy one, with pilot a tactical oriented one as a pure space spec (commando would be the tactical ground one) and no real science one yet.

    So the obvious science based specialization would be healing and medicine.

    This could give healers a real boost.

    I could see medical officers as being very ground based, but there is precendent for medical ships in Trek, too. Though how you can fit them into the combat oriented gameplay could be tricky.

    Intel = Science/ Tactical

    Command = Engineering/ Science

    Pilot = Tactical/ Engineering

    I'd say the next one will be some flavor of science for sure.
  • drreverenddrreverend Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think they've said that they're first expanding Commando into a full, ground-centric Primary spec tree the same way they did with Pilot. Will be interesting to see what they tie into that, since unless they include powered armor or mecha in the store there aren't exactly any Commando ships. :p
  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    There's also the small problem of Science already having most of the medic skills one would need. A separate Medical specialization would be redundant.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I doubt healers need a boost. A sci that specialises in healing is already close to invulnerable.

    Besides, giving tacs and everyone else access to a medic specialisation tree would basically mean that there is no reason for healers to exist at all.

    It'd be nice if each character has some purpose, there wouldn't be any purpose for having a healer if everyone gains access to those skills.
  • jackal1701apwjackal1701apw Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i just hope they stop.

    Specialisations was a stupid idea for a system anyway.
    Come to expect this sorta thing from our LSD.

  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    praxi5 wrote: »
    I'd like for healers to play a more prominent role, but unfortunately, you don't need one 95% of the time - most people can (read: should) take care of themselves.
    I really can't go with ignoring a very useful mechanic on the basis of a need to feel independent. Especially in an RPG, where classes are meant to compliment each other. Who knows, maybe there are undiscovered feats out there waiting to be demonstrated that could only be achieved through one or more characters needing heals/repairs from a dedicated healer/repair boat.
  • forthegamerforthegamer Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    While not a healer per say, I could see perhaps a specialization on boosting regeneration rates with generators, increasing defensive capabilities like swapping/randomizing shield frequencies, sending out bots to help with hazards, and granting a boost to perception/crit rate, at least for space.

    These would be the toggles or perhaps double taps, that would give the ships its own boost. However, while this would seem Science based, remember, the Support class ships are designated as Engineering flavoured ice cream but with a Science cheery on top.

    For ground, since they are playing with temporary points on the Radiant weapons, I could see that as being the core of the ground side of the specialization. Providing Temp Points in terms of adding secondary armors and shielding, so that it isn't real healing but rather a way to help the actual healers.

    It could increase the hardness of your shields or prevent certain damage types from occuring if hit too many times by it. I know that's Borg Tech, but we're at the point with the Iconians that we're willing to try anything, aren't we? Wouldn't be surprising if we had it ourselves by this point.

    I could see new types of covers that could perhaps change how your shooting works if you shoot from behind it. They would go down faster than the normal cover, but the benefits would out weigh it. Or perhaps not faster than normal, but provide partial cover, since that seems to be the name of the game.

    As for the tree itself, I'd suspect the bonuses would be increased Shield Capacity and/or Hardness for Space and Ground as the bonuses. Since we're "Masters of the Shield" (heh) when using this tree, we'd be able to boost shield possibilities, but also be able to have chances to penetrate shields with energy weapons (though this is like Command's Torpedo chance skill, low), be able to complete disable shields and other such things.

    If I was a betting person on the Trait, I'd guess it would be a trait associated with the Engineering Team, in which if you use Engineering Team, it would increase your shield's hardness and/or regeneration rate. As this specialization would fall under being an Engineer class.

    So very support orientated. However, a specialization that all classes could benefit from. So it isn't something that you can go "well, only so and so can use it". I'd also guess the ships would be listed as carriers.

    At least, that's what I'd guess.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd rather they stop making specs...
    The amount of new stuff in game is getting overwhelming.

    People like them I guess, but I don't want anymore personally.
    New reps, sure.
    New specs ...eessh I don't know, I'm not a big fan of prestige gaming.
    As a completionist gamer, i don't enjoy the feeling of "doing it all over again'.

    I understand some people love these.
    But everytime something gets added or extended (like pilot, commando and or Command) I just groan to myself.
    And think ill need to level another 15 times for this. Its like facing the Cardassian Struggle over and over.

    More Featured Episodes, more Reps, more pves, rathen then grinder mechanics like SPEC trees/prestige gaming.

