I've gone over these questions a bazillion times already, just with Tribble Testing. With the launch today, I'm expecting a whole new round of the same questions. So in the interest of what's left of my sanity, please read this post before asking a question about Sector Space.
TLDR; For all of this is: We're using the Star Trek Star Charts book as our guide, and put things where they should be according to that. Please remember when looking at Sector Space, that there are 50 years of canon, all of which contradicts itself. Reconciling all of that was actually impossible. We did our best to keep things in order, but there simply have to be some concessions.
Q: Why is Sol in the Beta Quadrant? (or, "Janeway never said she was going to the Beta Quadrant!")
A: Short answer? Because the writers of Star Trek used "Alpha" as a keyword for home.
In reality (fiction), Sol should be directly on the line between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. However, merging the Alpha and Beta quadrant maps together was not possible, so we had to have a split between them. As such, putting Sol on that division is very problematic. Instead, we decided to keep Sol roughly where it has been since launch, on the Beta Quadrant side, in the upper left corner of the Vulcan Sector.
Q: Why is Vega/Galorndon Core/Gamma Eridon (Or a handful of other systems) not in it's rightful place?
A: There were some concessions that had to be made for gameplay purposes. While we followed Star Charts as closesly as possible for 95% of systems in the game, some systems remained where they were because their placement was important to gameplay. In Vega's case, it is pretty critical to early gameplay, and we didn't want to confuse new players by trying to send them across the AQ/BQ border several times.
Q: Why are Cestus and the Mutara Nebula not in their proper places?
A: THere are a number of systems (such as Cestus, the Mutara Nebula, and even Romulus and Iconia) who's proper positions fall outside the playable space of our Sector maps. These systems were generally moved in roughly a straight line to the nearest edge of our map. Some systems got a little bump (like ROmulus and Iconia) and some got a major jump (like Cestus and the Mutara Nebula). Again, we followed Star Charts as much as we could, but we could not infinitely expand our playable map to reach some of these areas.
Q: Why is Nimbus all the way up there?
A: Mostly because Star Trek Star Charts says so. Yes, the "Planet of Galactic Peace" was a joint venture between Feds, Romulans and Klingons. So on the surface you'd think that it would make the most sense for it to be located near all 3 territories. However, consider for a moment, what a wretched hive of scum and villainy Nimbus was. None of the three partners in building Nimbus really gave a TRIBBLE about it. All sent their degenerates and worst citizenry to inhabit the planet. Is it really that surprising that any of the factions wouldn't mind it being placed a ways away from them?
Q: Why didn't you include Cait/Organia/(Insert favorite system)?
A: The new systems we did add were mostly to fill up some of the sectors that were added when squaring off the quadrants. We did add a few other key systems (Trill, Orion, Betazed) to existing sectors for the sake of filling out the universe, but we couldn't add everything. Those new systems currently are not used for any Cryptic content anyway. They are window dressing, though they will be available for Foundry doors.
Q: X System looks wrong/has the wrong number of planets/is missing an asteroid belt/etc. (I know, that's a statement, not a question)
A: Please let us know as you find errors. We have over 300 systems in Sector Space, and that was a lot to keep track of. Couple that with trying to reconcile 50 years of contradicting canon, and it turned into a bit of a quagmyre. I can't guarantee that something will be changed based on your assertion, but I will look into it.
How dare you post an FAQ that addresses all the commonly asked questions in a public place where everyone can read it, why would you ruin our lives like this???
Might want to sticky this so more people see it, although knowing forums (and i've known a fair few) people will still not be likely to read it, thanks for the effort atleast
As such, putting Sol on that division is very problematic. Instead, we decided to keep Sol roughly where it has been since launch, on the Beta Quadrant side, in the upper left corner of the Vulcan Sector.
You could add an entrance to the Sol system on the edge of the Beta quadrant to emphasize its position on the border.
Sir, please don't go mad.
I understand some of us are... less then enjoyable, nicely put, and frankly, it shows how you care, but do not let it get to your heart.
Though I haven't been able to get to Tribble to see the new Sector Space, with you having a hand in it, I am sure that it looks great.
And thanks for the heads up post...
When I first tested it way back whenever it was, it was done really well so no doubt it has improved. It'll certainly help the immersion factor for some people. Team have done a great job.
If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
Taco, thanks for all of your hard work on this--not just you, but everyone who worked on this revamp.
When I first started playing STO, I'd seen a few screenshots and I was super-excited to fly around in the vastness of space. While at first space did give me that feeling, as soon as I started realizing how it was actually constructed, and running into zone borders and (worse) the artificial "invisible walls" of deep space everywhere, that feeling faded rapidly. It was actually quite disheartening.
Everything I'm seeing about the revamp makes it look and sound a lot more like what I had originally imagined the game to be. I can't wait to get out there and start exploring, figuring out my doffing routes, and blazing a trail in the new Tour the Galaxy.
