Kudos for finally allowing people to test the items without having to grind the PvE queues in Tribble. Hope this leads to less bugs in the set pieces and bonuses.
I was checking out the new space set, deflector, engines, core, shields, and I'm not really sure combat impulse engines synergize well with hyper injection warp/singularity cores. Combat engines are efficient the lower your engine power level, but hyper injection cores boost engine power. Kind of cross-purpose, yeah?
It seems like someone made a typo while creating the stats for the reputation (from the store) antiproton weapons. The innate crit severity bonus on the space weapons is only +10 (-10 from the normal +20 for antiproton), while the innate crit severity bonus on the ground weapons is +30 (+10 from the normal +20 for antiproton). This makes the space weapons not very desirable while making the ground weapons very desirable despite having a baked in DMG mode.
It seems like someone made a typo while creating the stats for the reputation antiproton weapons. The innate crit severity bonus on the space weapons is only +10 (-10 from the normal +20 for antiproton), while the innate crit severity bonus on the ground weapons is +30 (+10 from the normal +20 for antiproton). This makes the space weapons not very desirable while making the ground weapons very desirable despite having a baked in DMG mode.
It's a split mod for Space...trading 10 Critical Severity for the Temporary Hit Points proc while still having 3x [???] available. I didn't look at Ground.
Not to mention how ludicrous it and the Samsar console are - applying final modifiers to heals greater than the potential modifier gained by a SIF generator or emitter amplifier makes me question the balance of these new consoles vs existing consoles.
SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
Hopped on tribble just to check out the new set and here are some observations from a quick Japori patrol:
1) The radiant antiproton beams are about the same goldish color as spiral-wave disruptors. They might be tempting to players who want to try an antiproton build but want something that looks more like canon phasers than standard red antiprotons. The torpedoes are the same color.
2) Radiant antiproton uses a different sound effect than standard antiproton. Sounds similar to the Vaadwaur weapons.
3) The Advanced Radiant Hypercharge uses the same animation as beam overload and puts overload on a 15 second cool down after use. The hypercharge itself has a 2 minute cool down so I didn't really get to use it enough to judge how much scaling bonus damage it was doing to targets with less than 50% health.
4) Using both space sets the bonus hull seemed to proc often, the shields not quite as much.
5) Using the rep beam, rep torp, and two regular radiant arrays fore, and 4 reg radiant arrays aft the max 10 stacks of firing cycle haste built up fast and stayed there as long as I was in combat. At max stacks broadsiding felt like I was running a mini single target FAW (1/3 FAW?).
I've got a question about that Tier 5 Active...er, couple of questions, I guess.
...imgur is down as I type this, so instead of linking the image I'll just have to type it out...
Deploy Sensor Interference Platform Deploy Sensor Interference Platform - Taunt and Damage Debuff
Deploy a Sensor Interference Platform which redirects most weapons fire to itself. The platform generates an inhibiting feedback pulse around nearby allied vessels, reducing the damage of enemies who attack targets other than the platform.
Targets Self
Creates a level 60 Sensor Interference Platform for 45 sec
Platform gains 16,575 Bonus Hull for each allied target in range (up to 5)
Sensor Interference Platform
Taunts nearby enemies, forcing them to attack the platform
After 3 sec:
When an allied target is damaged, applies a -75% debuff for 3 sec to attacker
Hrmmm, where to start...where to start...
What's the area of effect, the range of the the interference?
It says in the narrative that it's a pulse and the stats mention after 3 sec and for 3 sec, so are there pulses every 3 sec?
The -75% debuff to damage, I know there are other damage debuffs but I've never actually looked into them. Is that -75% a base/final modifier, is it applied as a negative Strength or Bonus anti-boost, or something else entirely?
With the Taunt, given that there is the debuff from attacking targets other than the platform - is it just a large amount of Threat that it generates or is it an actual Shoot Me Taunt? Is it constant or is it tied into the "pulse" sort of thing? If it is a Shoot Me Taunt, how long does that Taunt last...given the debuff for shooting other targets and all? If it is a Shoot Me Taunt, does it affect players?
