I'm still new to the game and have a question regarding fleets. But first, let me say that I am looking to join an active fleet that can assist in missions (so far I've found it rather tough to get such help) and doesn't mind teaching the finer points of the game as I'm still learning despite playing for almost a month now. Also, I would like to be in a fleet that prectices most (if not all) aspects of STO...including RP. That said, here is my question:
Is it better to join a fully developed/large fleet over a something a bit smaller? My first (non-Delta) toon is in a a fully developed flleet and I find my chances to contribute to be somewhat limited there. Most of the time everything calls for doffs (of which I have very few) or dil (of which I also have very little).
This poses a problem for gaining fleet credits and 'ranking up' within such a fleet. I want to contribute when I can, but most of the things I could easily give are filled up rather quickly, or so it seems.
Am I missing something? Should I start my own fleet instead? Or is there a workaround for contribution problems? I'd hate to join a fleet just to get kicked because I'm unable to help the fleet in its projects.
A small fleet means it is easier to contribute compared to a large fleet. Almost all of the Fleet equipment can be acquired provided you have enough fleet provisions, fleet credits, and dilithium from a small fleet by getting a map invite to a Tier 5 starbase. So a small fleet needs to get to Tier 1 in each of the fleet holdings so they can acquire Fleet provisions. The only exception to this is Fleet ships since they require you to belong to a fleet with the right level of shipyard or spire. There are certain channels that provide these services and some for free. Fleet invites for the Fleet ships is a lot rarer than map invites.
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