Now that my Delta nublet (Sci K-Rom) has reached level 60, I find myself woefully underinformed about singularity cores. I got my Tac a +Shield +Aux [AMP] core back when they were new and gave the matter no further thought. Is there a resource somewhere detailing the mods and such cores get on rarity upgrades?
Since the Obelisk core is not available for Romulans and there's no T6 Sci warbird, I suppose it's best to continue playing like a Tac with a side of crowd control and exotic damage (it's my understanding that a focused exotic build is very expensive).
So, I'm looking at space sets and singularity cores and see no obviously superior combination. Counter-Command deflector and engines has a fair Part Gen bonus, Acc, Def and inertia. Solanae set has a hefty Part Gen boost, but unimpressive set bonus and no bonus Aux power. Assimilated has both nice set bonus and extra Aux, but no Part Gen. Honor Guard deflector's bonuses are all over the place, almost all of them useful, and the 2-piece set bonus is very nice. Thoughts?
What about the Spire singularity cores? Just how useful does the power level drain resistance and regeneration end up being compared to straight-up extra power?
While a T5-U won't be able to dip into some of interesting Hybrid slots, they're still viable. Though, that said, Romulan T5-U Sci ship choices aren't very numerous or as flexible as some of the Fed Sci ships, on top of the whole core power issue.
For the set bonuses, KHG's big thing is the two-set bonus, which means that you can take the shields and engines get that nice Aux/crew regen/torp damage boost and then pair them with a Deflector from another set for even more Aux power from the Delta or Borg Deflector or the really high Particle Gens from the Solanae.
For more Aux power, you have to lean on consoles or BOff abilities more than a Fed or KDF would. One of the big consoles is the Plasmonic Leech which drains power from what you're shooting at and gives you power while you do that. Since you seem to be KDF allied, it's a 1000Z account-wide purchase by buying the Vandal destroyer. Besides that, there are dedicated Aux power boosting "Booster Modulator" Engineering consoles, both the Conductive RCS and Exotic Particle Field Exciter crafted consoles can have [AuxPwr] which gives some, and a surprising amount of the Reputation Universal consoles give +2 to +3 Aux each. There's also Emergency Power to Auxiliary, which not only gives a boost in Aux power, but Particle Gens as well. Put it in rotation with EPtS using Damage Control Engineers and get a fair bit of durability and Sci magics. Energy Siphon gives a fair bit of energy to all subsystems if you have good Flow Caps skills (I'd max out the skill and grab a Secondary Deflector with Flow Caps on it), pair it at a high rank with Plasmonic Leech and you shouldn't have much trouble with power.
Spire cores are more for pure energy damage, particularly since UR Singularity Cores don't have a proper power copy [x -> x] modifier. I'd go with a Dil Mine core with Overcharged being one of the base types if you want to Sci it up. Most Reputation cores do get [AMP] at Ultra-Rare, but I forget the exceptions off hand. All Epic core mods are bugged to be [W -> S], which you can't double up on for A-M cores and only provide limited help to a Sci-ish ship anyway, and they'll be fixed to be something else eventually.
I made a kdf rom sci as delta recruit and so far I just bought an overcharged singularity core with part gens or grav gens mod. That should do it for a while. Regarding sets, for a start I use Aegis (~10 million on exchange). It does not offer anything for science abilities, but it is very defensive and I can use it right away. For later I want to use KHG deflector + shield for the great boni (aux, torpedo damage, etc). Also, the deflector offers a lot for a science captain (grav gens, part gens, flow caps, subspace decomp, ...). For engines, I like the reman ones (+def and shield heal).
Other good cores are:
Kobali -> for the nice shield heal. Unfortunately not available for delta recruits, yet.
Solanae -> Overcharged warp core with subspace fold (nice, if you like tour the universe), very expensive (600 lobi), though.
There are a couple of combinations of ship gear one can think about:
KHG deflector + shields and breen engines + core:
--> thats nice, if you want to use transphasic torpedoes (torp dmg bonus from KHG and transphasic bonus from breen set; also PG mod on the core). Breen engines are free, for the core we have to wait till winter event.
2 or 3 piece Jem hadar set:
--> good for drain heavy builds with polarons as weapons. Completely free.
Solanae deflector and 2-piece KHG or MACO or Rom/Reman or whatever:
--> the Solanae deflector offers 50 to part gens at MK XIV ultra rare. 2-piece Rom/Reman set offers +17.5 to part gens and some boni for plasma projectiles (speed and def). KHG boni see above. MACO offers a reduction in bridge officer abilitiy cool downs, but the shield cannot be used together with plasmonic leech.
Regarding ships. Romulans are not lucky here and need to invest. I use the dyson bundle at the moment as I had it anyway. Nice science vessels, but not enough engineering for my taste. Other than that, the Voth science vessel is one of the best science vessels in game. There are also the temporal science vessel and the tholian orb weaver. All lock box/lobi, but still worth the money with the voth ship being the cheapest (and best in my opinion).
