This is not a T5-T6 Connie/Exeter Thread
I love the Exeter Class Starship a ton, Its my favourite Ship ingame. I love the Exeter so much I sculpted one out of putty on a whim one day.
The ship has been ingame for years at this point but I never see it anywhere on the NPC side of things. Can't we replace the NPC connies with it? Would love to see behind the glass in ESD by the shipyards. Maybe flying around ESD itself or the fleet Starbases. Have it blow up in the background of some feature episode or something. I would just love to see the Exeter Class just flying about in the game in general.
Side note again I would love to send my thanks to whoever designed the Exeter, I think its a better modern Connie then the JJ-prise.
"No matter where you go...there you are."