giving eng bo skills more value compared to tac and sci, (taking into account, that until now, the game is about destroying things more than surviving things or else.)
for the upcoming galaxy/neghvar reworks i fear they will be double engineering heavy again.
this is basically bad because: a) killing something faster is better for dmg reduce than surviving/healing while dealing no damage. (so environment doesnt reward eng at all)
and/or b) because engineering is not capable to deliver valuable dmg gains at all.
i wont talk about a) but i want to talk about why engineering is only a minor dps increase, even with high rank abilities that are meant to be damaging.
basically all engineering is meant to be "long time effect with fewer amount" while tactical is more about shorttime dmg increase.
the problem is, most fight wont last long enough to let eng make a difference at all. its like a dot class fighting critters ...
so please change engineering into something that delivers "senseable"dmg increase.
i will take some examples of skills now:
directed energy modulation: its basically adding 10% dmg to energy weapons as bleethrough ... at rank 3!!! wow ...
this is not a senseable increase (unless its combined with tac and intel, thats why some ships excel and others that cannot COMBINE it with tac or intel, will suck)
but thins ability should be given an increase, so eng heavy ships like the upcoming t6 galaxy/neghvar have a chance to deal damage. (you will have to lower the interlink benefit with surgical and intel-expose abilities of course)
i suggest DEM dealing 10,15,20% dmg as bleedthrough with a 10,15,20% chance of bypassing shields 100%tly. therefore the uptime should be 10/60 instead of 30/120
also this effect should be counterable by "remodulate shields" eng ability (a one that has to be made, of course)
remodulate shields would aslo be a good way to "lower" the deathwish of surgical strike and dem combined with intel expose ... this is annoying not because its op, but because its hard to counter.
other abilities like eptW are also quite, weak, in short run and only have value in longtime bossfights. (if at all)
it adds a %dmg but somehow, you cannot feel it, unless its again combined with tac/intel
ship that have acess to tac/intel are kind of to strong with dem and eptw, while ships that dont have those synergies, are really really "unfun" to play, it feels like autohitting only.
Hey, don't forget ground. My engineering officer is off my away team until such time that they suck less. Four tac and one science officer is superior to something 'balanced'.
The existing high-level Engineering powers need a reason to exist. Aceton Beam is a joke and pretty much has been since launch. Not useful in PvE because NPCs don't really rely on energy weapons for their kills and not useful in PvP because of the prevalence of hazard clears. Aux2Bat isn't considered any good beyond the Rank 1 variant and only because of Technicians. Extend Shields isn't used as much as it should (I believe it's used more heavily in PvP), but most ships are capable of tanking anything in PvE without friendly support if built right. Boarding Party is worthless in PvE because NPCs are highly resistant to system disables and worthless in PvP because of the prevalence of Tac Team. Eject Warp Plasma suffers from the fact that it's mostly only slottable on Cruisers which don't have the maneuverability to use it as well as faster, more maneuverable ships. It's serviceable in missions like Infected but there are better choices.
Aceton Beam would be significantly more useful if NPCs had stronger energy weapons that needed to be weakened, rather than relying on torpedoes. Aux2Bat would be more useful if power levels had a significantly higher impact on ship performance and it wasn't as easy to max out your power systems as it currently is. Extend Shields would be more useful if NPCs had more sustained damage output that might necessitate support, rather than high burst damage that can be healed in the intervening time between hits. NPCs need to have their subsystem disable resistance reduced so that things like Beam: Target Subsystem and Boarding Party actually have a use against them.
The problem is the game has developed to the point where player ships can easily be entirely self-sufficient. Add in attempts by Cryptic to remove loopholes in the system (it used to be completely possible to power drain a Tactical Cube such that it could literally do nothing for example) and abilities that were already marginalized became entirely worthless, and very few changes have ever been made to Bridge Officer powers that fundamentally altered how they worked. An attempt was made with the Emergency Power abilities but the backlash was so strong that the attempt failed and was never attempted again, and I think that may be part of the problem. Players don't want to see the "good" powers changed to make the "bad" powers more competitive. I would have liked to see the attempted changes to EPtX refined, rather than simply reverted.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
Of all the BO abilities in space combat in STO's history, I'd rank them in usefulness as:
1. Tactical - The game is based on damage now more than ever in PVE land.
2. Engineering - Mixed status but the cornerstone of survivability and performance.
3. Science - Does a lot of things but the way Science is right now, it's either really good (Graviton or Particle Generator Based Skills) or absolutely useless (Sensors based skills, practically every ability based on the very expensive Subspace Decompiler Skill).
The usefulness of Tactical needs not be explained.
