Bad ideas Salami and Borticus can come up with:
1) Console or ship trait with heals. Frankly, there is enough heal to just spam heals left and right and tank there forever.
2) Escape consoles or abilities. Vapers have so many consoles to choose from plus R&R, that there is absolutely no need for yet another "run away" console.
3) DPS console for existing energy weapons. Except for poor proton which was a bad design of a weapon, there is no need for more of these. People complain about torpedoes being weak, but they pack a punch in the right hands. Mines are the only weapons that have been left to rot and could use help.
4) More part gens exotic damage. Love science myself, but I think we have enough of that.
5) Damage resistance consoles. We have plenty of that already.
6) Yet more cool down reductions. Let me guess, you're thinking of making a pilot abilities one.
7) No more placates or space holds. Plenty of junk in that department also.
Good ideas to come up with:
1) Something to help with countering new spec tree abilities that lack counters.
2) Some console(s) or traits to boost or give a secondary proc to those junk abilities that have been left to rot like aceton beam, photonic shockwave, charged particle burst, viral matrix, photonic officer, mask energy signature, or boarding party.
3) Consoles or traits to boost the two science skills stuck so far up the skill tree and so useless, most people don't bother with them at all.
4) Something to actually get people to use mines in the game.
Best things you've come up with lately that are great:
1) The Voth Aceton and shield reflection consoles were awesome, and the two piece bonus great.
2) The 4 piece command ship consoles were extremely well designed with the bonuses. Only complain there is you created two consoles that would have been awesome on a sci ship instead (Fleet support and tachyon beam)
3) The constriction anchor if very popular, but that is because for the awesome part gens damage boost because the other effect is not that great..
4) The R&D consoles (Sci and Eng) are very good, but only with some mods.
would like to see a console or trait that can negate all these heal traits and consoles imo i think they have went overboard with the heal TRIBBLE.
Wheres the challenge when you can heal and tank forever with no fear of losing
Lol, while I've seen some tanks in PvP, you can wear them down. Some of the over-the-top healing is from the command ships and that console they have, but frankly, nothing too bad unless there is more than 1 and they know what they're doing.
I would like to see them revisit some of the older less used consoles in the game. Like most of the engineering consoles.
Then there are the science consoles no one uses.
Really anything that doesn't increase damage, turn rate, or resistance is discarded as soon as fleet or crafting consoles are available.
And on that note, tac consoles are by far the least interesting of them all. Why not have some that do more than just buff damage, maybe increase proc chance or enhance groups or specific tac powers.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Lol, while I've seen some tanks in PvP, you can wear them down. Some of the over-the-top healing is from the command ships and that console they have, but frankly, nothing too bad unless there is more than 1 and they know what they're doing.
There are anti-healing methods in game. SA and the Counter-Command Ordanace 4-set are among them.
SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
I'd rather see them undo the nerfs they have done to all of our consoles before adding in any new ones.
A friend of mine has gone through 3 different sets of full Mk XIV very rare to epic weapon types only to get them nerfed each time. Everytime he finds weapons that work, they get nerfed 2 weeks later. Which is why he has quit.
There has to be a point to where the players have had enough with the nerfing before nothing will be viable anymore.
I'd rather see them undo the nerfs they have done to all of our consoles before adding in any new ones.
A friend of mine has gone through 3 different sets of full Mk XIV very rare to epic weapon types only to get them nerfed each time. Everytime he finds weapons that work, they get nerfed 2 weeks later. Which is why he has quit.
There has to be a point to where the players have had enough with the nerfing before nothing will be viable anymore.
Which is why I always advocate against early adoption. It will always change later, best not to assume it wont.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Something that makes mines worth using so far sounds like the most interesting idea.
Or is it? I don't really care about mines, they weren't used that often in Star Trek. Though the two occassions I remember, they were quite important. Mining Cardassian ships in a Nebula and mining the Bajoran wormhole entrance - but regular combat seems not to be that common.
I think more devices would be cool. I actually think they should add 4 device slots to every ship and turn every universal console with a clickable into a device. It's ridicilous how much regular consoles are ignored for universal consoles, and design wise, it's never a good idea to give people a choice between a passive and an active. You should always create different silos for this type of skills. (Something they have been doing in pretty much every other new system - Reputation Traits are all passive, except the final one, which is always active. Set bonuses often work like that, all bonuses passive except the final one.)