There are two interesting alternatives for Roms though: The T'varo and the Faeht. Both work nicely as torp boats and both have enhanced battle cloak. That means you can fire torpedoes and Gravity wells(!) while cloaked. Both offer plenty of sci Boff and console slots. You can run on full aux ignoring weapon damage. The Faeht allows you to use OSS as intel ship (for higher maximum aux power). Both are small compared to most romulan ships (if you do not like oversized monsters like the scimitar).
--> thats nice, if you want to use transphasic torpedoes (torp dmg bonus from KHG and transphasic bonus from breen set; also PG mod on the core). Breen engines are free, for the core we have to wait till winter event.
Just want to point out:
KHG/AMACO 2-set only boosts torpedos. Cluster Torpedoes, the main damage of a Transphasic build, are technically mines.
The 2-set is great if you want to run any other kind of torpedo build though.
I was already familliar with the older reputation sets, but I had not considered the Breen 2-piece. Then again, it's a long time 'till winter event, and I see transphasics as more of a PvP thing, since NPCs are mostly hull and only a few of them manage their shield facings.
Currently my DR is flying a Faeht, as I already had it unlocked, along with Leech and Valdore consoles. Maxed Flow Caps, Part Gens and Grav Gens. Not going to bother with sensor scrambling or disables like VM. T5-U Fleet Ha'Nom might be an option, but it feels silly paying for a ship on its way out the door. I refuse to fly non-faction alien ships, no matter how good they are.
Ended up picking a Fleet Reinforced core with Shield, Aux, Part Gen bonus and [AMP]. I forgot that fleet cores weren't in the 50k+ credit range, just 14k or so. There must be a better way to find out about UR/Epic mods than trial and error... maybe Tribble?
the biggest fail is that you cant get the sci buff cores AND amp. I think there is a pgen boosting core, for example, but that replaces amp...
which one you use just depends on your needs. I like to add singularity power levels to my weapon or aux or something. Since roms HAVE NO science ships at t6 and nothing worth mentioning at t5, my sci captain is flying either non-rom ships (breen carrier, etc) which don't use sing cores or flying some weird hybrid (command cruiser, for one, faeht at times, just depends on my mood, its my main toon and has an entire fleet of stuff to pick from). Lacking a real sci ship, I rely on hybrid weapon damage builds with sci support and that can be amazing but the choice of core is not selected to buff pure science...
I refuse to fly non-faction alien ships, no matter how good they are.
Ended up picking a Fleet Reinforced core with Shield, Aux, Part Gen bonus and [AMP]. I forgot that fleet cores weren't in the 50k+ credit range, just 14k or so. There must be a better way to find out about UR/Epic mods than trial and error... maybe Tribble?
Oh, if the refusal is based on RP and not expense, there are the Tal Shiar Adapted vessels, which are technically Romulan, though they only have standard cloak and A-M cores. The Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Crusier (looks like a Narada-Lite) can be made into a decent Sci boat with Commander Universal slot set to Sci in addition to its fixed Lt. Comm Sci, and, while it lacks subsystem targeting and Secondary Deflector, it does have Sensor Analysis. Quite a capable ship at T5-U, and --if you're spendy-- the three set bonus (warp core included with both, then both TSA Destroyer and TSA Battle Cruiser ship consoles) adds in a proc similar to the Deteriorating Secondary Deflector.
You can take cores and level them on Tribble, but the resources to get a core to increase in rarity starting with a Mk XII is quite immense, it took me 7 passes to get a Tal Shiar core to go UR, at 100k TP each run (it gets a chance for more weapon power when hit by energy damage, BTW). There is a thread somewhere on what at least some of the cores get, but I usually have to Google for it.
For the set bonuses, KHG's big thing is the two-set bonus, which means that you can take the shields and engines get that nice Aux/crew regen/torp damage boost and then pair them with a Deflector from another set for even more Aux power from the Delta or Borg Deflector or the really high Particle Gens from the Solanae.
For more Aux power, you have to lean on consoles or BOff abilities more than a Fed or KDF would. One of the big consoles is the Plasmonic Leech which drains power from what you're shooting at and gives you power while you do that. Since you seem to be KDF allied, it's a 1000Z account-wide purchase by buying the Vandal destroyer. Besides that, there are dedicated Aux power boosting "Booster Modulator" Engineering consoles, both the Conductive RCS and Exotic Particle Field Exciter crafted consoles can have [AuxPwr] which gives some, and a surprising amount of the Reputation Universal consoles give +2 to +3 Aux each. There's also Emergency Power to Auxiliary, which not only gives a boost in Aux power, but Particle Gens as well. Put it in rotation with EPtS using Damage Control Engineers and get a fair bit of durability and Sci magics. Energy Siphon gives a fair bit of energy to all subsystems if you have good Flow Caps skills (I'd max out the skill and grab a Secondary Deflector with Flow Caps on it), pair it at a high rank with Plasmonic Leech and you shouldn't have much trouble with power.
