I can, learn how to upgrade gear with the right modifiers.
Make sure you get the dil on yer toons, DAILY when you log in....
Don't use a trading channel to trade the gear, everyone in those trading channels are doing the same thing, so your not going to be getting alot of hits, even for half off the exchange price.
Most engines, consoles, Shields, are better then, SOME of the sets,, for certain purposes, so there is a HIGH demand for the RIGHT modifiers.
maybe after a few months as friends I could give out tips like this , as far as I know your a Dev or will come right to the forum with the info or one of the people you tell will
however that trust thing has to be made because things of this nature once they hit the forums get nerfed as we have saw in the past over and over
The main thing is there are mechanics in the game that allow players to get unreal rewards...Bugs I don't think so because cryptic put them in the game in the first place
I call them features cryptic rewards players who really try hard to be good in the game
you can look at this web site for some good tips on creating wealth
This is just one source but there are others as well
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
maybe after a few months as friends I could give out tips like this , as far as I know your a Dev or will come right to the forum with the info or one of the people you tell will
however that trust thing has to be made because things of this nature once they hit the forums get nerfed as we have saw in the past over and over
The main thing is there are mechanics in the game that allow players to get unreal rewards...Bugs I don't think so because cryptic put them in the game in the first place
I call them features cryptic rewards players who really try hard to be good in the game
you can look at this web site for some good tips on creating wealth
This is just one source but there are others as well
By all means, in no way do i work for cryptic, nor ever have. I do not even know what California, looks like, or L.A air smells like.
I just can read with comprehension, more so then most. In the "FCT" thread it quiet frankley, between the lines said, HEY to the veteran players who, do not like change, they can take a hike, we don't need your money.
I would expect that kind of response from a team like this, because the are good. And by all means, i am one of those guys that expect a down time of 8 hours, after a two hour patch.
But yes, @jellico1, send me a friend invite in game, i'll show you "stuff", and none are glitches, or could get you banned. And i will show them to anybody, who asks.
And no it isnt going to make "cryptic" want to nerf anything. What cryptic will do now, is keep introducing new upgrade tech, and some form hopefully of Accelerators
It comes with the turf OP. Such is life on the forums and whining about it doesn't help the situation.
How does making a statement about whining and negativity, turn into me whining? That is some form of magical brain twister power you got their sir... maybe you should go have that checked out.
Go meet the Vampire Dante, or I dunno Drgrimm at the Nexus mod site, see how they deal with "rude crude dudes" like yerself.
Or go eat a cookie, whatever floats yer boat, or in this case, starship.
It comes with the turf OP. Such is life on the forums and whining about it doesn't help the situation.
sometimes its good to vent some plasma in order to stop a warp core breech comes to mind
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
How does making a statement about whining and negativity, turn into me whining? That is some form of magical brain twister power you got their sir... maybe you should go have that checked out.
Go meet the Vampire Dante, or I dunno Drgrimm at the Nexus mod site, see how they deal with "rude crude dudes" like yerself.
Or go eat a cookie, whatever floats yer boat, or in this case, starship.
I stopped reading the original post after the third word I saw in all caps.
How does making a statement about whining and negativity, turn into me whining? That is some form of magical brain twister power you got their sir... maybe you should go have that checked out.
Go meet the Vampire Dante, or I dunno Drgrimm at the Nexus mod site, see how they deal with "rude crude dudes" like yerself.
Or go eat a cookie, whatever floats yer boat, or in this case, starship.
You're not just making "a statement"... don't tell me you're trying to downplay that wall-o-text, like, really...erm, seriously?! Nothing against criticism aight, but straight up, the way you keep expressing yourself in here isn't very different to the so called "kids hiding behind their monitors" you're complaining about, if not worse... and btw, go and check that CAPSLOCK key, it seems to have a malfunction...
