To combat the threat of the incomming Iconians I am creating a new fleet in order to provide solutions and training to those of us who play for fun and still love the game
I think fleets have become too fractioned and rivalry presents too much of a barrier to allow most people to interact and have fun - the purpose of this fleet is to alliviate that issue.
This is both temp and perm friendly - I use this fleet to help train other fleet members who want assistance - they will temporarily leave their fleet so they contribute while training
Permanent members will be welcome as officers or recruits
I'm flexible and want others to enjoy but also learn advanced tactics as well as co-operation and team support - if you sound like you would make a good Officer or Perm/Temp fleet memeber then its cool - remember you must contribute while you are a memeber
fair is fair
Available singular positions in fleet:
1. Captain (responsible for fleet members and officers conduct as well as other fleet tasks such
as Provisions)
2. XO (responsible for higher end fleet dealings and membership admin - reports to XO)
3. Lt. Cmdr (responsible for team training and fleet morale as a whole - confers with counsellor
and Tac officer)
4. Counsellor (responsible for daily contact with active fleet members on an individual level
andprovide suggestions for fleet improvement via statistics from fleet members)
5. Eng Officer (responsible for providing equipment/items to base level toons to assist leveling)
6. Intel Officer (responsible for general walkthroughs/tutorials and Q/A about all abilities)
7. Sci Officer (responsible for consumables distribution as well as Boff and Doff Q/A)
8. Tac Officer (multiple positions - responsible for space and ground team training - Leadership
role - so be active!)
9. Website Admin: Taking care of Fleet Website maintainance and creation (skilled only)
10. Fleet Liason - I invite leaders and representatives of other fleets to hold permanent co-operation seats in this fleet to assist better member training and allivate stress on those too busy to run trainings programs.
Available multiple non-officer positions:
1. Fleet Member (Applies to ALL fleet members!) responsible to conduct without lying,
cheating or stealing - but remember to be cooperative and have fun!)
The point of this Fleet:
Prepare to battle the most vicious aliens with focus on Iconians - training, help and tactics to be shared - if you are unwilling to cooperate with other memebers and share knowldge this is not the right fleet for you. Basically whatever effort we unify and put into the fleet is what will dictate of how awesome our fleet will become.
Open to:
Instructions to join: post your
@handles here as well as what position you want and which timezone you are in to be able to co-ordinate this endeavor
**(Positions in Red have been filled)
Mao has been granted Tac Officer position:
Tac Officer (responsible for space and ground team training - Leadership role - so be active!)
"The Iconians and their allies are here...we must stop and save them at the same time before they destroy us...out of TIME"
Djon has been granted position of:
Lt. Cmdr (responsible for team training and fleet morale as a whole - confers with counsellor and
Tac officer)
"The Iconians and their allies are here...we must stop and save them at the same time before they destroy us...out of TIME"