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great idea for delta recruits before it ends

theo1985marstheo1985mars Member Posts: 1
edited April 2015 in Romulan Discussion
this is just an idea i think is good and i think alot of people how play would like this :)

you guys should hold a delta ship event for one week like the rest with 3 teirs where each tier gets you a copy of your favorite lobi ship or event ship you already own , so you pick three and then your get temperl copys you can use when you reach level 50 kinda like tokens you only get 3 for one accont and there accont locked

and i say this becouse at least for me the reason why i dont play ether toons and just my main like so many is becouse i cant play my favorit ships , so me its dreadnout i love them , and my favorit one is the elachi dread , and im not going to wait to save 500,000,000 or wait a years for that event to come out agian.

so i think this is a great idea for people how already owns or will own great ships
so lets bring the future back to the past guys :cool:
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