Science throughout STO's history has had by far the wildest highs and lows. It's best "high" was in the first year of STO's release. All aspects of Science were pretty useful in both PVE and PVP. But then came the nerfs to SCI to it being in general the most useless of BOFF seats for a ship to specialize in. There was a point that the only useful SCI skills to slot was ST, HE, TSS, GW. Everything else was garbage. That's different now with the sharp rise of Particle Generator Skill-based abilities for Exotic Dmg. But there's significant portions of Science at its highest tiers that is still complete garbage after they were nerfed hard in 2011-2012 timeframe.
Engineering though has been sitting in the middle. Emergency Powers have always been rock solid. Engineering Team had only gotten better (as all other "Team" abilities) with the removal of shared CDs. Auxilary To X abilities are useful (A2B, A2D, ASIF) and potential game changers for any ship that can slot them. RSP for the emergency shield button. Extend Shields is nice but nobody uses it to help someone out. Players still love their Eject Warp Plasma. You guys are SERIOUSLY undervaluing what DEM does and I'm completely against the notion of increasing the additional shield bleedthrough higher.
For ENG, the space abilities that need the most work is Boarding Party and Aceton Beam.
- Boarding Party became useless in PVP with all the Tactical Team spam. TT clears the effects of this ability. It became useless in PVE when all the Disable-based SCI abilities got kicked in the teeth years and years ago. Phaser Proc was affected by this at the same time (there was a time every Fed one faced in PVP flew with Phasers... The proc had no lockout timers when this game first released, and a team of Feds firing it was a concern to everyone getting shot at by it).
- Aceton Beam - It actually does exactly as advertised. Throw Aceton Beam on the higher damage NPCs and the ability does its job. It lasts for a pretty decent amount of time. The problem however is that this ability is one of the higher ranked ones and me, personally, am loathe to put Aceton Beam in a LtCdr or Cmdr slot. That's space for EPTx3, ET3, ASIF3, etc. If anything, I'd recommend shifting Aceton Beam to start at Ensign with 3 at LtCdr. This would also give an ability that is not on shared CD with anything at the critical Ensign ranks of ENG. Too many abilities at Ensign are on shared CD for ENG.
Edit: Someone mentioned the pointlessness of A2B abilities higher than version 1, and I'll concur with that.
The combination of eng+tac powers is exactly why eng powers on their own are so weak, science suffers the same problem although in that respect it's mostly tac captain powers. You might want to think about what happens if someone flying the Scimmy decides to run APB3, FAW2, DEM1, EPtW3, APA3 with your DEM setup, that's 20% bleedthrough, most things would die with their shields up...
I'd be careful about that sort of thing.
You also have to be careful to make sure it is 10% bleedthrough and not an additional 10% damage to hull as it is now, which for escorts and other quick shield strippers would be a nerf to DEM. I don't however like your uptime changes, as it is most people quite like the current 30/90 (single) 60/90 (global)
Also many of the engineer's powers, boff and captains, relate to boosting power levels . . . Have you looked at power levels lately? With all the set bonuses, consoles, doffs . . . There is much more power available to everyone.
The concept of Directed Energy Modulation is problematic. Shield-piercing damage is really only useful if you can kill a target without bringing its shields down first, something that doesn't occur particularly frequently in PvE. It would be of more use in PvP where players are frequently using lots of shield heals on themselves and each other. At least with DEM it's adding damage rather than simply allowing a portion through the shields but it has a much longer cooldown than its duration, there are many better options if you don't have the Marion duty officer.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
There's quite a bit of misconception here about DEM. This is not a % of your damage bleeding through shields. This is additional damage piercing shields. Big difference, especially considering some of the damage guys can do with their energy weapons. Whatever big dmg your energy weapons are already doing, the DEM dmg effects are tacked on.
If you take note on some of the higher end DPS builds out there, DEM is a feature.
It has uses in PVE and PVP. Marion DOFF would be an immense luxury but you don't need that to do the extra shield piercing dmg DEM does.
There's quite a bit of misconception here about DEM. This is not a % of your damage bleeding through shields. This is additional damage piercing shields. Big difference, especially considering some of the damage guys can do with their energy weapons. Whatever big dmg your energy weapons are already doing, the DEM dmg effects are tacked on.
If you take note on some of the higher end DPS builds out there, DEM is a feature.
It has uses in PVE and PVP. Marion DOFF would be an immense luxury but you don't need that to do the extra shield piercing dmg DEM does.