I guess there are more questions...but those are the questions that jumped out at me when I saw it.
Guessing with the event going on...including both the Delta Recruit stuff for the Recruits and what they do for the other characters...not much testing/feedback going on, eh?
Not to mention how ludicrous it and the Samsar console are - applying final modifiers to heals greater than the potential modifier gained by a SIF generator or emitter amplifier makes me question the balance of these new consoles vs existing consoles.
Honestly, until they stop hyping dps as the only real end-game option and don't balance it for tanks and what not, its pretty obvious they don't care about the real balance. This rep just goes further to show they aren't bothered about it.
Guessing with the event going on...including both the Delta Recruit stuff for the Recruits and what they do for the other characters...not much testing/feedback going on, eh?
Actually done a fair bit myself, but I'm waiting a while before I submit some more as I have a feeling some of the issues I've found are a result of it not being released yet as opposed to genuinely broken.
That said, a good number of the people who I used to see test a lot quit after DR, its been a lot quieter this time round generally
Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
Just wanted to pop in and thank you folks for the feedback / bug reports you've given so far. We are reviewing this thread, and feedback gathered elsewhere, and will be making necessary changes on an ongoing basis.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
[*]Earn Iconian Marks by completing any of the following:
The Herald Sphere Queue
Brotherhood of the Sword Queue
Gateway to Grethor Queue
[*]For Tribble only, projects will complete in 10 seconds instead of the standard completion times.
[*]Also for Tribble only, the Drozana test console will have Iconian Reputation rewards available for testing.
Few things, Like others noted the rep console is not modifying anything at all. Either this is conditional and not noted or it simply isn't working.
When I did gateway to Gre'thor with a group it gave us Delta marks, not Iconian marks even though it said Iconian marks.
The project to queue up for the sponsorship token is not queuing up to use it. Tested on Level 60 character so should be no issues there.
Need help with a mission to beat it? Visit http://pilotreviewshow.com to learn how we can help!
I was checking out the new space set, deflector, engines, core, shields, and I'm not really sure combat impulse engines synergize well with hyper injection warp/singularity cores. Combat engines are efficient the lower your engine power level, but hyper injection cores boost engine power. Kind of cross-purpose, yeah?
I was thinking that too, but I took it as perhaps one of the few "downsides" of this set. Looking at the 3pc and 4pc bonus and the quality of the space shield kind of makes me think that a sub-optimum engine type / warp core combo help balance this out a little.
Though, I've only been able to explore the 3 and 4pc set in an "academic" capacity. Any idea what category the buffs are for these two?
As for the shield, do we need a shield that is resilient, has 20% resist, debuff clearing, and has nice set bonus perks? I feel like the shield type should be changed (to regenerative or standard) or some other small tweak should be made to keep this from being a "best in slot" option.
I was thinking that too, but I took it as perhaps one of the few "downsides" of this set. Looking at the 3pc and 4pc bonus and the quality of the space shield kind of makes me think that a sub-optimum engine type / warp core combo help balance this out a little.
Nah, that's not how it works. Combat engines are efficient when your engine power level slider is set to low, not when your total net engine power is low. It can't work like how you guys think or else, by giving the engine extra power for having low power level, the efficiency trait would cancel itself, and it would constantly toggle on and off.
Nah, that's not how it works. Combat engines are efficient when your engine power level slider is set to low, not when your total net engine power is low. It can't work like how you guys think or else, by giving the engine extra power for having low power level, the efficiency trait would cancel itself, and it would constantly toggle on and off.[
That's not what I meant; I apologize if I was unclear. Combat impulse engines do the following:
At power levels below 50, they take less of a speed penalty than other engine types. Above 50, they get less benefit per point of power than the other engine types. (Hyper works in a similar way but inverted, FYI.)
