first I'm going to confess I have 12 characters, 2 Federation, 3 Romulan, and 7 KDF.
I often see threads saying such and such faction needs this, etc...
I however feel that instead of pushing for faction equality we should be pushing for faction distinction.
all three factions have a pilot ship in the works, and in a recent podcast it was revealed that there is a T6 BoP also in the pipeline.
but there must be at least half a dozen threads demanding a Klingon science ship, as a self Proclaimed Battle cruiser and Mat'ha fanboy, maybe I'm just the wrong audience.
Romulan Ship yards certainly need fleshing out, including I would say some kind of Romulan take on the Scryer. A 3/3 Science Commander Intel warbird with a Singularity Core.
But Klingons are cut from a different cloth, and with that in mind I would much rather see us get a T6 Carrier updated Vo'quv that can launch the pending T6 BoP as pets. Beyond that a T6 Nausican Destroyer and maybe a Ferasan Flight Deck Cruiser.
I just think that by embracing the factions uniqueness instead of pushing for faction parity, the overall game would be better served.
*Hides behind Cover Shield*
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Trouble is they aren't pushing for Parity...they're just pushing for Feds getting everything good and taking what little good the other two factions have...Klingons have been nearly sucked far we have been lucky but more and more I want Romulan this or that threads are popping up.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
My point is they just don't care a whole lot about anyone but Feds...and that is the way Feds like it. We just don't get much and we often lose a lot to Feds and get nothing worth while in return.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
My point is they just don't care a whole lot about anyone but Feds...and that is the way Feds like it. We just don't get much and we often lose a lot to Feds and get nothing worth while in return.
To put it simply it's business... When only around 15% of the playerbase are actively playing KDF, of course Cryptic are going to cater for the majority of customers...
The argument 'If you make it, they shall come' has also been demonstrated as not delivering any substantial uptake in KDF players...
As much as I would like to see more KDF ships, I can appreciate from a business perspective the money is simply not there and since STO does not rely on a subscription model, content development will inevitably favour where revenue is generated...
It's not that Cryptic 'dont care', its that there's no money in it... If there was good revenue in creating more KDF (and Romulan) ships, do you not think they would do so?
To put it simply it's business... When only around 15% of the playerbase are actively playing KDF, of course Cryptic are going to cater for the majority of customers...
The argument 'If you make it, they shall come' has also been demonstrated as not delivering any substantial uptake in KDF players...
As much as I would like to see more KDF ships, I can appreciate from a business perspective the money is simply not there and since STO does not rely on a subscription model, content development will inevitably favour where revenue is generated...
It's not that Cryptic 'dont care', its that there's no money in it... If there was good revenue in creating more KDF (and Romulan) ships, do you not think they would do so?
There is little to no revenue in it, simply put, because there is simply nothing that worth buying. It's either pew pew bomb it, pew pew pew bomb it, or pew pew pew pew bomb it. Playing a Science character right now as either a Romulan or KDF is the biggest headache you will have.
Sure we have the T6 Science Command Cruiser. But look at it, other than extra hull, this thing is just a reskinned Fleet Corsair Flight-Deck Cruiser. But then, that's ok. Considering if you want anything more than a single BoP, Raptor or Cruiser you have to pay Zen for it.
Here is what we are getting at. We'll just use level 40 ships for this. The freebies.
The Federation gets a ship selection of like 12 or so ships for this.
The KDF gets, 3.
The Romulans gets 3.
This is before there is even any money spent. So again, there's no money to be made, when there's no incentive to actually play that faction.
As far as Faction distinction.
Well that's where Roms have the warbird and singularity cores. Very distinct design all their own. No other faction has this.
KDF, our ships are distinct on their own. as you have the Klingon ships, the Orions Ships, and the Gorn ships. So they're distinct in that they don't have a uniform standard design.
The Federation has the widest array of ships, but they're also a uniform design. There is very little you can do to them to set them apart from others of the same type.
I'm sure the KDF and Romulans would both agree. That one free Science ship at level 40 isn't going to change the power balance at all and that we'd be happy with that. We aren't asking for much. But it is a bit more incentive to actually play those factions. Which then, gets people looking at buying the Zen ships for that faction. Which in turn, gets people buying said ships.
I'm just saying it doesn't need to take the same form and function as Fed Sci ship.
To put it simply it's business... When only around 15% of the playerbase are actively playing KDF, of course Cryptic are going to cater for the majority of customers...
The argument 'If you make it, they shall come' has also been demonstrated as not delivering any substantial uptake in KDF players...
As much as I would like to see more KDF ships, I can appreciate from a business perspective the money is simply not there and since STO does not rely on a subscription model, content development will inevitably favour where revenue is generated...
It's not that Cryptic 'dont care', its that there's no money in it... If there was good revenue in creating more KDF (and Romulan) ships, do you not think they would do so?
There is little to no revenue in it, simply put, because there is simply nothing that worth buying. It's either pew pew bomb it, pew pew pew bomb it, or pew pew pew pew bomb it. Playing a Science character right now as either a Romulan or KDF is the biggest headache you will have.
Sure we have the T6 Science Command Cruiser. But look at it, other than extra hull, this thing is just a reskinned Fleet Corsair Flight-Deck Cruiser. But then, that's ok. Considering if you want anything more than a single BoP, Raptor or Cruiser you have to pay Zen for it.
Here is what we are getting at. We'll just use level 40 ships for this. The freebies.
The Federation gets a ship selection of like 12 or so ships for this.
The KDF gets, 3.
The Romulans gets 3.
This is before there is even any money spent. So again, there's no money to be made, when there's no incentive to actually play that faction.
As far as Faction distinction.
Well that's where Roms have the warbird and singularity cores. Very distinct design all their own. No other faction has this.
KDF, our ships are distinct on their own. as you have the Klingon ships, the Orions Ships, and the Gorn ships. So they're distinct in that they don't have a uniform standard design.
The Federation has the widest array of ships, but they're also a uniform design. There is very little you can do to them to set them apart from others of the same type.
I'm sure the KDF and Romulans would both agree. That one free Science ship at level 40 isn't going to change the power balance at all and that we'd be happy with that. We aren't asking for much. But it is a bit more incentive to actually play those factions. Which then, gets people looking at buying the Zen ships for that faction. Which in turn, gets people buying said ships.