I did note that DEM is extra damage rather than shield penetration of base damage. My problem is with shield piercing in general. Shield piercing itself really only becomes useful when you kill a target before you knock down their shields, which pretty much just doesn't happen in a PvE environment. So in PvE DEM is simply just another damage ability, and a subpar one at that because it doesn't scale with your equipped weapon damage to my knowledge, although it can be boosted by things that boost weapons, unlike Tactical abilities which are based entirely on your actual weapon damage and stack together more readily. For DPS min-maxers it's preferable to things such as EWP which are based on PartGen rather than weapons, and of course preferable to abilities that do not impact damage output at all, but for a general purpose ability it is less desirable.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
All the top PvE DPS uses those 2 Eng BO abilities when they do optimal DPS on a nanny run. Besides the statistical addition that can be seen in CLR and the tooltip, Eptw and DEm have hidden values to them, Overcap(when you are using beams/energy weapons) and Weapon power resistance. Both of which benefits DPS.
ship that have acess to tac/intel are kind of to strong with dem and eptw, while ships that dont have those synergies, are really really "unfun" to play, it feels like autohitting only.
The Top PvE DPS ships are still T5U.
Scimitar > current T6
FPER > current T6
So I dont know where you got that info of your statement.
My problem is with shield piercing in general. Shield piercing itself really only becomes useful when you kill a target before you knock down their shields, which pretty much just doesn't happen in a PvE environment.
I can't recall the specifics off the top of my head, but there's a few targets where we kill it through bleedthrough. At least in Advanced or higher?
I can't recall the specifics off the top of my head, but there's a few targets where we kill it through bleedthrough. At least in Advanced or higher?
Borg Diamond. Voth Citadel Dreadnought. Tethys Bio-Dreadnought. Basically any dread class ship (cept tac cubes and borg unimatrices).
As for engi powers being not valuable? I beg to differ incredibly hard. EPtX abilities alone completely discount that statement.
EPtS was once described as the perfect buff by VD. It ups your shield power levels (which in turn increase shield resilience and regen rate), it increases your shields resilience, AND it gives a shield heal. Explain to me please how that needs more value?
EPtW is now incredibly useful. Back in S5 and S6 it was not as useful since the damage buff only lasted for 5 seconds, but now that it lasts the entire duration, it's become incredibly powerful. Add on that it allows for insane overcapping... Well need more be said.
EPtE also is now incredibly useful. Back when the speed buff only lasted 5 seconds it was meh, but again, like EPtW, now that it's buff lasts the whole duration, it's incredible. It allows for great speed tanking.
EPtA has always been the red-headed step child. Out of all the EPtX abilities, it's probably the least universally useful, but it's still good for certain sci builds and for sniffer builds.
I'd go into an in depth analysis of each ability, but warmaker already did, and he's more or less right.
But as a final note, I will say that yes, AB and BP are TRIBBLE. DEM is hella powerful if you build around it, and Aux2SIF is useful beyond incredibly useful. Short CD, decent chunk heal, AND ADDED HULL RES. That's a boon on most DPS builds which focus on damage dealing often at the cost of durability. Give them a decent strength Aux2SIF1 or 2, and they will be set for the next 10 seconds.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Borg Diamond. Voth Citadel Dreadnought. Tethys Bio-Dreadnought. Basically any dread class ship (cept tac cubes and borg unimatrices).
As for engi powers being not valuable? I beg to differ incredibly hard. EPtX abilities alone completely discount that statement.
EPtS was once described as the perfect buff by VD. It ups your shield power levels (which in turn increase shield resilience and regen rate), it increases your shields resilience, AND it gives a shield heal. Explain to me please how that needs more value?
EPtW is now incredibly useful. Back in S5 and S6 it was not as useful since the damage buff only lasted for 5 seconds, but now that it lasts the entire duration, it's become incredibly powerful. Add on that it allows for insane overcapping... Well need more be said.
EPtE also is now incredibly useful. Back when the speed buff only lasted 5 seconds it was meh, but again, like EPtW, now that it's buff lasts the whole duration, it's incredible. It allows for great speed tanking.
EPtA has always been the red-headed step child. Out of all the EPtX abilities, it's probably the least universally useful, but it's still good for certain sci builds and for sniffer builds.
I'd go into an in depth analysis of each ability, but warmaker already did, and he's more or less right.
But as a final note, I will say that yes, AB and BP are TRIBBLE. DEM is hella powerful if you build around it, and Aux2SIF is useful beyond incredibly useful. Short CD, decent chunk heal, AND ADDED HULL RES. That's a boon on most DPS builds which focus on damage dealing often at the cost of durability. Give them a decent strength Aux2SIF1 or 2, and they will be set for the next 10 seconds.