It has been this way since before free to play, and unless something drastically changed, it is still the way it works now.
To have items that boost engine power with combat engines isn't ideal, as those points of power would be better one of the other three subsystems. And you can only really cut your base engine power (and redistribute the power elsewhere) so far to compensate.
Not that more power in any system is ever really "bad." In this case, it just isn't ideal. Like I said previously, it feels like part of the "balance" of this set.
I find the sound of these new radiant antiproton weapons incredibly annoying. It's like you're constantly hearing a "whoo.. whoo.. whoo.." in the background. Please have another look at this.
Ok so I hope someone still read the feedback on this because there is a rather big problem brewing with the hull leeching trait . No, it's not the value, 2.5% is rather conservative, the problem is the "10 proc per second " , not the intent, I understand the need for a fail safe, it's the implementation. The way it works as per the tooltip, is going to cause some huge and I mean HUGE imbalance betwen weapon type , namely DHC Vs beam array
A quick analysis of the firing cycle of a DHC+turret ship VS a full 8 beam FAW ship will quickly show that the 10 per sec rules will hit the canon ship the hardest, by far . I expect the beam array ship to get about twice as much Healing over time from this reputation trait than the DHC ship, and that's just wrong . Beam whales are already way overpowered the last thing we need and trait specifically designed to work better with beam array then with DHC .
There are few ways to fix this but I think the easiest to implement and in line with the original design is to simply space out the proc pool renewing interval . I am not a native English speaker so forgive me while I try to explain . Instead of having a proc with a "pool" of 10 shot that is renewed every second, make it a pool of 30 shot that is renewed every 3 sec. It won't change how much Healing a ship can get with BFAW but it will reduce the gap betwen the Healing beam user get and the Healing DHc user get.
Won't those ap weps be a little too strong rending standard ap weps obsolete? Perhaps tone the crit sev down a little I can't wait for a full set of those!
Won't those ap weps be a little too strong rending standard ap weps obsolete? Perhaps tone the crit sev down a little I can't wait for a full set of those!
Radiant AP offers a balance of offense (+10 Crit Severity) and defense (Temp HP proc). Like other reputation-purchased energy types, they can't be obtained with all mod combinations, such as [CritD]x3.
If you're looking for pure damage, standard AP weapons will still outperform Radiant AP due to the extra 10 Critical Severity.
Like other reputation-purchased energy types, they can't be obtained with all mod combinations, such as [CritD]x3.
Is that a typo, or are you saying we're locked out of [CrtD]x3 for this type of weapon? Most other Reputation-purchased weapons only have two mods available, as they are hybird with an extra proc taking up a slot except for Thoron, so not sure why these three available mod would lock us out of choices on that basis.
Virus, not trying to be naggy or anything, but CRTD3 thoron guns are possible. I lucked out huge and got two of them as I was opening rep grind lockboxes; I've kept them just on the off chance I do a proper thoron build (likely). Shame you can't get them from the store, it'd be the perfect dil sink
I was just listing the store options...wouldn't have a clue as to what might come from the boxes. But if you got something better, I'd shhhhh about it. They might decide it's something that needs to be fixed.
Hrmm, what about their potential mods going UR? I've got so many weapons, I haven't bothered trying to UR any of the Rep weapons yet.
I remember complaining about the possibility of them ending up vendortrash with getting a wrong mod way back when the upgrade stuff was introduced, and that might have played a role in it...hrmm.
Radiant AP offers a balance of offense (+10 Crit Severity) and defense (Temp HP proc). Like other reputation-purchased energy types, they can't be obtained with all mod combinations, such as [CritD]x3.
If you're looking for pure damage, standard AP weapons will still outperform Radiant AP due to the extra 10 Critical Severity.
I would proffer that if you're gonna lock out the strongest combo, you should simultaneously lock out the weakest combo, such as the universally-despised [Dmg]x3 in order to create balance.
