The game has finally come to an end for me and id imagine quite a few other players as well.
The company no longer cares for its player base, I havent been able to login for more than 5
mins in the last 5 days, And if im to be banned from forums again let me say this, @ laughing
trendy, Anything i take the time to post on this forum is neither flaming nor trolling it is fact
and the truth. If u cant handle either i suggest u find a new line of work, Might i suggest
politics as youre quite good at hiding the truth and facts, Just sweep it under the rug and
hope it goes away
I've never had any problem, and I've been playing several hours a day several days a week since delta recruitment came, so maybe you should get a better internet provider.
I've never had any problem, and I've been playing several hours a day several days a week since delta recruitment came, so maybe you should get a better internet provider.
Yeah some of these threads make me wonder about people
I've never had any problem, and I've been playing several hours a day several days a week since delta recruitment came, so maybe you should get a better internet provider.
Your fortunate then. There are many users having the same issue, including me. That being said, they've acknowledged that there is an issue with not only STO but all their titles and they are trying to get it fixed. The issue seems to be between Cogent and certain ISP's. Knowing that, I'm not sure how much they can do about it. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon but I'm not holding my breath.
Your fortunate then. There are many users having the same issue, including me. That being said, they've acknowledged that there is an issue with not only STO but all their titles and they are trying to get it fixed. The issue seems to be between Cogent and certain ISP's. Knowing that, I'm not sure how much they can do about it. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon but I'm not holding my breath.
I've read something about verizon having problems with cogent, luckily my country has no such problems, our internet providers are reliable, bad customer support, and they try to rip us off, but reliable.
We'll meet again,
Don't know where,don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away.
So will you please say hello,
To the folks that I know,
Tell them I won't be long, (i wont be long)
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go
I was singing this song.
I've read something about verizon having problems with cogent, luckily my country has no such problems, our internet providers are reliable, bad customer support, and they try to rip us off, but reliable.
The game has finally come to an end for me and id imagine quite a few other players as well.
While you can't speak for anyone other than yourself, I think it is a true statement that more than one person quit the game on a daily basis. Conversely, I think it is also true that more than one person join the game on a daily basis. I think both of those facts are also true of every other MMO. So thanks for sharing such interesting information!
While you can't speak for anyone other than yourself, I think it is a true statement that more than one person quit the game on a daily basis. Conversely, I think it is also true that more than one person join the game on a daily basis. I think both of those facts are also true of every other MMO. So thanks for sharing such interesting information!
if you want to leave op, then go ahead, but complaining about how you got stiffed when you are a customer and being here is not a right, then by all means keep crying. you hold no sway here.
there are already enough replies beyond this to bury this thread anyway, but thats not my concern. il go post elsewhere on this forum now.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The game is finished? Thank God! I was getting so tired of trying to spend all this Zen I did not buy. Now I do not need to worry about it any more.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I've never had any problem, and I've been playing several hours a day several days a week since delta recruitment came, so maybe you should get a better internet provider.
just what I was thinking, I have played extensively, over half way through levelling up my second delta plus doing a few doff missions with my main characters and collecting delta rewards, no problems with my connection at all either at home on my home net provider or when away on my mobile net provider.
I'm wondering if the OP has considered the fact that they are prepatching for season 10 while he is logged into the game. I know that hammered me pretty good while trying to play "Of Bajor" last night. The solution: Turn off on-demand patching and relog, let the game patch it's 3+ gigs, then login.
Course then he would probably be making rage-quit threats about having wait a day to play because the game is patching.
I'm wondering if the OP has considered the fact that they are prepatching for season 10 while he is logged into the game. I know that hammered me pretty good while trying to play "Of Bajor" last night. The solution: Turn off on-demand patching and relog, let the game patch it's 3+ gigs, then login.
Course then he would probably be making rage-quit threats about having wait a day to play because the game is patching.
There's a separate issue, it seems, but "engineers are working on it." Apart from that I don't see what the Op wants. Yah, it sucks and I'll say from my POV its not the first time its happened (ex. the LoR server implosion).
