first lets focus on what lag really means - It means that connection of information have trouble to get from point A to B in time and it takes more time than expected.
well in this game it seams like data during the lag is LOST for ever XD (in black hole maybe) NO other game online have such thing lol :rolleyes:
borg how ever have no lag effect and they are fine :cool: you may push 10 skills and only 1 will turn on but timer on this 9 will exist and when you trying to use gravity well to minimize lag effect it will turn out gravity well have lag of its own XD
i know i am saying something obvious but NO OTHER GAME ONLINE have such strange lag effect
And as the CM has stated several times on the forum, they have their Engineers looking for the problem. It is happening in all their games, not just STO, but it is only happening to a certain percentage of the player-base rather then everyone, and that makes it much harder to track down.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
1. That's pattently untrue (I can say that having played other games. Lag isn't an invention of cryptic's.)
2. There's a networking support forum a few sections down. Run the recommended diagnostic tests (path ping and tracert) to confirm where your connection issues are taking place for two reasons.
a. Just because STO is the only game in your immediate field of view having lag issues that doesn't automatically mean that those issues are attributable to that game (it may only be that one most affected.)
b.Nor does your issues with STO automatically lump you into the "certain percetage of the player base" problem at cryptic's end. You may still have something to fix at your end (even after cryptic get's their **** together).
In short: troubleshoot. Don't just look at the symptoms (and amputate from there) but try to think at just where the system has stopped working. You don't help anyone (yourself included) by just whining.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I've certainly this week been experiencing a lot more lag and rubber banding than i have previously, The main map offender seems to be Infected Space, although it does spread to Crystal Entity, Cure Space and to a lesser extent Khitomer Space for me
However system patrols seem to be a lot less effected, prob due to only 1 player occupying the instance and only 1 person shooting off powers and skills.
There is def some inherent issue somewhere for so many people to be effected by this lag monster. Reading previous posts not everyone is affected but there is a very large number of people who are. which implies the problem is somewhere between Cryptic's server and our connection.
And thats the difficult thing to lock down where the problem lies as it is not the players connection, as players from all over the global have reported problems so thats multiple ISP's and Carriers from different countries its not a localised issue.
So the problem points back to Cryptic and the big void that is cyberspace between Cryptic's server and our computers.
I personally think its as much the coding of the game that is to blame as internet issues. Inefficient coding eating up core system memory causing the game engine to stutter and freeze presenting us with lag and rubbering banding
A example of this is activating a space power that is not on cd and the icon refreshing itself so although it is a open skill to use the icon refreshes and locks you out of using it for 2-3 secs. Even if you haven't activated anything else or been button meshing.
But until Cryptic can identify where any fault lies this is all speculation and assumption.
i know i am saying something obvious but NO OTHER GAME ONLINE have such strange lag effect
LOL this is funny
This effect is called "time dilation" where the responses are behind the messages being sent so there is a disconnect and hence the "lag".
However there is no such thing as a lag free MMO or even basic multiplayer game (those are worse really because it relies on the host connection of people's personal isp's more then the standard MMO).
The fact that not everone is experiencing it even also tends to lend itself to the idea that its a network issue along the way servicing a particular portion of the world. I live in Canada .. which is known for its very high ping.. I dont "lag" in this game very often. However to say that I have never experienced such things in other games would be an outright lie because just the fact tis on the internet means there is gonna be lag.
If your saying you have not experience this in other games then either your playing games with extremely low populations or are only playing this game. STO is actually pretty busy right now so lag is to be expected at peak play times.
There surely is a lot of communications traffic going on in online MMOs like this. It's really heating up my CPU; not the graphics but the internet traffic in both directions of player and enemy locations and actions.
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
Well, the best we have been able to determine regarding lag is that it is refresh related. The high dps'rs have been experiencing lag since DR. And, it continues to get worse. We did some testing and have so far theorized it is due to specialization trees and ship traits. Everyone else is experiencing it now as more and more toons are getting their spec points and filing out their specialization trees.
AHOD for example is constantly sending player status to server--so constant stream of updates. Put 5 players with that trait on, and. . . .well you get the idea. Other traits and tree items are dong the same. When we are getting zero packet drops with 35ms traceroutes, and still massive rubberbanding, we know it is not us or our connections--furthermore, we are from all over (US, Canada, England, and Germany). And, if you REALLY want to see lag, come on a high dps run. It is completely unplayable--and I truly mean that, you can not do anything. Your ships simply sits stills and "twitches" back and forth for 10-15 seconds.
