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50 to 60 exp OOT.

mjrkrakenmjrkraken Member Posts: 40 Arc User
edited April 2015 in The Academy
A simpe request, one that will no doubt be ignored, but why is the exp for level 50 60 5 times the amount for 0 to 50..its rediculous, 1.6ish mill exp.. having a hgh requirement for the later specaoliztion points fair do, but locking missions behind the long grind to 60 is..well,asshatery. With the coming Iconian Rep on top if the 6 already, and with trying to convince us all to make new 'Delta toons' maybe, just maybe Cryptic can give us a little break, cut the exp required to hit 60 to a more resonable amount, boost 60+ if need be, but at least make it so your players can enjoy missions you spend time on making, rather then lock them at the TRIBBLE end of a grind.

End rant, heh.
Post edited by mjrkraken on


  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    I understand that they didn't like people just burning through their content, but the things they've done to xp, is ridiculous. It becomes even more so, when they turn it into a grind that they can add to when ever they want (like the rep system).

    When you're game losing people, the last thing you want is to make playing tedious, which they have done.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    i hear a bugle and hoofs nearing from the distance.
    who could that be?
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    It does make sense when you see everything after level 50 as end game content. I have to say I find it an ugly game model. First, what exactly is endgame? Everything you do/can do after reaching the level cap and is always a long and tedious form of grinding. This concept we see almost in every other game. This doesn't mean we should have it here too, but a lot of people will be confused if things are different. Anyway, we have something that is long and tedious, but does not start at reaching the level cap. It is 10 levels before.
  • spockout1spockout1 Member Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Too many thing in this game are time-gated - dilithium refining, queues, and regular story missions. Making it painful for people to get through your content is not the best way to get people to spend more time playing your game. Having to earn a ludicrous amount of XP to level your toons is just another way of time-gating.

    Getting people to invest time, and money, into the game can be done a lot of better ways. The story missions are actually very good and the quality has been steadily improving since game launch (not talking about the bugs in the code, but the content of the missions themselves). A lot more good quality missions, some actual time spent in QA, and a lot more open world type areas (battlezones) would be a much better way to go.
    "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. Except for a T5 Connie. That would be f*%#ing awesome." - Mr. Spock
  • razar2380razar2380 Member Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    mjrkraken wrote: »
    A simpe request, one that will no doubt be ignored, but why is the exp for level 50 60 5 times the amount for 0 to 50..its rediculous, 1.6ish mill exp.. having a hgh requirement for the later specaoliztion points fair do, but locking missions behind the long grind to 60 is..well,asshatery. With the coming Iconian Rep on top if the 6 already, and with trying to convince us all to make new 'Delta toons' maybe, just maybe Cryptic can give us a little break, cut the exp required to hit 60 to a more resonable amount, boost 60+ if need be, but at least make it so your players can enjoy missions you spend time on making, rather then lock them at the TRIBBLE end of a grind.

    End rant, heh.

    This is something that a lot of us players have been trying to get them to do something about. However, they keep nerfing xp, and access to the patrols that were used to grind those levels.

    I have seen about 47 new players that started playing since DR hit to stop playing after spending about a week at level 50 because of the grind. Their complaints have pretty much expressed the feeling of being punished for reaching level 50. And they are correct.

    The CapSpec system should have never been a part of leveling from 50-60, and the it should have taken the same amount of time from one level to the next as it takes from 59-60.

    But, instead of making content, or giving players things that they would enjoy logging into the game to do, they create extreme uber-grinds to try to force them to stay in the game. Truth is, a large amount of players are now leaving because of these choices.

    Will they ever change it so that it is more player friendly? Not sure. They have only recently tried to fix the Advance queues. And that still needs a lot of work to fix. So, who knows? They may decide to change this so that it is more enjoyable, and less punishing in the future.
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  • giliongilion Member Posts: 686 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I completely agree with this. I mean I do think that getting to lvl 50 is too easy, but you shouldn't need to grind to get from 50-60. If there was enough content to get from 50-60 without doing anything more than once then the increase exp requirement would be fine, but having to grind just to continue the story? That is really annoying.
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  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I think a lot of the decision making had to do with they didn't want anyone burning through their content, but Cryptic being Cryptic they didn't have enough content to make a smooth progression... so they kind of compromised and did something that no one likes at all.