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Something that makes mines worth using so far sounds like the most interesting idea.
Or is it? I don't really care about mines, they weren't used that often in Star Trek. Though the two occasions I remember, they were quite important. Mining Cardassian ships in a Nebula and mining the Bajoran wormhole entrance - but regular combat seems not to be that common.
I think more devices would be cool. I actually think they should add 4 device slots to every ship and turn every universal console with a clickable into a device. It's ridiculous how much regular consoles are ignored for universal consoles, and design wise, it's never a good idea to give people a choice between a passive and an active. You should always create different silos for this type of skills. (Something they have been doing in pretty much every other new system - Reputation Traits are all passive, except the final one, which is always active. Set bonuses often work like that, all bonuses passive except the final one.)
Verily, it would also be nice to start turning the t5 ship consoles into true universal consoles, like the t4 and below, since we now have t6 incoming.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
You seem to be missing the glaringly obvious ... -- they are running out of powers to design , and they are running out of powers that the engine can support .
They can extend this by retooling / rebranding attack / escape / heal powers, while sprinkling in new abilities , but the sheer number of powers they have committed themselves to churn out per Specialization / ship bundle is staggering and ultimately finite .
See, they know that power sells ... but at this point they are overselling power , and there is a fat chance that this power selling rate can be maintained for more then 2 years .
Don't forget that each ship bundle has to come with consoles & synergies (aka 5 powers minimum) on top of the Specialization tree powers and the Specialization Boff powers .
... so good luck with threads like these ... -- Cryptic could sure use'em ... seeing that they have either shot themselves in the foot or have decided to squeeze as much cash from the players in a finite amount of time ...
The major problem I have with most of the clicky consoles is that they are just very very situational and rarely do anything decent when used.
Take Metreon Gass for example, should be lethal if you take what happens in Insurrection as an indicator of what it could do but it's utterly useless apart from making a nice particle effect. Plus the cooldown, even with the recent reduction is way too long for it to get used more than maybe once per mission.
And that is really the problem, long cooldowns and meager effects meam most special uni consoles get ignored.
On the other hand some of the 3pc sets like the Isokinetic cannon are amazing, decent damage and low cooldown....see where i'm coming from here?
Make more uni consoles like this, where they can be used regularly and also have a synergy with your build and you'll make them more useful.
Right now all people do is stack DPS consoles, embassy consoles and fleet armour consoles because that is what gives your build the best chance at succeeding.
Your ship is duplicated. The copy has the exact same properties your ship has and does the exact same movement and damage flying directly above you in close proximity. After 10 seconds your duplicate explodes with your ship suffering extensive damage by the warp core breach.
Edit: Both ships use the same energy source. So weapons, engines and science abilities will drain your power levels twice as much.
Increased proc chances
Refracting beam chance (chance for weapon to bounce to other targets)
Shield and hull vampire (drain hp from enemy shields and hull to give them to yourself)
they are running out of powers to design , and they are running out of powers that the engine can support .
I think thats what the case here is.
Personally I would not mind getting no new or only very few stuff in the foreseeable future. Brainstorming should go into measurements how the game itself can be assured to run smoothly.
With the upgrade infrastructure in place as well as the spec trees peeps should have their hands full for quiet some time.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
A console or device that removes all traits and set your ship back to season 7 for pvp.
A fix pvp console/device !!
(they ask for help in pvp forum on what the device/console would do)
sorry if these seem more tactical in focus but i dont play fed or rommy and not really up on how they are played. But im trying to keep things balanced but still different for the factions.
1. a focusing tactical console to increase the effective range of cannons from 5k out to beam ranges.
2. a center hull weapon mount that only hold Torps or missiles. Vertical weapon mounts 360 arc . where the mount its self is what rotates not the weapon allowing us to install any torp or missile we have in the slot to gain the 360 arc.
3. tweak weapon consoles phaser for feds ,disruptor for Klingons & (not sure why plasma) but Plasma for rommies where if that type of weapon is used by proper faction they get a dmg OR proc boost but only for that faction.
4. more faction specific consoles to give people a real reason to play other factions. and keep them faction only stop the cross faction stuff. But balanced so no one side comes out OP.