We are also getting ridiculous amount of ability misfires. I even chained 4 faw bugs in a row with 2 eptw and 1 evassive bug. Faw bug is where you hit your ability and it goes into a shared cool down of 20 seconds with your other copy, and you are ONLY firing single beams on single target. So, basically your dps is nerfed for 20 seconds. And are only firing on 1 target.
The game is ridiculously broken on Cryptic's side. They know this, yet refuse to do anything about it. Their solution is to release season 10 and introduce a larger pilot tree only to add even more to the lag.
But more importantly, "WHEN IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO BRING BACK NO WIN SCEARIO???" Please do not allow NWS to go the way of Terradome--never to be seen or heard of again.
2. There's a networking support forum a few sections down. Run the recommended diagnostic tests (path ping and tracert) to confirm where your connection issues are taking place for two reasons.
a. Just because STO is the only game in your immediate field of view having lag issues that doesn't automatically mean that those issues are attributable to that game (it may only be that one most affected.)
b.Nor does your issues with STO automatically lump you into the "certain percetage of the player base" problem at cryptic's end. You may still have something to fix at your end (even after cryptic get's their **** together).
In short: troubleshoot. Don't just look at the symptoms (and amputate from there) but try to think at just where the system has stopped working. You don't help anyone (yourself included) by just whining.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
However system patrols seem to be a lot less effected, prob due to only 1 player occupying the instance and only 1 person shooting off powers and skills.
There is def some inherent issue somewhere for so many people to be effected by this lag monster. Reading previous posts not everyone is affected but there is a very large number of people who are. which implies the problem is somewhere between Cryptic's server and our connection.
And thats the difficult thing to lock down where the problem lies as it is not the players connection, as players from all over the global have reported problems so thats multiple ISP's and Carriers from different countries its not a localised issue.
So the problem points back to Cryptic and the big void that is cyberspace between Cryptic's server and our computers.
I personally think its as much the coding of the game that is to blame as internet issues. Inefficient coding eating up core system memory causing the game engine to stutter and freeze presenting us with lag and rubbering banding
A example of this is activating a space power that is not on cd and the icon refreshing itself so although it is a open skill to use the icon refreshes and locks you out of using it for 2-3 secs. Even if you haven't activated anything else or been button meshing.
But until Cryptic can identify where any fault lies this is all speculation and assumption.
LOL this is funny
This effect is called "time dilation" where the responses are behind the messages being sent so there is a disconnect and hence the "lag".
However there is no such thing as a lag free MMO or even basic multiplayer game (those are worse really because it relies on the host connection of people's personal isp's more then the standard MMO).
The fact that not everone is experiencing it even also tends to lend itself to the idea that its a network issue along the way servicing a particular portion of the world. I live in Canada .. which is known for its very high ping.. I dont "lag" in this game very often. However to say that I have never experienced such things in other games would be an outright lie because just the fact tis on the internet means there is gonna be lag.
If your saying you have not experience this in other games then either your playing games with extremely low populations or are only playing this game. STO is actually pretty busy right now so lag is to be expected at peak play times.
Analogous to "yes" keep telling it to yourself and you will see 5 lights instead of 4. Cardis would LOVE that ASTONISHING logic :D:D
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
AHOD for example is constantly sending player status to server--so constant stream of updates. Put 5 players with that trait on, and. . . .well you get the idea. Other traits and tree items are dong the same. When we are getting zero packet drops with 35ms traceroutes, and still massive rubberbanding, we know it is not us or our connections--furthermore, we are from all over (US, Canada, England, and Germany). And, if you REALLY want to see lag, come on a high dps run. It is completely unplayable--and I truly mean that, you can not do anything. Your ships simply sits stills and "twitches" back and forth for 10-15 seconds.
We are also getting ridiculous amount of ability misfires. I even chained 4 faw bugs in a row with 2 eptw and 1 evassive bug. Faw bug is where you hit your ability and it goes into a shared cool down of 20 seconds with your other copy, and you are ONLY firing single beams on single target. So, basically your dps is nerfed for 20 seconds. And are only firing on 1 target.
The game is ridiculously broken on Cryptic's side. They know this, yet refuse to do anything about it. Their solution is to release season 10 and introduce a larger pilot tree only to add even more to the lag.
But more importantly, "WHEN IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO BRING BACK NO WIN SCEARIO???" Please do not allow NWS to go the way of Terradome--never to be seen or heard of again.
DPS Channels / League Info (STO Forums)