    If I wanted to prestige 30times I would play CoD.

    Edit: plus I hear all these passives are causing all this system lag we've been experiencing....at least that's what I hear on DPS channels.
  • walshicuswalshicus Member Posts: 1,314 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Specialisations are great, can't understand why you guys would be against them. You're not supposed to grind them all to completion - pick two and work on them long term.
    http://mmo-economics.com - analysing the economic interactions in MMOs.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    walshicus wrote: »
    Specialisations are great, can't understand why you guys would be against them. You're not supposed to grind them all to completion - pick two and work on them long term.

    I should probably try and think of it more this way.
    But I guess my personality type likes to get things done asap.
    I don't like procrastinating, though admittedly, a little procrastination is proven to be good for the thought process.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    samt1996 wrote: »
    Intel = Science/ Tactical

    Command = Engineering/ Science

    Pilot = Tactical/ Engineering

    I'd say the next one will be some flavor of science for sure.

    What exactly is Sciencey about Command? There is nothing at all that really screams Science to me except for maybe one ability...Command is far more Tactical than Science
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • unsacredgraveunsacredgrave Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    fatman592 wrote: »
    As for space... healers are pointless.

    the high-dps guys need healer minions. so theres alw
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    walshicus wrote: »
    Specialisations are great, can't understand why you guys would be against them. You're not supposed to grind them all to completion - pick two and work on them long term.

    Long term as in heat death of the next universe.

    Playing the stuff that gets you rep marks gets you no skill points.

    Playing the stuff that gets you skill points gets you no rep marks.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited May 2015
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lianthelia wrote: »
    samt1996 wrote: »
    Intel = Science/ Tactical

    Command = Engineering/ Science

    Pilot = Tactical/ Engineering

    I'd say the next one will be some flavor of science for sure.

    What exactly is Sciencey about Command? There is nothing at all that really screams Science to me except for maybe one ability...Command is far more Tactical than Science

    Yeah, I'd have gone with....

    Intel: Sci/Tac
    Command: Eng/Tac
    Pilot: Tac/Eng

    Leaving room for the following:


    Then potentially getting into the more specialized specializations:


    Then working in variations of all of the above...so that it goes on forever until folks pretty much get the near perfect pair of specializations for them.

    At which point I can see them expanding to a tertiary spec after increasing the tiers for primary and secondary.

    Kind of leaves one feeling sorry for the OCD folks that will have to do everything...
  • mreeves7amreeves7a Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    While a pure healer spec is unlikely (and superfluous to most gameplay), a sci enhancing spec as a counterpart to Pilot/Commando's Tac enhancing qualities would be desirable (also assuming a pure eng focused spec would follow later)*.

    Maybe something like:

    New Primary Spec: Synthesist (http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/crew.php#id--Area_of_Responsibilities--Synthesists)

    Increases kit and exotic damage by 5% (+.25% for each point spent in this spec)
    Spec Trait: Fleet Expertise: Tactical Fleet, Science Fleet, and Engineering Fleet have their non-stat buffs double. (Improved variant: reduces cooldown to 10 minutes)

    Tier 1:
    Combat Analysis (I / II / III): Tac, Eng, or Sci debuffs increases the duration of the first debuff of one of the other categories by 15/30/45% (i.e. a target hit by a sci debuff will have the next tac or eng debuff last longer)
    --Weakpoint Located (I / II): Exploit damage leaves target vulnerable; attacks against a recently exploited target have +10/20% critical chance and +15/30% critical severity for 15 seconds

    Micromunitions (I / II): Torpedoes and Mines have a chance (25/50%) to deal extra kinetic damage in a 3km AoE around target (scales with projectile weapon skill)
    --Gravitimetric Charges (I): Adds miniature gravimetric warheads to the micromunition mix; 15% chance to deal physical damage to target (scales with particle generator skill)
    --Shield Bleed (I): Heals shields of allies within 5km of target for 50% of any resisted kinetic damage
    --Power Sap (I): Specialized microdrones penetrate target's hull to sabotage EPS conduits; -X All power to torpedo hits (scales with flow caps), 10 second duration

