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Gateway to Gre'thor Bug Thread

pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
Having issues with Gateway to Gre'thor?

You've come to the right place to post! This is the official post for posting any issues in regards to the Gateway to Gre'thor Queue.

In order to help our teams find and resolve issues faster with the queue, this thread is made for reporting any issues with the new queue. When posting about any issues you may be having, try to follow this format where applicable in order to keep information organized and readily available for the developers.


What faction were you playing as? Were you playing as Federation, KDF, or Romulan (if so, how aligned).

What happened with the issue? Did you find yourself stuck at a certain point in the queue, or was something missing that should have been there? Let us know about the issue you were facing.

At what point did the issue occur At what point in the queue did you encounter the issue? Are there any ways you could potentially reproduce this issue?

Were you able to resolve the issue? Were there any specific ways that you found you were able to resolve or bypass the issue in any temporary work-around?

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have tried to run Gateway to Gre'thor only to be stopped by the same bug on both occasions. Just after the part where you have to protect the troop transports there is a space battle near the shipyard. After all enemy vessels are defeated... nothing happens. The green circle is still visible but the mission does not update.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • freakiumfreakium Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The Klingon talking about "troop transports heading toward the planet" needs to stop saying that every second.
  • johnluckpicartjohnluckpicart Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Pretty much what the other two said. The mission doesn't end when it's supposed to, doesn't seem to recognize that all Heralds have been killed (and well, I played the two featured space missions and got my 200 kills accolade way before the second mission ended...this is just stupid overkill imo...oh well...). Fair though: Not even the 1hr ban is applied after leaving the map because of boredom and bug-frustration.
    And seriously. 'The troop transports from the Starbase are moving toward the planet' x50? Is this working as intented? Because I don't feel like playing that mission ever again, if he doesn't stop saying that every freaking 5 seconds. Or are we supposed to play this mission with sound turned off? And a 45 sec waiting time at the beginning? Is this necessary?
    I was really looking forward to defending Qonos (with my Fed even), but this is just sad.
    Oh well...
    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
  • wilsonfrontierwilsonfrontier Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    freakium wrote: »
    The Klingon talking about "troop transports heading toward the planet" needs to stop saying that every second.

    I never want to hear that phrase again. Thank god I have a mute button on my keyboard. That was driving me nuts!
  • jbmaverickjbmaverick Member Posts: 935 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Reiteration of what others have said, the final wave of Heralds seems to be broken, although I'm not entirely certain what might be the cause. Ran it twice yesterday, during the first run (3 Eclipses, 2 Command Battlecruisers, all Federation) the Herald Dreadnought was blown up very quickly, well within the optional timer limit, it didn't (get the chance to?) reposition and summon reinforcements, mission did not complete. I did a couple loops around the system to see if a Herald ship had managed to spawn outside the expected area but found nothing. Second run (Samsar, Defiant, Fed Command Battlecruiser, Ambassador, and Guardian class ships) the Dreadnought repositioned several times throughout the fight and went down very shortly after the optional timer had elapsed, mission completed as expected.

    The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
  • shifter777shifter777 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I never want to hear that phrase again. Thank god I have a mute button on my keyboard. That was driving me nuts!

    Once every wave in the vacinity of the side your on should suffice not every ship for both sides. Agreed, drive me nuts.
  • djxprimedjxprime Member Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I was having an issue during the portion where you protect the troop transports. Every time I attempted to close a gateway-whether it was a radiation one or a spawn one--the process would be interrupted. As far as I can tell, it wasn't due to being hit with enemy fire or anything else. I thought it was because I was moving and turning while attempting to close them, so I tried slowing down and staying on a straight course. However, this doesn't seem to work half the time either. Anyone else having a similar issue?

    I was on my Federation alt.

    "No matter where you go...there you are."
  • alchevsk1992alchevsk1992 Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The part where we have to destroy The Herald Dreadnought within the time limit is bugged. My team and I killed it about 1 second before the timer ran out. But it said that we didn't killed it on both on the mission objective and on the "after action report" which totally ticked me off.

    "Our history, our past, our present and our future is now forever changed. All we can do is preserve what is left and continue onwards. This is not a surrender nor defeat, we will continue the fight. This is our last hope, our last chance... for victory."

