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Since we have a tier 6 galaxy class can anyone make this ship into a beast for pvp

nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
edited April 2015 in PvP Gameplay
Since the ship is coming out soon does anyone have a good idea on what skills to make this ship into a beast in pvp. Give me bridge officer skills, consoles, traits, duty officers and ship traits.
Post edited by nataku302 on


  • plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Dude, really? Gotta love those lazy folks really, where is the fun when you're not figuring that out by yourself?!
  • nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Dude, really? Gotta love those lazy folks really, where is the fun when you're not figuring that out by yourself?!

    how am I lazy I have an idea but I want to see what others would do. This is a message board for pvp I'm just curious on what others think if you don't like people making message boards for advise then don't bother replying.
  • plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Yeah I don't like people making message boards, obviously.
  • nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Yeah I don't like people making message boards, obviously.

    then don't reply
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    well, its your typical LTC tac beam boat also ran. nothing ground breaking, pretty middle of the road. with the LTC command you have access to the full range of command powers, so there's that for an x factor. with that much eng, you could pretty easily run 3 command skills.

    if your here for the trek at all, it's pretty much is the best ship in the game when you factor in the style points lol. :D
  • nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    well, its your typical LTC tac beam boat also ran. nothing ground breaking, pretty middle of the road. with the LTC command you have access to the full range of command powers, so there's that for an x factor. with that much eng, you could pretty easily run 3 command skills.

    if your here for the trek at all, it's pretty much is the best ship in the game when you factor in the style points lol. :D

    I remember you answering my question in terms of the Technician duty officers like running one Auxiliary to Battery I. But at the moment I'm not too familiar with the command bridge officer skills like which ones are the best skills to have for the LT commander eng skill. I mean for regular eng bridge officer skill I ran repair team I, aux to battery I, Emergency Power to Weapons III and Directed Energy Modulation III. I don't know if I should run reverse shield polarity on the galaxy r based on the ship trait it gives. Now I'm wondering should I even keep on using technician duty officers for pvp at all or should I just run a whole different set of duty officers. I also want to know what are the best space traits that people tend to run in pvp. Should I run Bio-Neural Gel Pack for this ship as well? See these are all these factors I have when the ship comes out in about 3 hours so I was wondering how a person in pvp will handle this.
  • edited April 2015
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  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    ]I remember you answering my question in terms of the Technician duty officers like running one Auxiliary to Battery I. Thank you. But at the moment I'm not too familiar with the command bridge officer skills.

    Which ones are the best skills to have for the LT commander eng skill? I mean for regular eng bridge officer skill I ran engineering team I, aux to battery I, Emergency Power to Weapons III and Directed Energy Modulation III.

    I don't know if I should run reverse shield polarity on the galaxy r based on the ship trait it gives.

    I'm wondering should I even keep on using technician duty officers for pvp at all or should I just run a whole different set of duty officers?

    What are the best space traits that people tend to run in pvp.?

    Should I run Bio-Neural Gel Pack for this ship as well?

    See, there are all these factors I have when the ship comes out in about 3 hours so I was wondering how a person in pvp will handle this.[/QUOTE]

    Just cleaned that up a bit in case someone actually was gonna take a shot at it, but couldn't read it.
  • edited April 2015
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  • edited April 2015
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  • nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    beameddown wrote: »
    need a bit more info from you to help you, sorry

    whats your class? tac, sci, eng?

    your join date is 2012, have you pvped alot? gotten alot of doffs over the years? crafting maxed?

    what have you flown before that you liked? cruisers, escorts, sci?

    do you have other T6 fed ships?

    all of these are really important to know in order to give you the build that you would like and enjoy doing with that ship

    saves you time, frustraition, and disapointment

    cause off the very little that you have said, I am guessing your a tac, you have a few ships you picked up over the years, pvped some- but just dont have the time or the luck of getting in with a good crew