Spire cores are more for pure energy damage, particularly since UR Singularity Cores don't have a proper power copy [x -> x] modifier. I'd go with a Dil Mine core with Overcharged being one of the base types if you want to Sci it up. Most Reputation cores do get [AMP] at Ultra-Rare, but I forget the exceptions off hand. All Epic core mods are bugged to be [W -> S], which you can't double up on for A-M cores and only provide limited help to a Sci-ish ship anyway, and they'll be fixed to be something else eventually.
Other good cores are:
Kobali -> for the nice shield heal. Unfortunately not available for delta recruits, yet.
Solanae -> Overcharged warp core with subspace fold (nice, if you like tour the universe), very expensive (600 lobi), though.
There are a couple of combinations of ship gear one can think about:
KHG deflector + shields and breen engines + core:
--> thats nice, if you want to use transphasic torpedoes (torp dmg bonus from KHG and transphasic bonus from breen set; also PG mod on the core). Breen engines are free, for the core we have to wait till winter event.
2 or 3 piece Jem hadar set:
--> good for drain heavy builds with polarons as weapons. Completely free.
Solanae deflector and 2-piece KHG or MACO or Rom/Reman or whatever:
--> the Solanae deflector offers 50 to part gens at MK XIV ultra rare. 2-piece Rom/Reman set offers +17.5 to part gens and some boni for plasma projectiles (speed and def). KHG boni see above. MACO offers a reduction in bridge officer abilitiy cool downs, but the shield cannot be used together with plasmonic leech.
For more info on skills and aux, see here:
Regarding ships. Romulans are not lucky here and need to invest. I use the dyson bundle at the moment as I had it anyway. Nice science vessels, but not enough engineering for my taste. Other than that, the Voth science vessel is one of the best science vessels in game. There are also the temporal science vessel and the tholian orb weaver. All lock box/lobi, but still worth the money with the voth ship being the cheapest (and best in my opinion).
There are two interesting alternatives for Roms though: The T'varo and the Faeht. Both work nicely as torp boats and both have enhanced battle cloak. That means you can fire torpedoes and Gravity wells(!) while cloaked. Both offer plenty of sci Boff and console slots. You can run on full aux ignoring weapon damage. The Faeht allows you to use OSS as intel ship (for higher maximum aux power). Both are small compared to most romulan ships (if you do not like oversized monsters like the scimitar).
Just want to point out:
KHG/AMACO 2-set only boosts torpedos. Cluster Torpedoes, the main damage of a Transphasic build, are technically mines.
The 2-set is great if you want to run any other kind of torpedo build though.
Yes, thats why I wrote transphasic torpedoes But of course it is good to mention the cluster torp that is excluded here.
I was already familliar with the older reputation sets, but I had not considered the Breen 2-piece. Then again, it's a long time 'till winter event, and I see transphasics as more of a PvP thing, since NPCs are mostly hull and only a few of them manage their shield facings.
Currently my DR is flying a Faeht, as I already had it unlocked, along with Leech and Valdore consoles. Maxed Flow Caps, Part Gens and Grav Gens. Not going to bother with sensor scrambling or disables like VM. T5-U Fleet Ha'Nom might be an option, but it feels silly paying for a ship on its way out the door. I refuse to fly non-faction alien ships, no matter how good they are.
Ended up picking a Fleet Reinforced core with Shield, Aux, Part Gen bonus and [AMP]. I forgot that fleet cores weren't in the 50k+ credit range, just 14k or so. There must be a better way to find out about UR/Epic mods than trial and error... maybe Tribble?
which one you use just depends on your needs. I like to add singularity power levels to my weapon or aux or something. Since roms HAVE NO science ships at t6 and nothing worth mentioning at t5, my sci captain is flying either non-rom ships (breen carrier, etc) which don't use sing cores or flying some weird hybrid (command cruiser, for one, faeht at times, just depends on my mood, its my main toon and has an entire fleet of stuff to pick from). Lacking a real sci ship, I rely on hybrid weapon damage builds with sci support and that can be amazing but the choice of core is not selected to buff pure science...
Oh, if the refusal is based on RP and not expense, there are the Tal Shiar Adapted vessels, which are technically Romulan, though they only have standard cloak and A-M cores. The Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Crusier (looks like a Narada-Lite) can be made into a decent Sci boat with Commander Universal slot set to Sci in addition to its fixed Lt. Comm Sci, and, while it lacks subsystem targeting and Secondary Deflector, it does have Sensor Analysis. Quite a capable ship at T5-U, and --if you're spendy-- the three set bonus (warp core included with both, then both TSA Destroyer and TSA Battle Cruiser ship consoles) adds in a proc similar to the Deteriorating Secondary Deflector.
You can take cores and level them on Tribble, but the resources to get a core to increase in rarity starting with a Mk XII is quite immense, it took me 7 passes to get a Tal Shiar core to go UR, at 100k TP each run (it gets a chance for more weapon power when hit by energy damage, BTW). There is a thread somewhere on what at least some of the cores get, but I usually have to Google for it.