    Vlasek D. Lasor - 4.19.3580

    Star Trek Online: Foundry Storyline Series
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If you kill the Herald Dreadnought before it spawn 3th or 4th groups it will not finish.
  • fudgemonkfudgemonk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    It's unplayable, like everything in this game after s10.
  • p4hajujup4hajuju Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    These are most likely WAI, but:

    Remove the mission failure from the second phase in Advanced, no real reason to make it fail there if first or third phase doesn't fail the mission.

    In elite make it to fail the whole mission if the group can't get the first phase in time.

    And Add more time to the first and third phase timers.

    Also instruct people to use BFAW with arrays in this and The Herald Sphere STF's because you decided to put all that little junk flying around there.
    "Use Temporal Skills to NERF EVERYTHING before it happened!" -Unknown source.
  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Bug Report;
    - Gateways are sometimes invisible.
    - 75% of the time gateways cant be closed because at exactly 80% I get interrupted. Usually when this happens it keeps happening for several tries in a row. Even when out of combat/not being fired upon and still in range.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • rebuilthk47rebuilthk47 Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I was in a normal difficulty stf of this and the first phase where you fight off the ships at the stations was considerably more difficult than usual. I had two others with me and we all died at least four times before finally defeating the first wave of ships. I rarely die once there. I died twice during the last phase too against the dreadnaught. It's very rare for that to happen once.

    A reduction in the initial damage of the solar gateways. The damage ramping up is fine, but not the initial burst of damage. It's a little much. ( or maybe my gear is just bad and I should pay more attention.)

    I have also noticed, might be that I'm not seeing something, is ther e are times where I'm fighting the medium sized iconian ships (the ones that send out those round probes) and my ship with full shields suddenly drops to half health, then to 10%. No gateways are near, no turbulance nothing visible hitting my ship (besides the regular beams/torpedo's). And then when I activate my hull heal, it does nothing. Again, I think that there's just something I'm not seeing.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm finding that the interaction with the gateways to close them is bugged, it cuts off quite often and it's not from being shot at as you can quite clearly take a beating whilst interacting with them.

    Also don't know if it was just me but the gateways themselves don't seem to be visible from one side some of the times so it can be really hard to tell where you need to go or what is actually killing your transports.
    I also seemed to have a lot of visual FX lag closing the gateways, the progress bar fills up and then finishes but it takes a good few more seconds to see the gateway close, so you're not sure if it worked or just bugged out on you.
  • goliaas2goliaas2 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    again exaggerated conditions to fulfill the mission if they want to destroy the creators of the game PvE, so they were successful and very successful I liked that the game was more PvE than PvP but those podminkama it goes downhill and ceases to amuse me the whole game
  • jrichard1979jrichard1979 Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Once I zone into the area, my sheild capacity drops to around 5k. I have compared with others and only my shields are that low. Tooltip is showing around 2700 capacity I think. Not a display bug, since science team II heals my shields to full.

    Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser
    Reman Prototype Covariant Shield Array (ones from the quest "Coliseum") Upgraded to MK XIV still blue quality

    My wife has the same quest shields, only hers are MK XIII and purple quality. Her shield capacity is just fine. Different ship, but I really dont think the ship is the issue. After we finished inside, we stayed for a minute. Linking my sheilds in chat and her tooltip said the same 2700ish. When we left both of us could see the normal value, think its around 11k or so.
  • caelrasstocaelrassto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Playing as Romulan-KDF.

    I am getting very frustrated with this queue. Like others have reported, the radiation spawns are not closing reliably. There are two issues:

    1. I am in range of a radiation spawn, and I am not presented with a dialog option to close. This happens a lot. I'm sitting right next to a spawn, my transports are getting irradiated very nicely for 5-10s on occasion before the dialog finally pops up. There are many times were I'm moving into range, see the dialog to close, then it disappears before I can start it.

    I can guarantee 100% that this occurs without another player in range interacting with the same spawn. First thing I checked. This actually compounds the problem: When I don't get the dialog and someone is in range, I don't know if it's because the other player is closing the rift or I'm just getting the no-option bug. Which means I can only sit there watching the transports burn while I hope for the best and wait to see if the dialog appears. NOT FUN!