5.1. change boarding party skills from shuttles launching that get shot down with FAW spam and turn it into a transporter tactical skill. BP1 beam 5 man team to disrupt enemy systems taking one Console power offline, BP2 beam 10 man team 2 console power offline, BP3 15 man team 3 console powers offline.
possibly add this to it.
5.2. manage to get 45 team members on board and gain control of ship for 15 seconds . to use enemy Shields must be down on facing and you lower shield to beam out teams. ( basically working like confuse where they fire on allies instead of you. )
(since Boarding party power is removed from engineering and given to tactical)
6. engineering gets erect emergency force fields and vent compartment to space. to clear boarding parties.
7. Mines released inside vent plasma cloud or other cloud type slow do More damage but to everything in the cloud even the attacker if they are in range.
8. remove the shield distribution from tac team.
9. Add shield distribution to science team.
10. Give the Klingon species BOFFs a space trait. Guile which is basically just go down fighting.
11. Instead of a disco ball in Klingon planets and neutral locations like drozona, nimbus and DS9
allow ALL toons a device to start a Drunken Brawl where everybody nearby break out knives and starts fighting. but they only work near Bars where drinks are sold NOT everyplace. ( just as disco balls should have only worked on a dance floor instead of anyplace.) even Picard was in a unwanted Knife fight with a Nausicaan.
Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days.
11. Instead of a disco ball in Klingon planets and neutral locations like drozona, nimbus and DS9
allow ALL toons a device to start a Drunken Brawl where everybody nearby break out knives and starts fighting. but they only work near Bars where drinks are sold NOT everyplace. ( just as disco balls should have only worked on a dance floor instead of anyplace.)
This would actually be quite amusing, but you just know if disco balls troll people actually starting fights with other people's toons will set the forums on fire!
A good thing would be to add some passive effects to the clicky uni consoles that are rarely used. We've seen this a bit with the newer Kobali cruiser console (extra hull regen) so it can be done. Give people a reason to slot these consoles rather than stuffing them into their bank slots. This way the clicky powers become a secondary bonus to the passive effect if this is build right.
making new consoles I deem as counterproductive at this stage of the game period
What I think they should do is take existing consoles and make a Mk-2 version of it
For instance the Grappler
Make a Mk-2 version that stops a ship escape possible , If you hit epte evasive you basically destroy your ship...make the effect last until a X amount of damage is done to the holding ship representing the grappler being disabled
now boarding partys might be a threat
these mk-2 versions should be separate and new consoles available in the dilithium store , ownership of the original console a must for purchase
I think adding new capabilitys to existing consoles especially weak ones is the perfered way to go
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I agree. There should be something that improves aceton beam, boarding party, mask energy signature, target W,S,E,A subsystems and a lot of other abilities that are neither good nor bad.
Not a bad ability. Very useful on a drain boat. If they messed with it, they'd probably bump up the effect on the low end and nerf it on the high end like they do with everything lately.
The major problem I have with most of the clicky consoles is that they are just very very situational and rarely do anything decent when used.
And that is really the problem, long cooldowns and meager effects meam most special uni consoles get ignored.
Make more uni consoles like this, where they can be used regularly and also have a synergy with your build and you'll make them more useful.
Right now all people do is stack DPS consoles, embassy consoles and fleet armour consoles because that is what gives your build the best chance at succeeding.
I fully support enhancing situational-specific abilities to have specific set bonuses that make them on par with simple rows of fleet tac consoles, hull armor, and sci consoles.
Ship packs like the Vestas or the Romulan Dreadnoughts were made with 3-pack consoles that unlock further abilities and some bonuses to ship traits. I suspect to be one of fewer and fewer players who actually fly them with the set bonuses as opposed to just replacing them with standard and undoubtedly overall better tac/hull/sci consoles.
I also slot in a warp burst capacitor on top of all that, which by the damage numbers seems to lack the '5-second damage boost' as the tooltip claims (is it broken?), squeeze in a plasmonic, then fall short of tac consoles in a very squishy science or science-oriented ship that can't even do that role very well.
I've had people tell me they see these as crutches that they 'learned not to use or rely on' as if I slot them because I somehow lack situational awareness or ability to plan. It is quite the opposite: they enhance the strategy, planning, and team-work aspects that I like, keeping the game challenging while providing a sense of overwhelming power as a sort of exotic-science hybird ship.
