Hello Devs,
This really needs to be addressed. The Bounty Hunter Contractual Agreement Lobi Set is NOT working as intended. It is really, really broken. The set is basically allowing a global cool down of ALL abilities and CONSOLES!!!
Please see this video showing how broken it is:
Anyway. devs, please get this set working as you originally attended.
Was posted earlier today.
The issue was initially reported within a day of it coming out...with the launch of Delta Rising. Back in the middle of October...
Posted yesterday, with a reply from borticuscryptic an hour before you created your thread:
If only you had looked at the first reply in this thread, you'd have saved yourself from looking like a newbie.
Nope, I was dogpiling
Dogpile: "To pile on or overwhelm, such as with criticism or praise."
I wasn't criticizing though....I'm practicing my there won't be a dev tracker with the new forums mentality of trying to be happier/go luckier with things like that. Cause in the end, it generally wasn't worth the aggro in the first place...better reserved for when half a dozen folks start threads up within hours of each other cause what they've got to say is special.
I think it's trippy though they they have gotten around to it...was annoying. I stopped using it cause I didn't want to get used to it, but it was a nifty set for what I was looking to do at the time and why I grabbed it...oh well, have moved on since then.
Its better to draw more attention to it than there already is. Apparently, their internal STO Version is pretty much bugfree, unfortunately the bugfixes seem to get lost on their way to Holodeck.