    2. I am in the process of closing the radiation spawn when it is interrupted. Sometimes under fire, sometimes not. Sometimes moving, sometimes not. Sometimes others in range and maybe also interacting, sometimes not. Again, very frustrating given the time it takes to close and how fragile the transports are, even on normal.

    Now for one suggestion:

    Multiple players should be able to work on the same spawn to close in shorter time. There should NOT be spawn closing lockout and cooperation should be beneficial.

    The concept is good, it's theoretically a fun mission, but the execution is very problematic.
  • internetonsetaddinternetonsetadd Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Does the Raider ramming speed attack ignore all resists or something? Brace for impact appears not to mitigate it at all, and they can kill you while you're under the damage immunity effect after activating rock and roll.

    In some matches phase 3 is absolutely awful in advanced, even for teams that breeze through phases 1 and 2. Players die repeatedly due to just how massive the swarm of enemies gets, in part because there's no way to protect yourself from Raiders. Something seems broken.
  • walshicuswalshicus Member Posts: 1,314 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Just got to the end of an Advanced GtG queue and nothing happened - no rewards or mission completion.

    Anyone else getting that?
    http://mmo-economics.com - analysing the economic interactions in MMOs.
  • rebuilthk47rebuilthk47 Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I just got out of one at Standard difficulty and the end phase was extremely difficult. I died at least 6 times. Some of those being 2-shot deaths.

    As far as I'm aware, there are no Oblivion Gateways in the Standard difficulty (if there are, then they're gone before I see them). Solar Gateways yes.

    To be fair, the folks I was grouped with had no clue what they were doing. Even when given direction. I don't think they even know anything about the chat box other than it's a chat box. They were that bad. Nearly failed the first part. I had to do almost everything myself. I was the only one actually dealing significant damage (my skills are also not setup right for a Tactical officer). So there is that. Maybe that's what it's like to be teamed up with that kind of player in this game. It hurts.

    But I still wonder if it was bugged because of the oblivion gateways.

    I've been in an Advanced difficulty one time with a team that knew what they were doing and it was nowhere near as difficult.

    Well, I might be wrong. I'm posting anyway in case it is bugged and not just because the other four were bad.
  • internetonsetaddinternetonsetadd Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I just got out of one at Standard difficulty and the end phase was extremely difficult. I died at least 6 times. Some of those being 2-shot deaths.

    I've never had an issue at standard difficulty, but I only ran it a few times before moving on to advanced. However, I believe phase 3 is fundamentally flawed and poorly balanced... but only for bad or low-DPS teams. As long as it doesn't go on for too long, phase 3 is otherwise pretty easy.

    I'm a capable player. Out of 12 endgame-ready characters I don't think I have any left that can't hit at least 40k. And there's been a surprising number of capable teams pugging GGA. Still, sometimes you get a bad pug. If a team doesn't meet the DPS check or fails to focus the dread in phase 3, it gets exponentially harder. The result is a massive swarm of enemies that repeatedly kills players in quick succession.

    In my experience most of the deaths are coming from raiders swarming and using their ramming speed attack. As I mentioned a few posts ago in this thread, there doesn't seem to be a way to mitigate this damage, and the damage immunity from rock and roll doesn't prevent it. Yesterday I had a Recluse at full hull and shields with brace for impact active go down in two seconds. If evasive is on cooldown, there's not much you can do.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Reward system makes no sense what so ever.

    Was tallying the rewards for completing all the bonus each time, and in 5 different scenarios the team I was on cleared both the shipyard and Station before the timer, Killed the Dread before the timer, and saved 41 transports.

    There were 5 different mark amounts for each one despite completing the same amount.

    There is no other factor in the reward dialogue though.

    It was as low as 51 marks, and as high as 91.
  • freakiumfreakium Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    In the second phase, the Klingon tells you "the troop transports are heading towards the planet."

    Great, I'll just...

    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."

    Yep, I see them now and...

    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."

    Heading towards the first radiation gateway...

    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."
    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."
    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."
    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."

    Could someone code it so that the Klingon only says this for the group of troop transports spawning in instead of for every individual transport? Because...

    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."


    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."


    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."


    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."


    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."


    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."


    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet."