    I can at least point out some obvious things if a person was going to take a galaxy out into pvp solo/dual cue and try their luck

    1: the ships got no spike, and to add spike to here is a bit of a waste on account of the spike options that are out there that you could add to the ship via consoles OR set, she doesnt have the legs to make them pay off

    2: ships got no legs LOL!, and to try and make her have them goes against what advantages she does have, look at her new T6 console- look at her set bonuses- look at her mastery- A massive amount of ec/doffs/trait/consoles would have to be burned on the ship (the slots, only 6 doff slots, only 5 eng/3 sci/3 tac, etc) and in the end you still wont be able to run anyone down reliably AND in the process leave her wide open for destruction leaving you frustraited and disapointed

    3: shes a heal boat at heart, DONT FORGET THAT- so right off the bat, your trying to go against her nature IF your trying to put her up front as a dps/killer boat, this is the most important part to ponder on... forget what you know about escorts and their style, forget what you know about sci ships and their approach to killing, you basically have to design a boat that is a vulture, striking when your opponents are at their weakest and riding out their buffs (tanking) until that opening shows itself, only hope-

    every other obvious approach to killing with this ship puts her way into the ball park of relying on rng (random number generation) to "force" a kill- escorts can force a kill, sci boats can force a kill, a couple cruisers can force a kill (avenger 5 forward, galx lance, intel cruiser surgical strike, etc) BUT the galaxy is a heal boat first order, and to try and ignore that and attempt a "copy paste" of what other cruisers have been successful at being lead dps is going to fail on her- or leave you with a sense of false accomplishment in 5v5s as you might not pick up on how little this ship was actually working and try and take some of the win that the rest of your teams dps/nukes/disable did all the heavy lifting

    4: final- again, without knowing ANY details of what you have access to, trait wise, doff wise, gear wise, console wise, etc

    assuming tac captain, want to kill folks in pvp with a galaxy, got ec, dil, ships, doffs, etc

    right off the bat, if someone put a gun to my head (and they would have to for me to even attempt the build with a galaxy) BUT it could pull it off

    I would do a plasma/feedback build on her

    use the ship traits to get the tac and sci powers back up on fast rotations while also using for +hull with brace and heals, focus on her tankiness, use batteries and aux to bat to keep moving the power maxes from weapons and aux, USE alpha and aux bats defensivly with fbp, and follow with lead dps's targets using weapon bats with the doffs for the 30% bonus damage (dem'd with marion) to aid in the killing-

    the appoach would be lower weapon power with more into aux, most will agree in sto pvp that going full out all the time is a bit of a waste, what you want really to do is get your targets to start cycleing the buffs they have, pressure to get the escape console burned or swap to other target that sent their best heals over to save (often times that will net you kills in pvp, to stay on one target constantly while the rest of their team funnels all the heals will mean a no kill without multiple nukes) SO with all of that in mind, following the lead dps's targets, working with your teammates means that you can then "spike up/power up weapons" the dps when a target is actually ready to be killed

    the real teeth to a tac/galaxy killer I see is her fbp and hull, if that console of hers works the way I think it will work...:)
    anyways, using the alpha, tac fleet, droping targets resists, deming, with high aux and 3 sci particle consoles and one eng turn rate +particle console could simulate enough particles to be close to a base 5 sci console sci ship, mix in the crafting 15 sci crit trait.. that means the galaxy becomes a defensive killer- YOU KILL when folks attempt to kill you, YOU AID your teams lead dps on target when no one is trying to kill you THUS getting kills by helping the team

    3 mixed acc/crit tac consoles, 2 embassy +plas consoles will get you close enough to the simulation of 4 tac console ship in regards to damage, more then enough to kill.. just gotta pick targets and timing when you attempt the kills

    anyways, details are needed to know exactly what you have access to, what you can actually build vs a dream build (bottom line, what I would build her as for a tac/dps boat is really expensive, not something to be attempted without a war chest of already purchased traits, doffs, gear, etc)

    well I use antiproton and I have pvp and tried it the a tier 5 galaxy class. But I do have the space traits I need and enough ec and dil to make it happen. I know my weapons need to be acc x4.

