May 1 2014 Patch Notes:
Fleet Featured Projects are now set to a new rotation:
Dilithium Mine, Embassy, Spire, and Starbase Fleet Holdings will all have 1 Featured project apiece to slot and will rotate every 2 weeks.
Limited Time projects that allowed for some decorations were supposed to be on rotation. Sadly, this has stopped being the case about half a year ago. We've got no new Fleet holding, no new projects for existing ones, and not even the Limited Time ones on rotation.
I can't recall anything about these projects being cancelled, so I have to assume it's an ERROR IN THE CODE that should be FIXED...
My KDF fleet has only two of the Starbase projects done and none on the Embassy, Spire or Mine completed.
ADB Staff Officer
I'd rather see them not do a thing than add a new, potentially more expensive, holding. Or do a 'revamp' of the whole system, as that thought terrifies me even more due to how some of their previous 'revamps' have affected the playerbase.
ADB Staff Officer