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Help with my build

four20outlawfour20outlaw Member Posts: 3 Arc User
edited March 2015 in Federation Discussion
Hey guys, first time poster but a long time player. I recently returned to the game few months back and wanted help on my build. I needed advice on my build so thanks for your help

Ship: Fleet patrol escort retrofit
Play style: Stand there head first and shoot lol

Foreweapons: 4 x Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons [Acc + Ctrl D x3] - all level 14
Aft Weapons: AP Voth Turret, Cutting Beam, Omni-directional, Tempest Tail gun - all level 14
Deflector: Assimilate Def- level 14
Impulse: Assimilated Engines -level 14
Warp: Elite fleet hypercharged [ Amp, ecap, eff , trans w>a] - level 14
Shields : Adapted Maco covariant shield- level 14
Devices: Weapons + shield battery
Engineering consoles: [2 x enhanced neutronium alloy +sif], Assimilated module, Sero-point Energy conduit- all level 14
Science consoles- 2 x Field generator- all level 14
Tactical consoles: 5 x Vulnerability Lcoator + AP- all level 14

BOFFS: Dylrene (space increase damage vs borg), Zemok Jenro (Reduce time of attack patterns), Hansor (Reduce time of Tatical team + buff), 2 x Damage control - all purple

Tact: 2 x TT, CsV1, CSV2, CRF1, APO1, APB3
Sci: EPS1, EPS2, AP to structural integ 2
Eng: HE1, TSS2

Any help is appreciated thanks !
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Mostly you're pretty set up already (short of getting REALLY into the weeds about 1 percent here or there) but a couple of little things I notice.

    You have 2 EPTS but two Damage Control Engineers? Why not turn one of those EPTS into an EPTW for more punch?

    If you have dual tac teams, is your Conn Officer really doing much for you other than a slight attack pattern boost? You could probably fit something more directly useful in his place.

    With shared cooldowns you can only ever use 2 cannon skills, so why 3? You could easily drop one for another copy of APO or an Overload for the omni-beam or even a Target Subsystems or....something.
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