Bring these up to par with their counterparts. It is more difficult relying on consoles to try to make up for the loss of DPS, hull, and everything else, only to end up stuck behind very long cool-downs.
Perhaps add some in-between-cool-down boosts with respect to the type of ability that is on cool-down.
For example, secondary shielding, after it is used and for the duration of its cooldown provides a shield hardness bonus. Cloaked barrage would give a strong defense boost. Thalaron pulse cooldown would boost all exotic damage. Warp burst capacitor would boost flight speed and turn rate.
All such bonuses would wear off when the abilities are off cooldown, making the ships a real challenge to fly since unless the scenarios encountered require such exotic abilities to be most effective they would be forced to either change loadouts or prepare accordingly to the mission, which in turn hopefully won't be scripted and entirely predictable.
Not a bad ability. Very useful on a drain boat. If they messed with it, they'd probably bump up the effect on the low end and nerf it on the high end like they do with everything lately.
Gravity Well
Tachyon Beam
It shares the cd with BO, FAW and the mini sci versions of it on sci ships that have it.
Something I've wanted to see for ages is a method in which we can combine say four fore phaser arrays into one, or at least give us the option to only display one beam effect firing. Effect spam is getting so bad in queues these days with FAW and CSV that the game engine simply can't keep up. Also, it looks far more akin to canon and would be an exceedingly welcome change for me.
Other than that, fewer heals... this game is so saturated with heals it's nigh impossible to die, even more so on my main. He's an Engineer and combine the epic heals with Grace Under Fire trait and you simply can't die unless something utterly alpha's you for insane DPS (or those insane PvP players who are just beyond OP).
Traits, meh... not too fussed. I've got pretty much all the traits I need with the Command Ships and the Pathfinder/Guardian. Even then I can only use four at a time so yeah... don't really care about traits. Certainly won't just buy a ship for a trait.
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Something I've wanted to see for ages is a method in which we can combine say four fore phaser arrays into one, or at least give us the option to only display one beam effect firing. Effect spam is getting so bad in queues these days with FAW and CSV that the game engine simply can't keep up. Also, it looks far more akin to canon and would be an exceedingly welcome change for me.
Other than that, fewer heals... this game is so saturated with heals it's nigh impossible to die, even more so on my main. He's an Engineer and combine the epic heals with Grace Under Fire trait and you simply can't die unless something utterly alpha's you for insane DPS (or those insane PvP players who are just beyond OP).
Traits, meh... not too fussed. I've got pretty much all the traits I need with the Command Ships and the Pathfinder/Guardian. Even then I can only use four at a time so yeah... don't really care about traits. Certainly won't just buy a ship for a trait.
Trouble as at the same time I imagine if they start turning off effects it could create end up getting stuff like invisi-torps...but instead of just the Borg it's widespread...another thing they'd need to fix.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Wheres the challenge when you can heal and tank forever with no fear of losing
Lol, while I've seen some tanks in PvP, you can wear them down. Some of the over-the-top healing is from the command ships and that console they have, but frankly, nothing too bad unless there is more than 1 and they know what they're doing.
Then there are the science consoles no one uses.
Really anything that doesn't increase damage, turn rate, or resistance is discarded as soon as fleet or crafting consoles are available.
And on that note, tac consoles are by far the least interesting of them all. Why not have some that do more than just buff damage, maybe increase proc chance or enhance groups or specific tac powers.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
My character Tsin'xing
There are anti-healing methods in game. SA and the Counter-Command Ordanace 4-set are among them.
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
Tacs are overrated.
Game's best wiki
Build questions? Look here!
A friend of mine has gone through 3 different sets of full Mk XIV very rare to epic weapon types only to get them nerfed each time. Everytime he finds weapons that work, they get nerfed 2 weeks later. Which is why he has quit.
There has to be a point to where the players have had enough with the nerfing before nothing will be viable anymore.
Which is why I always advocate against early adoption. It will always change later, best not to assume it wont.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Or is it? I don't really care about mines, they weren't used that often in Star Trek. Though the two occassions I remember, they were quite important. Mining Cardassian ships in a Nebula and mining the Bajoran wormhole entrance - but regular combat seems not to be that common.
