Okay, not
that kind of "alien". :P Normal for me, but "alien" to the West Coast apparently, several of my native state's popular foods are
tried for the first time by Californians. It has been a while since I laughed so hard. Oh, and if you've never consumed one, red-capped "Blenheim's" is practically Southern speak for "liquid fire". Pain that pleases. Despite it being a soft drink, I suspect Klingons would consume large tankards of it.
Also, they should have included
Frogmore Stew (no frogs), a.k.a. Low Country Boil, my state's answer to a clam bake.
Got any vids of taste testing of food common to your part of the globe but alien to us?
On the other hand, that one guy had zero restraint with the sweet tea. That was cute.
I have heard there are some funny reactions to Vegemite. Not my part of the world but definitely an example of some very...polarizing reactions!
There's also the Kids React to Food series on YouTube, which once in a while shows foreign food like escargot, caviar, etc. The kids' reactions are pretty funny.
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Off topic, when I saw the thread title the image of a xenomorph biting someones head off was the first thing I thought of, lol
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I grew up with the stuff thanks to my dad's tour as an exchange officer with the Royal Australian Navy. I show it to my college roommates and they go, WTF?
'Course, these are the same guys for whom I made Indian curry and they thought it was really spicy after I had considerably reduced from my customary amount.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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