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Sector Space (Beautiful!!) and Exploration?

jotofedjotofed Member Posts: 14 Arc User
First off, I wanted to say how impressed I was with the new sector space. It looks fabulous, really enhances my immersion, and I wanted to thank everyone involved for their hard work in bringing a wonderful quality of life upgrade to the game. It was also nice that there are some R/D interact points scattered around, and that the old enemy contacts battles have been tweaked to make them more relevant, though still nice and simple, and now are relatively well-rewarding missions for the investment.

A while ago there was an 'exploration' thread, namely the one where Taco asked what we thought might work, as conceptual basics could be something of a problem. After seeing the new sector space, I thought it could be an excellent starting point. Not being a computer person I couldn't say how easy (or nightmarish!) it might be to implement, but auto-generated exploration sectors that had the feel of the new sector space would be fun to explore. Obviously it probably wouldn't look as nice as our bespoke sector space, but the basic concept of stars points that resolve into systems at close range with interact points could work really well. Locate a system, do a sensor scan to reveal the planets or other interesting structures, and explore it if desired. Perhaps entering a star system could auto-generate a mini sector with more (or unexpected) details, and visiting planets or other interact points within could spawn auto generated maps for missions/further exploration/resource harvesting/ etc. much like the old genesis system.

There are a thousand ways to re-implement an exploration system from this point or any other point you might choose to build, but I thought the basic concepts upon which the new sector space maps are based could be an excellent foundation for an exploration concept.

Personally, I think the game is really fun, but I do wish there was a specific system in place to allow players to explore off on their own with fewer pre-set choices like in the old genesis system. To draw a limited parallel within the gaming industry, I play Minecraft with my son, and I've come to appreciate a game that is more process-oriented rather than goal-oriented. I know genesis had its shortcomings, and I rarely played it due to the limitations from which I think we all realized it suffered, but it was a good idea in its time, one which I think would be wonderful to reimagine.

My two cents, for whatever it's worth. Again, thanks so much to the devs for the update.
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