    The only thing I might want advise on is what duty officers to use and what engineering bridge officer skills I should have in a good build that relies on anti proton. If you want to give me ship traits that is a must have and space triats that will be awesome.
  • nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    patrickngo wrote: »
    you can find a live opponent?

    Alright, first off-it's not going to be a 'Beast' in PvP if you're thinking 'idividual events' like Ker'rat or duels. Just ain't gonna happen.

    That said, the Command spec stations give some room to build a "Team Buffer"-it won't be a beast as an individual ship, but it could turn a lackluster team into something of a threat in 5x5 arenas.



    Overwhelm Emitters 1
    Concentrate Firepower 2
    Suppression Barrage 1

    ET1, DEM1, Aux2Batt2, RSP3

    LT Sci

    Ens. Uni:


    You're buffing your team on called targets-you're the target caller, you tank, and you buff the team.

    Weapons: Antiproton Beam Arrays, all eight points and three Crit consoles feeding them in the tac spaces.


    You have all three 'teams' on-tap, plus hazards, you can restore your own shields, or boost someone else's, but as the 'commmand ship' in the formation, you're not wanting to get in to kinfe-fight ranges-your buddies have to do the heavy lifting in terms of hitting other targets.

    Alternately, you can drop the BFAW and carry APD instead-to buff your teammates, and drop the Aux2Batt in favour of Aux2SIF or Aux2damp if you think you can get into a turning fight with that Scimitar.

    Fill engineeering spaces with Fleet consoles (ResAll and Turn) and the 'stock' uni console, or a Leech and an Assimilator.

    Science consoles should be filled with things that boost your bridge officer powers or aid you in lasting long enough for your team-buff abilities to cycle and work.

    What about duty officers or space traits or starship traits?
  • edited April 2015
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  • nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    beameddown wrote: »
    anti proton, on a galaxy, again- would be nice to know your class: tac/sci/eng

    going to assume tac

    so here we go-

    I would like to make a suggestion with the antiprotons, put 4 arrays in the rear, but a crafted 360 anti proton forward, borg cutting beam forward, and 2 ancient anti proton 360 beams forward (I believe you can upgrade 1 to mk14, and not upgrade the 2nd one AND then you can have two ancients on the ship, for a grand total of 3 anti proton 360 beamarrays forward, someone else may be able to confirm this)

    anyways, that way when your doing a broadside, you got all your arrays on target (exactly what you should be doing with a slow moving beam boat) AND when that escort gets on your 6' (and you know thats going to happen 99% of the time) he gets a face full of damage

    besides, think of it this way- with a slow ship, its easier to wave off and bring a broadside to bear on a target then it is to keep her nose on target (obviously, when doing stfs with the ship, just swap the rear for the forward, that way you have an easier time in pve land, BUT when in pvp assume escorts are going to be going for your rear arc all the time)

    -the other approach would be dual anti proton beam banks forward, put all the omi directionals aft and if you got that crystaline torp forward (it can hit as hard as a beam overload) WITH that your going to have real trouble keeping folks in your forward arc, but then again, mix in some teamwork, throw on a tractor beam, maybe 3 part borg for tractor, and a suppressive barrage 1 and you might have enough with a evasive to line up a target from time to time for attack pattern delta 2, dem 3 (with marion so no power loss), emergency power weapons 3 (bonus damage) beam overload 3 (with pen doffs so go through shields) and a weapon bat so everything is as maxed as maxed can get (trust me, you will need it)+ the token tac buffs... with something like this you would want to go all possible weapons crtd, as much as possible... its a hail mary build, pray for those crits to get some traction on the target

