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Accolades removed in Season 10

mcevergreenmcevergreen Member Posts: 48 Arc User
Hi everyone!

The first impression seems to be that all the defense story accolades are now broken and it is not possible to complete them anymore. These accolades are Sirius Rookie/Combatant/Defender, Regulus Rookie/Combatant/Defender, and so on. Basically the classic enemy encounter missions in sector space. It now says that either missions in the Alpha or Beta quadrant have to be completed, but nothing increases the count status of these accolades.

Does anyone has a solution to complete these accolades?
Will there be a similar solution as with the removal of the missions in the exploration clusters (now Doff missions)?

Thanks for any information in advance!
Post edited by mcevergreen on


  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't know about the Borg defence accolades, but I believe all Doff related accolades should still be available.

    When they removed the exploration clusters, these assignments were all transferred to the colonisation chains. So you'll get Rolor Wanderer for completing an x amount of Rolor Nebula colonisation assignments.
  • mcevergreenmcevergreen Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    risian4 wrote: »
    I don't know about the Borg defence accolades, but I believe all Doff related accolades should still be available.

    When they removed the exploration clusters, these assignments were all transferred to the colonisation chains. So you'll get Rolor Wanderer for completing an x amount of Rolor Nebula colonisation assignments.

    That's correct. The exploration accolades which you can obtain by exploring a cluster up to 70 times are still available. However, it seems to be that the following accolades are now broken or you are not longer able to complete these accolades:

    Sirius Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Regulus Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Pi Canis Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Alpha Centauri Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Psi Velorum Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Iota Pavonis Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Beta Ursae Rookie Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Alpha Trianguli Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Zeta Andromedae Rookie/Combatant/Defender
    Gamma Orionis Rookie/Combatant/Defender

    These accolades were obtained by Enemy encounters in sector blocks which are not available anymore in Season 10. Borg encounters or patrol missions do not increase the count status of these accolades. The information of one accolades says that either the Alpha Quadrant or the Beta Quadrant need to be defended. However, so far I didn't find any mission or event which would allow to complete these accolades.
    It is worth noting that these accolades are worth a lot of points and I hope that there is a similar solution to the exploration clusters in Season 9.5 so that these accolades can be still completed.
  • roadghostroadghost Member Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Disregard :)
  • mcevergreenmcevergreen Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    roadghost wrote: »
    Disregard :)

    It would be nice to have some kind of solution for those ones how would like to complete the accolades which are available in the game, even though you don't get any kind of benefit from them such as increased damage or resistance.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Hi everyone!

    The first impression seems to be that all the defense story accolades are now broken and it is not possible to complete them anymore. These accolades are Sirius Rookie/Combatant/Defender, Regulus Rookie/Combatant/Defender, and so on. Basically the classic enemy encounter missions in sector space. It now says that either missions in the Alpha or Beta quadrant have to be completed, but nothing increases the count status of these accolades.

    Does anyone has a solution to complete these accolades?
    Will there be a similar solution as with the removal of the missions in the exploration clusters (now Doff missions)?

    Thanks for any information in advance!

    Not to say I told you so, but I did mention they were removing these when the sector change went up in Tribble. People said I was giving bad info and ignored me. Anyway, you should have grinded those like everyone else did the past month and a half.
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Not to say I told you so, but I did mention they were removing these when the sector change went up in Tribble. People said I was giving bad info and ignored me. Anyway, you should have grinded those like everyone else did the past month and a half.

    Why on earth would anyone want to grind such a boring mind numbing task like this for no reason?
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  • mcevergreenmcevergreen Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Not to say I told you so, but I did mention they were removing these when the sector change went up in Tribble. People said I was giving bad info and ignored me. Anyway, you should have grinded those like everyone else did the past month and a half.

    I was looking in the forum about things which will change with Season 10. I only found information about the Borg Deep Space Encounter. So, I was running all those encounters to get the accolades in the past weeks. I didn't find any information that also the accolades which I mentioned above will be not available any longer.

    It is sometimes very difficult to obtain information which content will be changed/removed/bugged after new updates. I didn't see your advise, otherwise I would have made also these accolades before Season 10 came.
  • jaymclaughlinjaymclaughlin Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    There's also an accolade for destroying enemy flagships in DSE's. I'd imagine that's broken too
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ive noticed that the dse accolade text has been altered, but they dont seem to have actually changed the accolade themselves.
    for example, 'psi velorum defender' used to be 'defend psi velorum sector 70 times'. now its simple 'defend the beta quadrant 70 times', yet the beta dses do not seem to count toward the accolade.
    im not sure whether or not i am glad to see them broken, to be honest. they already made a joke out of the effort i put into my exploration accolades by making them comically easy for people to retroactively complete via doffing. im not sure i would have been happy to see people basically autocompleting a dozen dse accolades in one go on top of that.
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