Well since T6 ships are starting to be released, will the Odyssey and only the Odyssey get another upgrade to bring it to match the T6 ships being released?Something like a Tier 5 Upgrade Extra. I'm saying this because I don't see the Enterprise-F being destroyed just after a year to make way for a T6 Enterprise-G
Do you see the Odyssey getting upgraded with every new tier of ships released? Well until the Enterprise-F gets replaced, but like I said, I don't think they're going to make the Enterprise-F the shortest lived Enterprise in existence. I hope not.
there is alot more new content to entice you to get better level ships...but the profitable balance the cryptic team are aiming at is to make sure that a t5u will remain competitive... if... you can get the traits from the newer ships. Consider reciprocity and all hands on deck. Take it fromm me a f2p bugger. my scim gets a magical 2k to 5 k dps increase( depending on team skills) with " all hands on deck" which is a trait from a t6 command ship.