    dont forget, if your target is not moving, it means their defense is junk, as in dont need much acc to hit, so tractoring a target that JUST finished their omega, can mean an opening for a possible kill- (just play around with your grav skill to find the sweet spot of points needed to really bring them to a halt)

    mind you, in todays meta, there are escape consoles all over the place, not to mention things like rock and roll, so you may find yourself poping alot of buffs ONLY to end up with a no sell attack on a guy as he buzzes away to safety,

    unfortunaintly, anything else I could advise to you really just adds a few seconds of life (traits, doffs, boff powers) or relies heavy on rng (random number generation) for spike aka sometimes it works, most times it dont:)

    by all means, you can load up on flow, and try a overwhelm emeitter approach, get crazy with the tet glider and emabasy consoles for flow/plasma explosive procs, but most of that will just pad the dps numbers at the end of the match and wont net you kills, cause you just cant slot enough flow on that ship to really make any headway on a target, command ships can pull it off barely with 4 sci console varient, NOT that your that far behind with 3 sci consoles its just folks shields are so big nowadays, and there really hasnt been a buff to flow to speak of, short of getting 1 extra console added to flow via the turnrate crafted eng consoles or a small bump from a secondary deflector

    but again, I am under the impression your looking for a solo approach to kicking out as much damage with a galaxy with antiproton

    if you got a team approach, you might not get the glory of seeing "killed by YOU" over the targets, BUT you will fair better and win more matches if you use more team heals and the debuffs afforded by command

    instead of looking at that lt com tac as "ya for me!" could do a attack pattern delta 2 and pass that thing over to an escort on your team trying to drill a target,

    sadly, I can see the galaxy doing more then enough damage in pve to justify a spot on the team if flown well and decked out nice

    but for a dps angle in pvp with a galaxy, that and going anti-proton, means to me as a guy that will fly around looking pretty, still will fold fast to 2 back to back nukes, and really is just fawing out some padded dps numbers that really isnt getting targets killed or winning the match

    going dem 3, overload 3, emergency power weapons 3 on a galaxy means you bumbed up you dps, but at the cost of survivability, and adding escape consoles to the ship will weaken either the dps angle you go or the survivability, as in you will pop the escape- by yourself 5 seconds extra, and if you facing opponents that are working together your going to come out and they will be waiting there for you

    and then you die

    if you got a team backing you, you live- but then again, the dps your adding is so weak that why not simply replace you with a real scort if they gotta keep saving your skin all the time (they would have to keep saving the escorts skin anyways, and he can push out more spike/dps/vape then the galaxy)

    and thats really the end of the line when talking the galaxy in my worthless opinion, SHE shines as a awsome healboat, she can rock a couple sci gimics (repulsors, feeback, syphion) to aid, and there is a strait up damage angle that could be created (but at the steap, steap cost of survivability) THUS leaving a team to constantly step in and save the selfish tac galaxy pilot trying to play the role of lead dps:)

    trying to find a balance to damage vs tanking with that ship will always end in not enough damage to net a kill solo without adding tons of rng damage (again, sometimes works, most times dont) and a ship that is harder to kill then most.... but nothing a team cant just roll over in a few seconds with 2 nukes

    as in not even breaking a sweat to kill

    vs pug randoms? the ship will do fine, you will get to fly around, shoot at people, get a couple team kills, and wont die really as most the randoms will focus on easier targets to burn down

    I dont want to dissuade you to much here, again the galaxy will do great in pve, she will do what you want her to do in pug vs pug matches, but to have any hope of fighting and surviving any sort of loose team work on the opposing side will require you to build that ship more team friendly or go a sci angle to live and net some kills

    I'm pretty sure the galaxy class now can do more tac given it has a LTC bridge officer slot. But I was wondering if should still run 1 Auxiliary to Battery with 3 tech officers. My eng bridge officer set up is, repair team 1, auxiliary to battery I, emergency power to weapons III, and Directed Energy Modulation III. I was wondering what I should run for the command bridge officer layout and if I should change the eng setup you see right there.
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