So we have the OP who makes a pompous post about himself and is supposedly an "adult" who refers to himself as a "monkey" and then, in the manner of a real adult :rolleyes:, proceeds insulting the majority of the playerbase, insultng people's intelligence, using words like whiny/whining, offering "cheese with the whine" (oh yeah, a real "adult" we have here), labels everybody that doesn't share his opinion as 16 years old or younger kids crying for a baby bottle, makes unsuported claims about the gaming industry and blatantly lies.
But wait! That's not all folks - then he goes into naming and shaming certain individuals and fleets, wants people who express concerns/complaints to be run over by a Negh'var and even goes into insulting an entire RL profession!
Oh yeah, he and his fleet are suposedly the only ones that know how to have fun the "right" way in this game.
To OP - Suggestion: I sincerely recommend some counceling in the friendliest possible manner, because this wall of text pompous rant comes out as anything but written by a mature adult individual.
If actually trolling, you need to work on this - tone it down, cause you're making it pretty obvious.
To Mods and CM - Suggestion: Maybe it's time to put wall of text pointless and insulting rants in the F.C.T. Just an idea.
Few things i would like to point out. Your whining to the business owners, and in real life, your asked to leave the place if your a RUDE customer.
So people should not talk bad about their betters?
In real life your beloved "buisness owners" get punished when they have a bad buisness model or when they treat their customers like TRIBBLE. And yeah people will "whine" complain and some will even take legal action about it depending on the situation.
In real liife "buisness owners" are not gods and people can take whatever action they see fit against your beloved buisness owners.
The kids that think they can Hide behind a computer monitor, and
"act" tough, are the ones that need to go, especially if all they are doing is, expressing dis-concern, over the game, yet keep logging into it. Jst to talk TRIBBLE.
Nice strawman.
How did you determine that the people you are talking about are kids? Did you make a poll? Did you make a survey? Did you run around and ask each and everyone of them their age?
Adults do not make generalizations. Adults do not assume that everyone in a group are unified in their opinions unless they are talking about a cult and as bad as the forums are they don't function like a cult.
I noticed quite a few comments, on, oh not this again, why does this happen every week? Not the case, Delta Risings LAUNCH day was almost FLAWLESS, except they did a late night patch, ( murica' HUZZAAH! ) meaning not ONCE, but MULTIPLE times, these people have worked OVERTIME to PLEASE you. Least you could do for them is SHOW THEM respect, even if you do not AGREE with them 100%. THIS IS CALLED LIFE, and if PEOPLE keep acting like CHILDREN on the internet, crying for a baby bottle, eventually, the FCC will take it over, and start making "regulations" like making "trolling" a punishable offence.
This is a COMMUNITY. And people that act like that, need to be disciplined. Just like any other community.... break the law you go to jail.
Nice strawman and slippery slope.
People have the right to act however they want and they will get punished one way or another if they do something wrong and/or against the law.
This is a COMMUNITY. And people that act like that, need to be disciplined. Just like any other community.... break the law you go to jail.
That is CRYPTIC'S OBLIGATION to its customers. Discipline the LAWBREAKERS...even if that means make them go away. AND CRYPTIC is the law around here.
So people who "whine, act like babies...bla bla bla" are lawbreakers?? Bad analogy.
Everyone who acts imature should be ban or banished because you can't tolerate them?
Unlike you i have lived in a place where i was required by law to praise the leaders and the party and i am happy that you have no real power to affect this game.
DO YOU WHINERS know how it AFFECTS the games population? Most people check out a games forums, before they sign up, to see if the game has issues.... what is anybody going to read, when they come here? 87% negativity, the rest, yes, you know who you positive people are.
While i do admire your love for logical fallacies they are not considered as a acceptable arguing tactic.
Please do tell how does whining affect the game? IF the game is good people will play it regardless of the whiners. If the game is a grindfest then people will find better games.
Most people who have played any online game tend to know that the forums are a place where people vent frustrations so it's logical to assume there will be negativity.
