Only ~4hours until we get to travel in wide open sector space, and take on the combined shiny might of the Iconian Heralds and their supporting cronies.
Are we going to be happy hyper players, bouncing around like rubber balls?
Are we going to be twinging, twanging and snapping like rubber bands?
To give them credit, we all thought DR would crash and held up on launch. I don't think Season 10 will have anywhere near that kind of traffic. Do enough players really care passionately about a revamped space map and a few STF's?
Only ~4hours until we get to travel in wide open sector space, and take on the combined shiny might of the Iconian Heralds and their supporting cronies.
Are we going to be happy hyper players, bouncing around like rubber balls?
Are we going to be twinging, twanging and snapping like rubber bands?
Season 10 will be the best season ever, and all the players will love it!:rolleyes:
So heres a question... Since for some stupid reason they decided to make Uneasy Allies a level 60 mission, does that mean if you haven't done it, your locked out of the two new ones, even though the new ones are level 10?
I forsee a lot of rubberbands and transwarps with this.
I for one am not looking forward to plotting a course from say, DS9 to Qo'nos only to have my ship herk-a-jerk along like a car about to run out of gas.
If what I observed on Tribble persists to holodeck, EVERYONE currently in Beta Quadrant sector space will find themselves in the Vulcan Sector. It's probably going to be one nasty clusterfudge when logging in.
My biggest concern for season updates is the behaviour of the automated instance generator. It is almost as if it never makes the list of things to check on release day.
Only ~4hours until we get to travel in wide open sector space, and take on the combined shiny might of the Iconian Heralds and their supporting cronies.
Are we going to be happy hyper players, bouncing around like rubber balls?
Are we going to be twinging, twanging and snapping like rubber bands?
Lets just say - Travelling at Warp in sector space will probably be 'interesting; and your warp field will not be fluid/stable. :eek:;):P
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I think I will simply limit myself to Doffing for the next couple of days. Though I may run one or two STF for each of my toons. Not going to bother with any missions that need 15+ minutes to complete just in case there are stability issues.
I am surprised how thin the new content offering is. These formidable enemies, the Iconians, who have been the central theme of STO for 5 years scheming in the dark, only get two story missions to do them in and a handful of STFs. Even the Vaudwaar, Undine and Voth got more attention. Lulz wut Cryptic?
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
We use to have featured episodes all the time. We called them Weekly Episodes back then, and there was more than 1 for a month.
You and I must be living different timelines.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
So im all patched, the loading screen looks very.. purple.. they've added the slider for bloom control, so i guess its just a waiting game (that seems to be stretching oooONnnn for ever) i see there is a wide swathe of opinion, from the crazily, must have this mistaken for some other game' optomistic view (thanks Peter, i'll just pretend /sarcasm isnt included lol) to some 'i was actually expecting much more feverish' pessimistic views. think i will sit plumb in the middle, and maybe follow the clever idea of just doffing for a day or 2, that way i'll get to experianc...... na frag it, i'll be hitting up the new q's and FE's, swearing like my much younger squaddie self, with the rest of the player base, as we lag, crash and experiance completely 'nonsense bugs' as per normal, and then rinse and repeat!! lets be honest, that is what release day is all about!! oh and the... SHiNeY SHiNeY... SHiNeY SHiNeY
as there will likely be some down time over the next few days i thought it may be a good plan to put my build in a new box.. so bought this to fill in the time productively lol
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Time will only tell!
Thanks for the morning chuckle that brought me.
Season 10 will be the best season ever, and all the players will love it!:rolleyes:
lol beat you to that one by days
wanted to beat the Delta Meme n00bs LOL
Join Date a player made up is NOT correct!
"Obviously, Captain, you humans are sadly lacking in both patience and emotional self-control."
"What else is new, Mr. Spock?"
I for one am not looking forward to plotting a course from say, DS9 to Qo'nos only to have my ship herk-a-jerk along like a car about to run out of gas.
We use to have featured episodes all the time. We called them Weekly Episodes back then, and there was more than 1 for a month.
I don't think so ... unless you wait until they're moved to Level 60 as well ...
;P LOL of course...
I was posting that last week but lag you know :eek:
Lets just say - Travelling at Warp in sector space will probably be 'interesting; and your warp field will not be fluid/stable. :eek:;):P
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
thats what they all say, accpt you got 2nd place on this as it wont chance to fact someone got their before you LOL
wanted to beat the Delta Meme n00bs LOL
Join Date a player made up is NOT correct!
...Will it Blend?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
Also Billy Preston's outfit is in keeping with the Iconian Armour color palette.
You and I must be living different timelines.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
as there will likely be some down time over the next few days i thought it may be a good plan to put my build in a new box.. so bought this to fill in the time productively lol
Phanteks Evolv Mini-ITX case
im assuming bounce is good and twang is bad, if thats the case, it looks like it twanged :P
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
indeed, that was my thinking, so im glad i decided to put some of my attention elsewhere, and well.. rainy day retail tech therapy always works!!