I think more devices would be cool. I actually think they should add 4 device slots to every ship and turn every universal console with a clickable into a device. It's ridicilous how much regular consoles are ignored for universal consoles, and design wise, it's never a good idea to give people a choice between a passive and an active. You should always create different silos for this type of skills. (Something they have been doing in pretty much every other new system - Reputation Traits are all passive, except the final one, which is always active. Set bonuses often work like that, all bonuses passive except the final one.)
Verily, it would also be nice to start turning the t5 ship consoles into true universal consoles, like the t4 and below, since we now have t6 incoming.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
They can extend this by retooling / rebranding attack / escape / heal powers, while sprinkling in new abilities , but the sheer number of powers they have committed themselves to churn out per Specialization / ship bundle is staggering and ultimately finite .
See, they know that power sells ... but at this point they are overselling power , and there is a fat chance that this power selling rate can be maintained for more then 2 years .
Don't forget that each ship bundle has to come with consoles & synergies (aka 5 powers minimum) on top of the Specialization tree powers and the Specialization Boff powers .
... so good luck with threads like these ... -- Cryptic could sure use'em ... seeing that they have either shot themselves in the foot or have decided to squeeze as much cash from the players in a finite amount of time ...
Join the Deltas today!
Take Metreon Gass for example, should be lethal if you take what happens in Insurrection as an indicator of what it could do but it's utterly useless apart from making a nice particle effect. Plus the cooldown, even with the recent reduction is way too long for it to get used more than maybe once per mission.
And that is really the problem, long cooldowns and meager effects meam most special uni consoles get ignored.
On the other hand some of the 3pc sets like the Isokinetic cannon are amazing, decent damage and low cooldown....see where i'm coming from here?
Make more uni consoles like this, where they can be used regularly and also have a synergy with your build and you'll make them more useful.
Right now all people do is stack DPS consoles, embassy consoles and fleet armour consoles because that is what gives your build the best chance at succeeding.
Your ship is duplicated. The copy has the exact same properties your ship has and does the exact same movement and damage flying directly above you in close proximity. After 10 seconds your duplicate explodes with your ship suffering extensive damage by the warp core breach.
Edit: Both ships use the same energy source. So weapons, engines and science abilities will drain your power levels twice as much.
Increased proc chances
Refracting beam chance (chance for weapon to bounce to other targets)
Shield and hull vampire (drain hp from enemy shields and hull to give them to yourself)
I think thats what the case here is.
Personally I would not mind getting no new or only very few stuff in the foreseeable future. Brainstorming should go into measurements how the game itself can be assured to run smoothly.
With the upgrade infrastructure in place as well as the spec trees peeps should have their hands full for quiet some time.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
A fix pvp console/device !!
(they ask for help in pvp forum on what the device/console would do)
I know the Solanae 2nd deflector does shield vampiring (which I use) for drain builds.
1. a focusing tactical console to increase the effective range of cannons from 5k out to beam ranges.
2. a center hull weapon mount that only hold Torps or missiles. Vertical weapon mounts 360 arc . where the mount its self is what rotates not the weapon allowing us to install any torp or missile we have in the slot to gain the 360 arc.
3. tweak weapon consoles phaser for feds ,disruptor for Klingons & (not sure why plasma) but Plasma for rommies where if that type of weapon is used by proper faction they get a dmg OR proc boost but only for that faction.
4. more faction specific consoles to give people a real reason to play other factions. and keep them faction only stop the cross faction stuff. But balanced so no one side comes out OP.
5.1. change boarding party skills from shuttles launching that get shot down with FAW spam and turn it into a transporter tactical skill. BP1 beam 5 man team to disrupt enemy systems taking one Console power offline, BP2 beam 10 man team 2 console power offline, BP3 15 man team 3 console powers offline.
possibly add this to it.
5.2. manage to get 45 team members on board and gain control of ship for 15 seconds . to use enemy Shields must be down on facing and you lower shield to beam out teams. ( basically working like confuse where they fire on allies instead of you. )
(since Boarding party power is removed from engineering and given to tactical)
6. engineering gets erect emergency force fields and vent compartment to space. to clear boarding parties.
7. Mines released inside vent plasma cloud or other cloud type slow do More damage but to everything in the cloud even the attacker if they are in range.