So to sum it up, Cryptic's ONLY obligation to its, customers, are, to provide a service, and take your money, and have a smile on their face, and say as LITTLE as possible. There are a MILLION reasons for everything in this game, and it is "not just" cryptic's fault.
Cryptic has more obligations to its customers, some are dictated by law and some are dictated by wanting to remain in buisness.
You are definitely one of those people who talks rather a lot but, at the same time, actually says nothing.
Yeah, I didn't bother reading all that. A point you can't sum up in a few sentences isn't a point worth mentioning.
I'd also add that talking about some secretive get rich quick scheme you're not allowed to share on public forums sounds a lot like something a certain Nigerian Prince would come up with.
We get plenty of gold spam in the game, do we really need it in here too? It's not like this place needs help getting any worse.
Speaking of understanding plain English, the term you're looking for is 'incite.'
inflight flaming would be worse!
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
This is funny. because everyone saying that was a troll thread, only validated my point to cryptic, and to myself, and the members in my fleet
BARELY if ANY of you ACTUALLY read the thing.
Yer insta seeing WALL OF TEXT and having a chemical reaction in your brain causing some of you to become intimidated, or maybe i dunno, afraid because you cannot read that well, and want to "seem smart".
Im not gonna explain anymore. If you cannot take 5 seconds to get to know someone, then maybe you should not be playing MMO's.
That guy that keeps getting an arrow in his knee, he said he needs help now... go play that.
NAH i guess maybe ill explain it.
YOU and YOU and YOU as a NEGATIVE player, can be, "forced" out the door, just by expressing your "short" opinions.
"this is a troll thread, because i don't understand it"
The core argument of this thread could probably be summed up in about 3 sentences.
"All content can be done by premade groups that work as a team and here is how if you don't believe me, great gear is not needed if you use strategy in place of raw DPS. My fleet helps smaller fleets that are having trouble, we're even nice about it. So I really wish Cryptic should do something about all these people ******** constantly that pugs are failing and that it's too hard for smaller fleets to get the best stuff."
Now the first two sentences are undoubtedly true, the original post has made a solid case for the first, and for the second, there's ample evidence just from the NuP channel that larger fleets are at least making sure players don't feel like they have to abandon their fleets to get progression gear. In short, I have no doubt a coordinated team of players in middling gear can take down any of the advanced STF content without even the kind of coordination and teamwork necessary for a 25 man raid guild in some other MMO to down an Anub'rhekan or Thaddius.
As for the rest, it seems to be based on the view that Advanced STF content should require teamwork and a semi-specific group composition. Cryptic's most recent development choice indicates that they expect advanced STF content to be completed by random teams of players via in the in-game grouping system, without any guaranty of even a broad composition or the ability to communicate.
Whether this is good for the game or bad for the game would be the better discussion, as assuming your own view to be the default and discussing what should be done about dissenters will just cause you and those dissenters to speak past eachother.
The core argument of this thread could probably be summed up in about 3 sentences.
"All content can be done by premade groups that work as a team and here is how if you don't believe me, great gear is not needed if you use strategy in place of raw DPS. My fleet helps smaller fleets that are having trouble, we're even nice about it. So I really wish Cryptic should do something about all these people ******** constantly that pugs are failing and that it's too hard for smaller fleets to get the best stuff."
Now the first two sentences are undoubtedly true, the original post has made a solid case for the first, and for the second, there's ample evidence just from the NuP channel that larger fleets are at least making sure players don't feel like they have to abandon their fleets to get progression gear. In short, I have no doubt a coordinated team of players in middling gear can take down any of the advanced STF content without even the kind of coordination and teamwork necessary for a 25 man raid guild in some other MMO to down an Anub'rhekan or Thaddius.
As for the rest, it seems to be based on the view that Advanced STF content should require teamwork and a semi-specific group composition. Cryptic's most recent development choice indicates that they expect advanced STF content to be completed by random teams of players via in the in-game grouping system, without any guaranty of even a broad composition or the ability to communicate.
