i have made a kdf engineer for the delta and want to make my first torp boat any ideas would be nice or guides
what would be good ships to use and what t5-6 ships will be best also what should i use to lv and a good skill set idea
was thinking of cruisers or a ship that has 5 front weapons slots
i am thinking 5 torps not sure what kind and maybe 2-3 omis in the back or what are other good ideas
what torps will be best to lv then what will be good for end game
thanks for the help
i do have lv60 fed main so this will be my only other toon
Well, I'd say you'd probably be better off as a Tac if you wanted to go the torp route. The whole thing about Engineer is their power generation and torpedos get zero benefit from power in any subsystem unless you slot the Nukara Trait, Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense. By comparison almost every tactical captain ability can boost torpedos in some way.
As for leveling, just alternate a pair of whatever photons you can get ahold of.
Once you hit the breen arc, load up on transphasic cluster torps, rapids, and the breen 2-set.
End-game, there are several options, but it's a bit too far off to really want to go into heavy detail here/now. (Photon, Plasma, Exotic, or Transphasic)
Ship-wise, you're probably wanting a raptor or raider while leveling; battlecruisers are a bit too slow to turn while leveling.
Endgame, you'll be looking at something like the B'rel or Tactical Dyson Science Destroyer(something that can run dual Torp Spread/High Yield, Attack Pattern Omega and can make use of all that extra power you're not wasting on weapon power).
Torpedo builds generally don't need more than 3 torpedo tubes on a single facing, and photon builds can cycle without help using only 2 tubes.
The man speaks truth, go tactical if you want to run torp boat.
Science is also acceptable, but less so. Sensor Scan will be a bigger boon to your torp spread than fire on my mark, but APAlpha is still king.
I can't speak for PvP, but in PvE 3 torps on your forward facing is plenty. Make sure to run a couple of very rare projectile weapons officers; you get one for free in Law after the Nimbus III arc. Plasma torps are your best bet in end game so your rapid firing can stack up plasma burn damage. Two standard plasma launchers and the Romulan launcher.
As the above said, B'rel is great because of being able to torp while cloaked.
Science ships can, again, make use of all your extra power. The best example of this for the KDF is the Dyson, but the Kar'fi is another option if you want to run some tricobalt consoles to synergize with those silly frigates of theirs.
The fleet Vo'Quv as a torp boat is actually my favourite set up, but go Quantums instead on that setup so you can get the damage boost from your BoP pets. Run Aux to Damp with the buff extension doff (costly) to crank the turn rate up and get you into siege position quicker. High Yield, APBeta, TorpSpread on the tactical seats. Beta is the most important part because it not only boosts your whole team's dps, but your pets as well.
Just watch your doff layout, make sure youre only using as many projectile officers as you need to keep your torpedoes on constant cycle depending on the type.
I'm running a plasma setup with a Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo (from crafting), Romulan Hyper-plasma Torpedo, and an Omega Torpedo (borg reputation), and 3 purple Torpedo Doffs. In order to avoid autofire fail and always be launching something, I have the Particle Emission in the first weapon slot and right-click autofire seleted first, then the Romulan one second, and the Omega last. All three of them are considered plasma but won't reset each other's cooldowns as they are considered to be different types of launchers. This way you can get the full benefit of running all plasma torpedo tactical consoles without cooldown penalty issues.
I also have the particle-emission plasma torpedo on my skill bar, so I can hit my torpedo spread and launch that one without having to worry about the Romulan Torpedo only firing 2 plasma torpedoes at one target.
I use the breen carrier for my torpedo boat with Tachyon beam 3 on myself and 4 breen frigates (which also use tachyon beam) to help with shield stripping. I also use the 360 degree antiproton beam on one of the rear slots so I can use the ship's innate beam subsystem targeting skills without taking up one of my forward torpedo slots.
i have made a kdf engineer for the delta and want to make my first torp boat any ideas would be nice or guides
what would be good ships to use and what t5-6 ships will be best also what should i use to lv and a good skill set idea
was thinking of cruisers or a ship that has 5 front weapons slots
i am thinking 5 torps not sure what kind and maybe 2-3 omis in the back or what are other good ideas
what torps will be best to lv then what will be good for end game
thanks for the help
i do have lv60 fed main so this will be my only other toon
Question are you still leveling to 50 or already there?
As for leveling, just alternate a pair of whatever photons you can get ahold of.
Once you hit the breen arc, load up on transphasic cluster torps, rapids, and the breen 2-set.
End-game, there are several options, but it's a bit too far off to really want to go into heavy detail here/now. (Photon, Plasma, Exotic, or Transphasic)
Ship-wise, you're probably wanting a raptor or raider while leveling; battlecruisers are a bit too slow to turn while leveling.
Endgame, you'll be looking at something like the B'rel or Tactical Dyson Science Destroyer(something that can run dual Torp Spread/High Yield, Attack Pattern Omega and can make use of all that extra power you're not wasting on weapon power).
Torpedo builds generally don't need more than 3 torpedo tubes on a single facing, and photon builds can cycle without help using only 2 tubes.
Science is also acceptable, but less so. Sensor Scan will be a bigger boon to your torp spread than fire on my mark, but APAlpha is still king.
I can't speak for PvP, but in PvE 3 torps on your forward facing is plenty. Make sure to run a couple of very rare projectile weapons officers; you get one for free in Law after the Nimbus III arc. Plasma torps are your best bet in end game so your rapid firing can stack up plasma burn damage. Two standard plasma launchers and the Romulan launcher.
As the above said, B'rel is great because of being able to torp while cloaked.
Science ships can, again, make use of all your extra power. The best example of this for the KDF is the Dyson, but the Kar'fi is another option if you want to run some tricobalt consoles to synergize with those silly frigates of theirs.
The fleet Vo'Quv as a torp boat is actually my favourite set up, but go Quantums instead on that setup so you can get the damage boost from your BoP pets. Run Aux to Damp with the buff extension doff (costly) to crank the turn rate up and get you into siege position quicker. High Yield, APBeta, TorpSpread on the tactical seats. Beta is the most important part because it not only boosts your whole team's dps, but your pets as well.
Just watch your doff layout, make sure youre only using as many projectile officers as you need to keep your torpedoes on constant cycle depending on the type.
I also have the particle-emission plasma torpedo on my skill bar, so I can hit my torpedo spread and launch that one without having to worry about the Romulan Torpedo only firing 2 plasma torpedoes at one target.
I use the breen carrier for my torpedo boat with Tachyon beam 3 on myself and 4 breen frigates (which also use tachyon beam) to help with shield stripping. I also use the 360 degree antiproton beam on one of the rear slots so I can use the ship's innate beam subsystem targeting skills without taking up one of my forward torpedo slots.
Question are you still leveling to 50 or already there?
Basic B'Rel Torp Boat loadout at bottom of page