I'm Jim Martin and I'm part of the Star Trek Roleplayers fleet, as the name implies we are a Roleplaying heavy fleet that enjoys playing around in the universe that Gene Roddenberry created almost 50 years ago. We're not an advanced fleet. In fact we don't have much to offer in the way of infrastructure. (We have low level fleet Holdings) What we do have solid group of people who enjoy Roleplaying and who are willing to help new or old players in game as much as we know how.
Our fleet's mission out if character is simple, have fun and as much as we can stay true to the Star Trek Universe. We welcome all species, even player created ones provided they follow two simple rules. Those being 1.) Your character needs to make some sort of Logical sense. 2.) No All Powerful beings. We have further guidelines we would like our people to follow those can be found on out website which can be reached from a link that will be further down the post.
The in character entity for the Star Trek Roleplayers is the Unified Operations Command Allied Forces. (U.O.C.A.F.) This is a Joint command of the Romulan Republic, United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. It is modeled after NATO's Supreme Head Quarters Allied Forces. In short it's all the Major Governments sending forces to work together against mutal threats to their security.
If you're a roleplayer or you think you might like to try roleplaying please give us a try. Feel free to visit our website at http://www.startrekroleplayers.wix.com/startrekroleplayers for information or by contacting myself, at @jamesrmartin or other members of the fleet as you see us in game. I hope to hear from you soon! Enjoy the game, Live long and Prosper!
I'm looking to join an RP fleet and I've had a look at your website, looks promising. Could we meet up in game to discuss?
Thanks, Mark