Having trouble getting my toon onto Tribble, so I can't check myself.
It's a split mod for Space...trading 10 Critical Severity for the Temporary Hit Points proc while still having 3x [???] available. I didn't look at Ground.
Ever seen a Priest or the like in another game...doing some things in a radiant manner...with like a radiant yellow going on?
But I don't WANT yellow!!!! :P
Nobody wants a condom costume unlock guys, seriously.
They should be blue.. i hope they have the same sound effects are the herald ships :-D
Well, to start with, nothing on the console is working correctly...
Not to mention how ludicrous it and the Samsar console are - applying final modifiers to heals greater than the potential modifier gained by a SIF generator or emitter amplifier makes me question the balance of these new consoles vs existing consoles.
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
Tacs are overrated.
Game's best wiki
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It's very likely thematic...picture if you will for a moment:
"Our Priests and Paladins with their radiant weapons shall smite the foul Shadow Mages and their Demonic Constructs!"
Which would lend itself to there being something "shadowy" in color in a Lock Box for those that want to play the anti-hero.
Fair point.
Just not sure how "badass" my Tal Shiar ABC will look if it's firing rays of sunshine at baddies. :P
1) The radiant antiproton beams are about the same goldish color as spiral-wave disruptors. They might be tempting to players who want to try an antiproton build but want something that looks more like canon phasers than standard red antiprotons. The torpedoes are the same color.
2) Radiant antiproton uses a different sound effect than standard antiproton. Sounds similar to the Vaadwaur weapons.
3) The Advanced Radiant Hypercharge uses the same animation as beam overload and puts overload on a 15 second cool down after use. The hypercharge itself has a 2 minute cool down so I didn't really get to use it enough to judge how much scaling bonus damage it was doing to targets with less than 50% health.
4) Using both space sets the bonus hull seemed to proc often, the shields not quite as much.
5) Using the rep beam, rep torp, and two regular radiant arrays fore, and 4 reg radiant arrays aft the max 10 stacks of firing cycle haste built up fast and stayed there as long as I was in combat. At max stacks broadsiding felt like I was running a mini single target FAW (1/3 FAW?).
...imgur is down as I type this, so instead of linking the image I'll just have to type it out...
Hrmmm, where to start...where to start...
What's the area of effect, the range of the the interference?
It says in the narrative that it's a pulse and the stats mention after 3 sec and for 3 sec, so are there pulses every 3 sec?
The -75% debuff to damage, I know there are other damage debuffs but I've never actually looked into them. Is that -75% a base/final modifier, is it applied as a negative Strength or Bonus anti-boost, or something else entirely?
With the Taunt, given that there is the debuff from attacking targets other than the platform - is it just a large amount of Threat that it generates or is it an actual Shoot Me Taunt? Is it constant or is it tied into the "pulse" sort of thing? If it is a Shoot Me Taunt, how long does that Taunt last...given the debuff for shooting other targets and all? If it is a Shoot Me Taunt, does it affect players?
I guess there are more questions...but those are the questions that jumped out at me when I saw it.
Honestly, until they stop hyping dps as the only real end-game option and don't balance it for tanks and what not, its pretty obvious they don't care about the real balance. This rep just goes further to show they aren't bothered about it.
Actually done a fair bit myself, but I'm waiting a while before I submit some more as I have a feeling some of the issues I've found are a result of it not being released yet as opposed to genuinely broken.
That said, a good number of the people who I used to see test a lot quit after DR, its been a lot quieter this time round generally
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Few things, Like others noted the rep console is not modifying anything at all. Either this is conditional and not noted or it simply isn't working.
When I did gateway to Gre'thor with a group it gave us Delta marks, not Iconian marks even though it said Iconian marks.
The project to queue up for the sponsorship token is not queuing up to use it. Tested on Level 60 character so should be no issues there.