Whether this is good for the game or bad for the game would be the better discussion, as assuming your own view to be the default and discussing what should be done about dissenters will just cause you and those dissenters to speak past eachother.
Well, there we go, thank you for "explaining it better" then i could I am only human. and it was 4 am when i wrote that .
Probably because it was utterly unreadable. The onus is on you to make it interesting enough for anyone to read.
Yer insta seeing WALL OF TEXT and having a chemical reaction in your brain causing some of you to become intimidated, or maybe i dunno, afraid because you cannot read that well, and want to "seem smart".
This is funny. because everyone saying that was a troll thread, only validated my point to cryptic, and to myself, and the members in my fleet
BARELY if ANY of you ACTUALLY read the thing.
Yer insta seeing WALL OF TEXT and having a chemical reaction in your brain causing some of you to become intimidated, or maybe i dunno, afraid because you cannot read that well, and want to "seem smart".
Im not gonna explain anymore. If you cannot take 5 seconds to get to know someone, then maybe you should not be playing MMO's.
That guy that keeps getting an arrow in his knee, he said he needs help now... go play that.
NAH i guess maybe ill explain it.
YOU and YOU and YOU as a NEGATIVE player, can be, "forced" out the door, just by expressing your "short" opinions.
"this is a troll thread, because i don't understand it"
Very constructive for the community
Last time you tried a troll thread like this, things went very badly for you, remember?!
Well, there we go, thank you for "explaining it better" then i could I am only human. and it was 4 am when i wrote that .
Thank you.
No, I understand the tendency to use detail to forestall any confusion or dispute on established facts.
If you had simply said "All content is doable without gear" before going on to argue for how players should act in relation to eachother and the proprietors of this online universe the first two pages of responses would be about how hard it is to carry someone who actively sabotages your run, either intentionally or just due to not knowing the content. Either to 'prove you wrong' before even getting to the point in discussion, or to hijack the thread for the purpose of arguing for their solution to the 'troll/baddy' problem.
Still, I'm not sure if four pages of people proudly declaring that they didn't even try to read and comprehend the points raised is any better.
This thread was also designed to "help" point out, just because grammers suxors, or thut MAHBEE
you guys think you are so smart, yet, from my experiance, this game has players FROM around the world...
English is not always ones "first language"... So if it makes "no sense" to you, it easily identifies you, and quiet frankly, as a non constructive, forum floater, that needs to feel better, by well, trolling threads like this
Make sure you get the dil on yer toons, DAILY when you log in....
Don't use a trading channel to trade the gear, everyone in those trading channels are doing the same thing, so your not going to be getting alot of hits, even for half off the exchange price.
Most engines, consoles, Shields, are better then, SOME of the sets,, for certain purposes, so there is a HIGH demand for the RIGHT modifiers.
Russians launched a Dog, Americans launched a Chimpanzee, both, sadly never returned alive... ALTHOUGH the second chimpanzee the americans sent did.
When i get my bridge crew actually "finished" ill post a lscreenshot of what happened to that monkey who got his own starship.....
maybe after a few months as friends I could give out tips like this , as far as I know your a Dev or will come right to the forum with the info or one of the people you tell will
however that trust thing has to be made because things of this nature once they hit the forums get nerfed as we have saw in the past over and over
The main thing is there are mechanics in the game that allow players to get unreal rewards...Bugs I don't think so because cryptic put them in the game in the first place
I call them features cryptic rewards players who really try hard to be good in the game
you can look at this web site for some good tips on creating wealth
...................Omega Primary.com................
This is just one source but there are others as well
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
By all means, in no way do i work for cryptic, nor ever have. I do not even know what California, looks like, or L.A air smells like.
I just can read with comprehension, more so then most. In the "FCT" thread it quiet frankley, between the lines said, HEY to the veteran players who, do not like change, they can take a hike, we don't need your money.