Fleet Admiral L'Yern - Screenshot and doffing addict
Eclipse Class Intel Cruiser U.S.S. Dioscuria NX-91121-A - Interactive Crew Roster
I was rather surprised by the new location of Nimbus III, but I don't really have a problem with it. Considering the plot of Star Trek V, it makes sense to me that it would be located far "north", near the galactic core.
I assume the only reason it was shoved in Tau Dewa sector in the first place was because of its association with the Legacy of Romulus expansion.
I am glad all of the questions you answered though out all the tribble testing was brought into one post. Very helpful for those who don't dig through the forums.
Oh dear, they've even gone as far to state in mission text that Sol is in the Beta quadrant... :rolleyes:
Genuinely surprised they've done this as it is a whopper.
Edit: in reference to the whopper term, I assumed people would have understood that this meant the division issue where Sol is in both Alpha/Beta instead of exclusively Beta. Earth itself has always been in the Alpha quadrant through canon material.
Post edited by ussprometheus79 on
If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
*i especially like the bit where your forward thinking will put a bit of a halter on those who tend to be persistant in their sibulant, narcisistic rattling and prattling about anything change. always nice to make em work for their whine.
Updating now, but gave bits and pieces a spin on tribble.
I'd like to say, well done guys, we've been dreaming of this for a long time, and you've made it a reality. Though not 'the one map to rule them all', this is even better (all of the zooming in and out of systems to see everything orbiting, the beautiful artwork which has been done, the foundry system hooked up to give explorable content, the attention to canon, the filling out of key locations). Seriously, well done.
New home of the Romulan Republic.
I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
Might want to sticky this so more people see it, although knowing forums (and i've known a fair few) people will still not be likely to read it, thanks for the effort atleast
You could add an entrance to the Sol system on the edge of the Beta quadrant to emphasize its position on the border.
What I've seen on Tribble has me very excited to play.
Now hurry up and finish the patch already
You are on the forums almost everyday. I do not believe there is anything but salsa left.
I understand some of us are... less then enjoyable, nicely put, and frankly, it shows how you care, but do not let it get to your heart.
Perchance a song could bring some sanity back:
As Moon Hamadeh enjoys playing, I hope you equally enjoy the tune.
One, where is Hynerea?
Two, where are all of those TOS era Earth duplicates? (There were alot of those.)
Kidding aside, great work!
Before that, you were responsible for environmental art on CO.
What are you doing, having remaining sanity? Who authorized that??
I must say..I smirked at that
But it's a good list that hopefully most people will pay attention to.
Thanks, Taco!
Good job to you and the team, Taco.
Now... ON TO THE DS9 REVAMP!!!! (Pretty please?
Though I haven't been able to get to Tribble to see the new Sector Space, with you having a hand in it, I am sure that it looks great.
And thanks for the heads up post...
It wasn't authorized. He doesn't have any. He is in denial. We all know what that mean.
Just do what I do: blame Brannon Braga. :P
When I first tested it way back whenever it was, it was done really well so no doubt it has improved. It'll certainly help the immersion factor for some people. Team have done a great job.
When I first started playing STO, I'd seen a few screenshots and I was super-excited to fly around in the vastness of space. While at first space did give me that feeling, as soon as I started realizing how it was actually constructed, and running into zone borders and (worse) the artificial "invisible walls" of deep space everywhere, that feeling faded rapidly. It was actually quite disheartening.
Everything I'm seeing about the revamp makes it look and sound a lot more like what I had originally imagined the game to be. I can't wait to get out there and start exploring, figuring out my doffing routes, and blazing a trail in the new Tour the Galaxy.
Eclipse Class Intel Cruiser U.S.S. Dioscuria NX-91121-A - Interactive Crew Roster
I was rather surprised by the new location of Nimbus III, but I don't really have a problem with it. Considering the plot of Star Trek V, it makes sense to me that it would be located far "north", near the galactic core.
I assume the only reason it was shoved in Tau Dewa sector in the first place was because of its association with the Legacy of Romulus expansion.
Hail Taco the forum overlord
I am glad all of the questions you answered though out all the tribble testing was brought into one post. Very helpful for those who don't dig through the forums.
Genuinely surprised they've done this as it is a whopper.
Edit: in reference to the whopper term, I assumed people would have understood that this meant the division issue where Sol is in both Alpha/Beta instead of exclusively Beta. Earth itself has always been in the Alpha quadrant through canon material.
*i especially like the bit where your forward thinking will put a bit of a halter on those who tend to be persistant in their sibulant, narcisistic rattling and prattling about anything change. always nice to make em work for their whine.
I'd like to say, well done guys, we've been dreaming of this for a long time, and you've made it a reality. Though not 'the one map to rule them all', this is even better (all of the zooming in and out of systems to see everything orbiting, the beautiful artwork which has been done, the foundry system hooked up to give explorable content, the attention to canon, the filling out of key locations). Seriously, well done.
Shaka, when the walls fell.
I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.