Top DPS 102k
I was thinking that too, but I took it as perhaps one of the few "downsides" of this set. Looking at the 3pc and 4pc bonus and the quality of the space shield kind of makes me think that a sub-optimum engine type / warp core combo help balance this out a little.
Though, I've only been able to explore the 3 and 4pc set in an "academic" capacity. Any idea what category the buffs are for these two?
As for the shield, do we need a shield that is resilient, has 20% resist, debuff clearing, and has nice set bonus perks? I feel like the shield type should be changed (to regenerative or standard) or some other small tweak should be made to keep this from being a "best in slot" option.
Nah, that's not how it works. Combat engines are efficient when your engine power level slider is set to low, not when your total net engine power is low. It can't work like how you guys think or else, by giving the engine extra power for having low power level, the efficiency trait would cancel itself, and it would constantly toggle on and off.
That's not what I meant; I apologize if I was unclear. Combat impulse engines do the following:
At power levels below 50, they take less of a speed penalty than other engine types. Above 50, they get less benefit per point of power than the other engine types. (Hyper works in a similar way but inverted, FYI.)
It has been this way since before free to play, and unless something drastically changed, it is still the way it works now.
To have items that boost engine power with combat engines isn't ideal, as those points of power would be better one of the other three subsystems. And you can only really cut your base engine power (and redistribute the power elsewhere) so far to compensate.
Not that more power in any system is ever really "bad." In this case, it just isn't ideal. Like I said previously, it feels like part of the "balance" of this set.
A quick analysis of the firing cycle of a DHC+turret ship VS a full 8 beam FAW ship will quickly show that the 10 per sec rules will hit the canon ship the hardest, by far . I expect the beam array ship to get about twice as much Healing over time from this reputation trait than the DHC ship, and that's just wrong . Beam whales are already way overpowered the last thing we need and trait specifically designed to work better with beam array then with DHC .
There are few ways to fix this but I think the easiest to implement and in line with the original design is to simply space out the proc pool renewing interval . I am not a native English speaker so forgive me while I try to explain . Instead of having a proc with a "pool" of 10 shot that is renewed every second, make it a pool of 30 shot that is renewed every 3 sec. It won't change how much Healing a ship can get with BFAW but it will reduce the gap betwen the Healing beam user get and the Healing DHc user get.
Radiant AP offers a balance of offense (+10 Crit Severity) and defense (Temp HP proc). Like other reputation-purchased energy types, they can't be obtained with all mod combinations, such as [CritD]x3.
If you're looking for pure damage, standard AP weapons will still outperform Radiant AP due to the extra 10 Critical Severity.
Is that a typo, or are you saying we're locked out of [CrtD]x3 for this type of weapon? Most other Reputation-purchased weapons only have two mods available, as they are hybird with an extra proc taking up a slot except for Thoron, so not sure why these three available mod would lock us out of choices on that basis.
Romulan Plasma is dual proc, so it's [???]x2 with...
Refracting Tetryon is dual proc, so it's [???]x2 with...
Protonic Polaron is dual proc, so it's [???]x2 with...
Bio-Molecular Disruptor/Phaser is dual proc, so it's [???]x2 with...
(no [CrtH]x2 variant)
Thoron Infused Polaron is single proc, so it's...
...so would that be what we're looking at with the Radiant AP?
Kind of like the test console has the [CrtD]x2[Dmg] available?
I was just listing the store options...wouldn't have a clue as to what might come from the boxes. But if you got something better, I'd shhhhh about it. They might decide it's something that needs to be fixed.
Hrmm, what about their potential mods going UR? I've got so many weapons, I haven't bothered trying to UR any of the Rep weapons yet.
I remember complaining about the possibility of them ending up vendortrash with getting a wrong mod way back when the upgrade stuff was introduced, and that might have played a role in it...hrmm.
I would proffer that if you're gonna lock out the strongest combo, you should simultaneously lock out the weakest combo, such as the universally-despised [Dmg]x3 in order to create balance.