I would expect that kind of response from a team like this, because the are good. And by all means, i am one of those guys that expect a down time of 8 hours, after a two hour patch.
But yes, @jellico1, send me a friend invite in game, i'll show you "stuff", and none are glitches, or could get you banned. And i will show them to anybody, who asks.
And no it isnt going to make "cryptic" want to nerf anything. What cryptic will do now, is keep introducing new upgrade tech, and some form hopefully of Accelerators
How does making a statement about whining and negativity, turn into me whining? That is some form of magical brain twister power you got their sir... maybe you should go have that checked out.
Go meet the Vampire Dante, or I dunno Drgrimm at the Nexus mod site, see how they deal with "rude crude dudes" like yerself.
Or go eat a cookie, whatever floats yer boat, or in this case, starship.
sometimes its good to vent some plasma in order to stop a warp core breech comes to mind
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I stopped reading the original post after the third word I saw in all caps.
You're not just making "a statement"... don't tell me you're trying to downplay that wall-o-text, like, really...erm, seriously?! Nothing against criticism aight, but straight up, the way you keep expressing yourself in here isn't very different to the so called "kids hiding behind their monitors" you're complaining about, if not worse... and btw, go and check that CAPSLOCK key, it seems to have a malfunction...
So we have the OP who makes a pompous post about himself and is supposedly an "adult" who refers to himself as a "monkey" and then, in the manner of a real adult :rolleyes:, proceeds insulting the majority of the playerbase, insultng people's intelligence, using words like whiny/whining, offering "cheese with the whine" (oh yeah, a real "adult" we have here), labels everybody that doesn't share his opinion as 16 years old or younger kids crying for a baby bottle, makes unsuported claims about the gaming industry and blatantly lies.
But wait! That's not all folks - then he goes into naming and shaming certain individuals and fleets, wants people who express concerns/complaints to be run over by a Negh'var and even goes into insulting an entire RL profession!
Oh yeah, he and his fleet are suposedly the only ones that know how to have fun the "right" way in this game.
To OP - Suggestion: I sincerely recommend some counceling in the friendliest possible manner, because this wall of text pompous rant comes out as anything but written by a mature adult individual.
If actually trolling, you need to work on this - tone it down, cause you're making it pretty obvious.
To Mods and CM - Suggestion: Maybe it's time to put wall of text pointless and insulting rants in the F.C.T. Just an idea.
Now you lost me. For one you your wall of text i have no idea what your going on about.
So people should not talk bad about their betters?
In real life your beloved "buisness owners" get punished when they have a bad buisness model or when they treat their customers like TRIBBLE. And yeah people will "whine" complain and some will even take legal action about it depending on the situation.
In real liife "buisness owners" are not gods and people can take whatever action they see fit against your beloved buisness owners.
Nice strawman.
How did you determine that the people you are talking about are kids? Did you make a poll? Did you make a survey? Did you run around and ask each and everyone of them their age?
Adults do not make generalizations. Adults do not assume that everyone in a group are unified in their opinions unless they are talking about a cult and as bad as the forums are they don't function like a cult.
Nice strawman and slippery slope.
People have the right to act however they want and they will get punished one way or another if they do something wrong and/or against the law.
So people who "whine, act like babies...bla bla bla" are lawbreakers?? Bad analogy.
Everyone who acts imature should be ban or banished because you can't tolerate them?
Unlike you i have lived in a place where i was required by law to praise the leaders and the party and i am happy that you have no real power to affect this game.
While i do admire your love for logical fallacies they are not considered as a acceptable arguing tactic.
Please do tell how does whining affect the game? IF the game is good people will play it regardless of the whiners. If the game is a grindfest then people will find better games.
Most people who have played any online game tend to know that the forums are a place where people vent frustrations so it's logical to assume there will be negativity.