8. remove the shield distribution from tac team.
9. Add shield distribution to science team.
10. Give the Klingon species BOFFs a space trait. Guile which is basically just go down fighting.
11. Instead of a disco ball in Klingon planets and neutral locations like drozona, nimbus and DS9
allow ALL toons a device to start a Drunken Brawl where everybody nearby break out knives and starts fighting. but they only work near Bars where drinks are sold NOT everyplace. ( just as disco balls should have only worked on a dance floor instead of anyplace.) even Picard was in a unwanted Knife fight with a Nausicaan.
This would actually be quite amusing, but you just know if disco balls troll people actually starting fights with other people's toons will set the forums on fire!
A good thing would be to add some passive effects to the clicky uni consoles that are rarely used. We've seen this a bit with the newer Kobali cruiser console (extra hull regen) so it can be done. Give people a reason to slot these consoles rather than stuffing them into their bank slots. This way the clicky powers become a secondary bonus to the passive effect if this is build right.
What I think they should do is take existing consoles and make a Mk-2 version of it
For instance the Grappler
Make a Mk-2 version that stops a ship escape possible , If you hit epte evasive you basically destroy your ship...make the effect last until a X amount of damage is done to the holding ship representing the grappler being disabled
now boarding partys might be a threat
these mk-2 versions should be separate and new consoles available in the dilithium store , ownership of the original console a must for purchase
I think adding new capabilitys to existing consoles especially weak ones is the perfered way to go
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
My character Tsin'xing
Not a bad ability. Very useful on a drain boat. If they messed with it, they'd probably bump up the effect on the low end and nerf it on the high end like they do with everything lately.
Gravity Well
Tachyon Beam
I fully support enhancing situational-specific abilities to have specific set bonuses that make them on par with simple rows of fleet tac consoles, hull armor, and sci consoles.
Ship packs like the Vestas or the Romulan Dreadnoughts were made with 3-pack consoles that unlock further abilities and some bonuses to ship traits. I suspect to be one of fewer and fewer players who actually fly them with the set bonuses as opposed to just replacing them with standard and undoubtedly overall better tac/hull/sci consoles.
I also slot in a warp burst capacitor on top of all that, which by the damage numbers seems to lack the '5-second damage boost' as the tooltip claims (is it broken?), squeeze in a plasmonic, then fall short of tac consoles in a very squishy science or science-oriented ship that can't even do that role very well.
I've had people tell me they see these as crutches that they 'learned not to use or rely on' as if I slot them because I somehow lack situational awareness or ability to plan. It is quite the opposite: they enhance the strategy, planning, and team-work aspects that I like, keeping the game challenging while providing a sense of overwhelming power as a sort of exotic-science hybird ship.
Bring these up to par with their counterparts. It is more difficult relying on consoles to try to make up for the loss of DPS, hull, and everything else, only to end up stuck behind very long cool-downs.
Perhaps add some in-between-cool-down boosts with respect to the type of ability that is on cool-down.
For example, secondary shielding, after it is used and for the duration of its cooldown provides a shield hardness bonus. Cloaked barrage would give a strong defense boost. Thalaron pulse cooldown would boost all exotic damage. Warp burst capacitor would boost flight speed and turn rate.
All such bonuses would wear off when the abilities are off cooldown, making the ships a real challenge to fly since unless the scenarios encountered require such exotic abilities to be most effective they would be forced to either change loadouts or prepare accordingly to the mission, which in turn hopefully won't be scripted and entirely predictable.
It shares the cd with BO, FAW and the mini sci versions of it on sci ships that have it.
Other than that, fewer heals... this game is so saturated with heals it's nigh impossible to die, even more so on my main. He's an Engineer and combine the epic heals with Grace Under Fire trait and you simply can't die unless something utterly alpha's you for insane DPS (or those insane PvP players who are just beyond OP).
Traits, meh... not too fussed. I've got pretty much all the traits I need with the Command Ships and the Pathfinder/Guardian. Even then I can only use four at a time so yeah... don't really care about traits. Certainly won't just buy a ship for a trait.
Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit for details.
Trouble as at the same time I imagine if they start turning off effects it could create end up getting stuff like invisi-torps...but instead of just the Borg it's widespread...another thing they'd need to fix.