    But that was then and this is now... you've added what... three new missions to it... but instead of everytime simply adjusting the old missions for better progression... they just get lazy and tacked on the new missions at 60 when they were done their FE progression.

    Quite simply you don't need all those missions at 60. As you add in new FEs instead of making them all level 60... redo the progression to make it smoother.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    I think a lot of the decision making had to do with they didn't want anyone burning through their content, but Cryptic being Cryptic they didn't have enough content to make a smooth progression... so they kind of compromised and did something that no one likes at all.

    But that was then and this is now... you've added what... three new missions to it... but instead of everytime simply adjusting the old missions for better progression... they just get lazy and tacked on the new missions at 60 when they were done their FE progression.

    Quite simply you don't need all those missions at 60. As you add in new FEs instead of making them all level 60... redo the progression to make it smoother.

    I honestly think that the biggest reason people are burning through the content is because they're skipping the written stuff or cut scenes. Some people don't, others do it on the main and skip for alts, but a lot of the faster runs are just skipping everything they can. Maybe instead of nerfing content, they should just write better story?

    God knows, that I found my self skipping through the new mission just because of how it read, or some of Sela's dialog. It just wasn't great, so I just started skipping.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I honestly think that the biggest reason people are burning through the content is because they're skipping the written stuff or cut scenes. Some people don't, others do it on the main and skip for alts, but a lot of the faster runs are just skipping everything they can. Maybe instead of nerfing content, they should just write better story?

    God knows, that I found my self skipping through the new mission just because of how it read, or some of Sela's dialog. It just wasn't great, so I just started skipping.

    Skipping the written stuff increases time to completion, but it doesn't make the progression any smoother. You still need to stop and do anything bewteen each level, which is kind of boring. By restructuring the levels each mission occurs at, you would have less level 60 story missions, and spread them out over other lelvels helping to decrease the grind
  • nostalgiamannostalgiaman Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have a different experience from you all, though there are some similarities. I just came back to STO during the Crystalline Entity event to my Level 50 Sci. The run from 50 to 59 had all of one gap, that I filled with the Nimbus missions and a plethora of Entity runs. It was annoying as hell to have to wait to finish the damned arc, but there really isn't any need to go to the Jenolan Sphere till well into the 50s. I have an Eng alt to 54 and I haven't touched either sphere's content on that one, just run leftover story missions.

    It seems to me there are two problems here. 1) Active older characters had used up all the old content while at 50 that fill the gap for newer characters and 2) Starting the Delta missions right at 50 (or whatever it actually is) may be too soon for the amount of material there with the level requirements along the way.

    TL;DR : The leveling isn't that bad if you have older content left to run.

    Besides, leveling hitting the breaks at 50 has been a tried and true MMO trope for 15 years now! :D
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have a different experience from you all, though there are some similarities. I just came back to STO during the Crystalline Entity event to my Level 50 Sci. The run from 50 to 59 had all of one gap, that I filled with the Nimbus missions and a plethora of Entity runs. It was annoying as hell to have to wait to finish the damned arc, but there really isn't any need to go to the Jenolan Sphere till well into the 50s. I have an Eng alt to 54 and I haven't touched either sphere's content on that one, just run leftover story missions.

    It seems to me there are two problems here. 1) Active older characters had used up all the old content while at 50 that fill the gap for newer characters and 2) Starting the Delta missions right at 50 (or whatever it actually is) may be too soon for the amount of material there with the level requirements along the way.

    TL;DR : The leveling isn't that bad if you have older content left to run.

    Besides, leveling hitting the breaks at 50 has been a tried and true MMO trope for 15 years now! :D

    same experiance here: skipped most of the story missions when I reached level 50 way back...did those missions when DR came out. Easily reached level 55 with doffing and the old content. Basically had no downtime (or grind) to level 60.

    New chars that do ALL the story missions won't need to repeat missions or grind XP.
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