Cryptic has more obligations to its customers, some are dictated by law and some are dictated by wanting to remain in buisness.
Yeah, I didn't bother reading all that. A point you can't sum up in a few sentences isn't a point worth mentioning.
I'd also add that talking about some secretive get rich quick scheme you're not allowed to share on public forums sounds a lot like something a certain Nigerian Prince would come up with.
We get plenty of gold spam in the game, do we really need it in here too? It's not like this place needs help getting any worse.
Speaking of understanding plain English, the term you're looking for is 'incite.'
I feel the same way after eating too many bean burritos. :P
inflight flaming would be worse!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
In case of a water landing, the nearest blonde can be used as a floatation device.
^Thats yelling.... THIS is stressing that point.
The use of all caps has long been established as a general display of yelling.
BARELY if ANY of you ACTUALLY read the thing.
Yer insta seeing WALL OF TEXT and having a chemical reaction in your brain causing some of you to become intimidated, or maybe i dunno, afraid because you cannot read that well, and want to "seem smart".
Im not gonna explain anymore. If you cannot take 5 seconds to get to know someone, then maybe you should not be playing MMO's.
That guy that keeps getting an arrow in his knee, he said he needs help now... go play that.
NAH i guess maybe ill explain it.
YOU and YOU and YOU as a NEGATIVE player, can be, "forced" out the door, just by expressing your "short" opinions.
"this is a troll thread, because i don't understand it"
Very constructive for the community
"All content can be done by premade groups that work as a team and here is how if you don't believe me, great gear is not needed if you use strategy in place of raw DPS. My fleet helps smaller fleets that are having trouble, we're even nice about it. So I really wish Cryptic should do something about all these people ******** constantly that pugs are failing and that it's too hard for smaller fleets to get the best stuff."
Now the first two sentences are undoubtedly true, the original post has made a solid case for the first, and for the second, there's ample evidence just from the NuP channel that larger fleets are at least making sure players don't feel like they have to abandon their fleets to get progression gear. In short, I have no doubt a coordinated team of players in middling gear can take down any of the advanced STF content without even the kind of coordination and teamwork necessary for a 25 man raid guild in some other MMO to down an Anub'rhekan or Thaddius.
As for the rest, it seems to be based on the view that Advanced STF content should require teamwork and a semi-specific group composition. Cryptic's most recent development choice indicates that they expect advanced STF content to be completed by random teams of players via in the in-game grouping system, without any guaranty of even a broad composition or the ability to communicate.
Whether this is good for the game or bad for the game would be the better discussion, as assuming your own view to be the default and discussing what should be done about dissenters will just cause you and those dissenters to speak past eachother.
Man, see, we need more of that, and less of whatever else is going on here
Well, there we go, thank you
Thank you.
Probably because it was utterly unreadable. The onus is on you to make it interesting enough for anyone to read.
The Germans have the expression, In der Beschr
Last time you tried a troll thread like this, things went very badly for you, remember?!
The Chimp in a space suit speaks!
Real monkeys learn from their experiences, btw.
No, I understand the tendency to use detail to forestall any confusion or dispute on established facts.
If you had simply said "All content is doable without gear" before going on to argue for how players should act in relation to eachother and the proprietors of this online universe the first two pages of responses would be about how hard it is to carry someone who actively sabotages your run, either intentionally or just due to not knowing the content. Either to 'prove you wrong' before even getting to the point in discussion, or to hijack the thread for the purpose of arguing for their solution to the 'troll/baddy' problem.
Still, I'm not sure if four pages of people proudly declaring that they didn't even try to read and comprehend the points raised is any better.
you guys think you are so smart, yet, from my experiance, this game has players FROM around the world...
English is not always ones "first language"... So if it makes "no sense" to you, it easily identifies you, and quiet frankly, as a non constructive, forum floater, that needs to feel better, by well, trolling threads like this
As far as this thread goes, im done with it