Thanks for your help with my T5U Odyssey v. T6 Guardian problem. I stuck with the Odyssey! I've just recently bought the T6 pathfinder, and have been making use of the Aeroshuttle Console slot on it in battle. It's interesting and works really well, but i wanted to see what everybody thought- how does it stack up compared to the Aquarius Escort console?
I can't seem to compare them, as they have different measurements, the Aquarius has a crew stat, and the Aeroshuttle has a hull stat, so I'm not sure how/if they can compare.
Personally, all the "Pet Consoles" like Odyssey Aquarius, Aero Shuttle, Bortasqu' Hoh'sus BOP are pointless, dead weight on a build. They hardly do anything in combat, they cost a valuable Console Slot, and they die very quickly unless you pay extensive attention in keeping them alive, which no pet deserves in this game the way they perform. They also have long CDs. You are better off fitting a console that brings actual stats to your ship that will always be there than the likes of the Aero Shuttle.
The only possible exception to this whole thing is the Saucer Separation Consoles for the Galaxy/Galaxy-X, Odyssey or Assault Mode for the Sheshar. Those actually change by a great deal how the ship behaves.
If I'd had to choose, I'd go with the Aeroshuttle. It's got a few nifty science abilities that're worth using even if it does little after that. The Aquarius never did too much for my build as I preferred the saucer separation and you can't use both.
Both are equally useless. Those pets without an proper hangar UI are a waste. You have no control over wtf they are doing and chances are they start flying off into nowhere if they don't die within the 1st minute.
The only exception that comes to mind is the gal-x. But not because of the pet but the phaser lance shotgun it gains once its separated and maybe the ody since it gets quite a turn rate boost without the shephron.
The only possible exception to this whole thing is the Saucer Separation Consoles for the Galaxy/Galaxy-X, Odyssey or Assault Mode for the Sheshar. Those actually change by a great deal how the ship behaves.
The only exception that comes to mind is the gal-x. But not because of the pet but the phaser lance shotgun it gains once its separated and maybe the ody since it gets quite a turn rate boost without the shephron.