    "The troop transports are heading towards the planet.""The troop transports are heading towards the planet.""The troop transports are heading towards the planet.""The troop transports are heading towards the planet.""The troop transports are heading towards the planet.""The troop transports are heading towards the planet.""The troop transports are heading towards the planet."
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah, I noticed that, too. I wonder what the troop transports are up to, I wish somebody told me.

    About the infinyspawn: maybe a cap would be okay (also performance wise). For PuGs it can get ugly. My main is an AoE Sci (Inverted Tractor Beams, Gravwell, Isometric Charge, Aceton Assimilator - the lot) and that helps keep the little pests under control comfortably. The moment you rely on beam or worse cannon to do your DPS, you get troubles (but are of course way more effective against the main target).

    While I like the fact that different roles get uses - it can be very difficult, depending on the setups, even if individually sound.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    I'm finding that the interaction with the gateways to close them is bugged, it cuts off quite often and it's not from being shot at as you can quite clearly take a beating whilst interacting with them.

    This seems to happen more on Advanced. (KDF, in a carrier). It would be nice to have a clue what's interrupting me.
  • laveclavec Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    walshicus wrote: »
    Just got to the end of an Advanced GtG queue and nothing happened - no rewards or mission completion.

    Anyone else getting that?

    Yes, this happened to the group that I was in earlier today. For me, this was the second time in the past month or so. Really pissed us off too, since we rescued 44 transports...
    swamarian wrote: »
    This seems to happen more on Advanced. (KDF, in a carrier). It would be nice to have a clue what's interrupting me.

    I only know of two things that interrupt gateway closing.

    Sometimes, entering combat by being attacked by an Iconian ship will cause an interruption (not 100% of the time).

    Most often, however, it's caused by movement of my starship. When closing gateways I always try to come to a complete stop first.

    If neither of these solutions fixes the problem, then it's probably a technical glitch with the game.
  • internetonsetaddinternetonsetadd Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Another GGA completed with no reward payout. This team got the first optional easily, but had trouble in the final phase, a few seconds too slow. Once all the enemies were killed, the objective to defeat the Herald forces remained in effect, hence no completion and no reward. It's really aggravating to spend 15-20 minutes for no reward whatsoever.
  • krodhkrodh Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    This mission is bugged to hell and back. The enemies can see and attack me while I am cloaked, enemies can damage me right through my shields with almost all of their attacks (while playing the Advanced version, I died about 15 times with FULL SHIELDS), and enemies fighters can OUTRACE me while I am at FULL IMPULSE. I've heard of fake difficulty, but this is insane.

    [EDIT: This is not so pronounced in the standard mission, but in the Advanced mission, it got really bad. In the Advanced mission,] All my allies left, and I was the only one fighting the dreadnought. I finally had to leave as well. What is the point in playing this game if nothing I do is worth squat? Can WE get carrier pets like those fighters? Which can travel faster than full impulse and 2 shot enemies right through their shields?

    I was about to make a bunch of purchases, but I am glad I played this mission first. This is hopelessly broken.
    Post edited by krodh on
  • hmsintrepidhmsintrepid Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Trying to get data cores is becoming absolutely incredible, the damage the iconians give out and the damage they take is way way ott. on normal it is an easy job to complete, but on adv or elite it is unbearable, i will NOT be playing them again unless they are IMO 'fixed' Perhaps if you do not allow lower levels to join in with 60s it may help, I know they are 'supposedly' raised to 'fight as' the level they are in, but no way are they up to the standards needed for the advanced or elites, and inevitably it means that you are killed time after time, and costing you repairs, when there is no need for it. Im not a juvenile so i am NOT a fan of shooting fests, which is what the missions seem to have turned into, the incredible amount of the little spheres and kamikaze ships is not imo very fun at all. I log on to see what i can do as i have completed all the story over and over, and to be honest, sometimes i am so disheartened by the missions i just dont bother, do my doff missions and R&D then just LOG OFF. im hoping this is going to change as im really in danger of just forgetting sto.
  • hmsintrepidhmsintrepid Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Almost forgot, the insane range of the solar gateway, hitting me at THREE times the distance i can shoot at, is that a bug, or is some s a d i s t responsible. (why is sa di st a censored word ???)

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