    Tier II:
    Space and Ground-
    Enhanced Regenerative System (I): Increased hull and health regen (+0.1 health, +0.1 hull)
    --Multi-Hypo (I): When healing an ally on the ground, receive a heal equal to 25% of the ally's heal
    --Improved Medical Kit (I): Chance (30%) for ground consumable to clear all debuffs on all allies within 15m
    --Artful Efficiency (I): Space-based ally targeted heals repair the user for 25% of the hull gained by the target
    --Repair Feedback (I): Ability cause hull regen/repair increases heal effect by 5% for 20 seconds (stacks 5 times)

    Tier III:
    Quantum Rending (I / II / III): Kit damage applies a damage and shield hardness debuff to targets (-10/20/30%)
    -- Quantum Stress (I / II): Kit damage to foes applies a cooldown speed debuff to ability and weapon cooldowns (-10/20%)

    Interlinked Targeting Sensors (I / II): Single-target Tactical BOff Beam affecting abilites (BO, subsystem targeting) gain +25/50% accuracy if target's shield facing is active
    --Ionized Path (I): Beam weapons under single-fire Tactical modes of operation (basic fire, BO, and subsystem targeting) have range based damage dropoff reduced by half
    --Precise Focus (I / II): Single-target tactical beam modes of operation ignore 10/20% armor if target is within 3/5km

    Tier 4:
    Space and Ground-
    Redundant Emitters (I): Doubles base (2.5% space/5% ground) proc rates on energy weapons, Increases torpedo chance based effects to 100% for the next hit (cooldown of 15 seconds)
    --Power Cell Feedback (I / II): For 3/5 seconds, your team's kit powers have 1 second cooldowns (2 second category/shared cooldowns), 3/2 minute cooldown
    --Deflector Feedback Circuit (I / II): For 10/20 seconds, your team's Science Boff Powers' cooldown is reduced to the category/shared cooldown times, 3/5 minute cooldowns

    Should be of great boon to sci ships with not-inconsiderable benefit to other careers/ship types.

    * My impression of the specs so far are: Intel - incorporates qualities of all 3 careers; Command - Hybrid of Eng and Tac functions, Pilot - space tactical focused, Commando - ground tac focused. Would imply Eng/Sci hybrid, Tac/Sci hybrid, pure eng spec, and other minor sec specs
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    walshicus wrote: »
    Specialisations are great, can't understand why you guys would be against them. You're not supposed to grind them all to completion - pick two and work on them long term.

    The problem is, "moving goalposts". You can't make an informed choice on specialisations because of the rate at which new ones are introduced, and Cryptic have explicitly stated they won't introduce a redistribution mechanic because they just expect players to grind out more spec points.

    The upshot of this is, if you started to spec into Intel, but then Command comes along and fits your model better, you're back to square one in terms of a primary spec.

    I mean, if I'd been making decisions in October last year on the basis of the current options, I'd have focussed one alt onto Command (instead of Intel) and another onto Pilot (instead of Intel). I suppose there are some more thoughtful sorts who started saving spec points from October and hence avoided that trap... but we really had no info on how quickly new options would appear, or how long it would take to build up points. I have at least slightly learnt the lesson and am now saving my Sci's spec points for when a sci-heavy specialisation comes along.

    Anyway; agree that specialisations are meant to be a long-term goal, but if that's the case Cryptic could at least give players a fixed target to shoot at.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Was thinking about what the next spec after Pilot could be.

    I think medical is the most likely, because with Intel, we sort of had a generalized spec (compatible with different ship types), with command an engineering heavy one, with pilot a tactical oriented one as a pure space spec (commando would be the tactical ground one) and no real science one yet.

    I think it will be a Commando revamp, along with a ship crew system revamp. Mostly because that one already exists, and it's the last "secondary only" one.

    That way can sell new "combat transport" class ships with extra crew, boffs with "assault/boarding" type abilities that "spend" crew to wreak havoc on enemy starships from inside, a new type of weapon/damage type (something like "neutron blasters" from MoO series, that have %chance to disable crew :D thalaron-powered beams?) and so on...

    Am I wrong? I really really hope I'm not!! :P
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    A Medical Ship would have the Full Mastery ability to "Call For Help & Beg For Mercy" :cool:
    Yeah, I'd have gone with....

    Intel: Sci/Tac
    Command: Eng/Tac
    Pilot: Tac/Eng

    I disagree, VD. I would have gone with:

    Intel: Sci/Tac
    Command: Sucks
    Pilot: Tac/Eng
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