I've decided to disregard the temporal prime directive by contacting you. To do otherwise would be... Illogical. The universe as you know it is about to change drastically. In the not too distant future you, your fellow officers and colleagues, loved ones and even those you considered to be your enemies face a threat like none you have faced before. The coming days will test your abilities as admirals, as starship captains and as soldiers for the preservation of life as you know it. The future I'm contacting you from is bleak, we were not ready when the Iconians struck. Many of you have died, honourable deaths, but avoidable ones. There is little time left, you must prepare... I'm hoping beyond hope that my calculations are correct and this message reaches you in time to prevent what happened, or in your case, what could happen.
The decisions you make in the next few days will have repercussions throughout the entire galaxy.
Tomorrow's lottery numbers would assist in the struggle.
- The Red Knight
*busts down your door while wearing a Starfleet uniform*
Time to boldy go, losers.
#this is how you SHOULD collect your crew from shore leave
Indeed, so too would slashing prices across the universe!
The struggle is real -_-