But however frustrated you may be, it still doesn't make cries for attention any more justified. The game worked, it doesn't now for some as yet unspecified percentage of the player base (likely on the small side.) Soon it should start working again (since there hasn't been a mass connection issue that hasn't been fixed.) When? Depends. Keep calm and carry on.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as OP. I think there's a Cogent issue, like someone has mentioned, as they are in between my ISP and STO in tracert and I'm affected.
Hopefully they'll get it figured out soon. In the meantime, I'm not able to get on or play, though. All my other downloads and games are working fine but what I want most is to play STO.
Here's what's happening to the people like me and OP:
-patcher updater has a hard time connecting and takes multiple tries
-patcher/launcher loaded everything very slowly
-game connects to account and login servers slowly
-characters take forever to load on the character select screen
-When attempting to enter game, it often times out before getting in game
-When in the game, constant 'server not responding' messages happening and it drops me out of the game in minutes, and especially during map changes
It definitely seems connectivity related. However my ISP and computer are working normally on speed test sites and such. Since other players are able to play normally that seems to me that the problem is not player-based and not Cryptic-based but the networks in between.
Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
They're probably the same person just trolling thinking he/she is proving a good point yet really they're just trolling. .
Yeah some of these threads make me wonder about people
Your fortunate then. There are many users having the same issue, including me. That being said, they've acknowledged that there is an issue with not only STO but all their titles and they are trying to get it fixed. The issue seems to be between Cogent and certain ISP's. Knowing that, I'm not sure how much they can do about it. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon but I'm not holding my breath.
I've read something about verizon having problems with cogent, luckily my country has no such problems, our internet providers are reliable, bad customer support, and they try to rip us off, but reliable.
Someone else put up a "Goodbye cruel game" earlier today.
That one sank to the bottom of the page. Now there's a fresh corpse to poke with a stick.:P
I brought sticks for everyone!!! One for you and one for, no I didn't forget about you. Hey you! Yeah you! You need a stick? I have plenty!
Don't know where,don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away.
So will you please say hello,
To the folks that I know,
Tell them I won't be long, (i wont be long)
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go
I was singing this song.
Oh, and can I has your stuffs?
Sounds like you are a fellow Canadian.
While you can't speak for anyone other than yourself, I think it is a true statement that more than one person quit the game on a daily basis. Conversely, I think it is also true that more than one person join the game on a daily basis. I think both of those facts are also true of every other MMO. So thanks for sharing such interesting information!
Join Date: Sep 2008
Close call, I'm spanish, only 7000km away.
there are already enough replies beyond this to bury this thread anyway, but thats not my concern. il go post elsewhere on this forum now.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Bye bye.
I knew this day would come.
just what I was thinking, I have played extensively, over half way through levelling up my second delta plus doing a few doff missions with my main characters and collecting delta rewards, no problems with my connection at all either at home on my home net provider or when away on my mobile net provider.
they all try to rip us off but at least I always have a good connection especially at home on the old fiber optic.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Course then he would probably be making rage-quit threats about having wait a day to play because the game is patching.
There's a separate issue, it seems, but "engineers are working on it." Apart from that I don't see what the Op wants. Yah, it sucks and I'll say from my POV its not the first time its happened (ex. the LoR server implosion).
But however frustrated you may be, it still doesn't make cries for attention any more justified. The game worked, it doesn't now for some as yet unspecified percentage of the player base (likely on the small side.) Soon it should start working again (since there hasn't been a mass connection issue that hasn't been fixed.) When? Depends. Keep calm and carry on.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Hopefully they'll get it figured out soon. In the meantime, I'm not able to get on or play, though. All my other downloads and games are working fine but what I want most is to play STO.
Here's what's happening to the people like me and OP:
-patcher updater has a hard time connecting and takes multiple tries
-patcher/launcher loaded everything very slowly
-game connects to account and login servers slowly
-characters take forever to load on the character select screen
-When attempting to enter game, it often times out before getting in game
-When in the game, constant 'server not responding' messages happening and it drops me out of the game in minutes, and especially during map changes
It definitely seems connectivity related. However my ISP and computer are working normally on speed test sites and such. Since other players are able to play normally that seems to me that the problem is not player-based and not Cryptic-based but the networks in between.
Doooooom The End Is Nigh Doooooom Doooooom Doooooom. .