I agree that certain powers are useful, but I also agree that certain others are terrible and need to be adjusted to be competitive with the rest of them. I tend to fly cruiser class ships so I tend to be Engineering-heavy, but I do what I can to get the more specialized ships that have LTC slots from other careers simply because having a true cruiser often has too many Engineering power slots to be useful. There are exceptions, of course, but there's a reason the Galaxy-class has been a disappointment for so many.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
Just to chime in here I am also of the opinion that engi abilities need more value especially some more ofensive/damage value at the higher ranks given the kill things faster nature of the game at present. It's true certain skills are extremely valuable such as the EPTx abilities, but the problem with that is they start at ensign lvl so the large majority of ships can make just as good use of them (if not more so) as an engi heavy cruiser. The problem of course goes much depeer than that though. The bigger problem IMO is that tacs just are far superior to any other career (some will agree some won't). Yes tacs focus on damage and therefor should do more damage than the other careers, but not by the large margin they currently do. If the game required surviving (tanking) for long periods of time or crowd control and healing and such then things would be different because sci's and engi's would have more value to a team, but as it stands another tac on the team is far far far more beneficial to the team as an individual and teammate than a sci or engi is. Unfortunately you can't simply buff engi or sci powers or give them new ones cause the tac captains will still just be able to jump in the same ships and use them and buff them just as massively as they do currently so nothing would change as the tac captains are and will remain far far superior to both other careers regardless of ship they fly due to the +all damage buffs they possess.
IMO tactical captains buffs should buff only weapons oriented powers/damage not all damage, sci's of course should continue with their exotic/radiation damage focus, and engi's need some kind of damage dealing mechanic that improve them such as maybe a growing damage modifier that increases the longer the engineer is in combat and taking damage basically rewarding them with increased damage for drawing agro and taking the damage instead of their teammates. Of course for that to work the mechanic would have to be tied to the engineering career rather than engineer heavy ships as tactical captains would just jump into those ships and take advantage of the mechanic and further improve upon it via their +all damage buffs unless other changes are made as well. There really is no simple single answer on how to fix the obvious desparity between tactical captains and the other 2 careers and the amount of work that will most likely be involved to bring balance to the 3 careers is most likely to much for cryptic to do with everything else they already have going on.
The most drastic idea I've had to reduce or eliminate the desparity between the classes is to simply do away with careers in general and instead of giving all captains certain skills at various lvl's based on their career such as Attack Pattern Alpha (tacs), Rotate Shield Frequency (engineers), Subnucleonic beam (Science), ect..., but rather captains would just be given certain basic skills as they lvl such as brace for impact, evasive manuevers, ect.... then at certain milestones they get to choose a specialiist skill from the pool of specialist skills which would include all the current major captain skills plus some new ones. The end result would be that the captain could be fine tuned with the skills the captain wants to focus on for his are her particular build/playstyle. For example if the captain wanted to focus strictly on damage they would most likely choose the same current skills tac captains already have (lets face it tactical captains skills have great synergy and are far superior to anything the other classes bring to the pve environment in the current state of the game) or if they wanted the damage boost of attack pattern alpha and tac team they could choose those but if they say had no need for the CD reduction of tactical initiative they could choose rotate shield frequency or something instead.
I play both a Eng/Cruiser captain and a Science Captain... my engineer is pretty much an undefeatable tank... and even then I generally land around 2 or 3 on the dps charts on any run with her.
My Science also lands generally around 2 or 3 on the dps charts on any run... but with a lot less survivability invovled in her.
The big difference... science my dps is also CC.. Cruiser... it's two seperate things really with very little cross over.
However when you look at the cost ratio... I've put a lot less dilithium, EC, and time to get my Cruiser where I want it compared to my science ship.
Skill for skill though... if you're not into it for survivablity Science has better higher level skills... and engineer tends to have better lower level skills.
If you're in it for dps... they honestly tend to be equal.... in both cases you're thinking outside of the box.
Lets be honest here though... compared to tactical in space nothing is even remotely close. Tacticals are easy street when you compare them to the other two, making genenerally Tactical BO skills the most valuable in any and all cases.
Now I'm not saying that Tacticals need a nerf... but yes something needs to be done to bring the usefullness back to Science and Engineer skills across the board...
But Cryptic in their infinite prejudice has decreed that anything and everything that in any way remotely competes with the usefulness of Tactical skills in this game must be nerfed to insure that Tactical remain the Queen of the game in space.
Ground is a totally different story where I fee that Engineers and Science are pretty much the Queens of the battlefield.. with Tacticals taking a distant but useful third place.
Hey, don't forget ground. My engineering officer is off my away team until such time that they suck less. Four tac and one science officer is superior to something 'balanced'.
I recently benched my Science Away Team officer and replaced her with a second Engineer. With two dudes dropping turrets and mortars, the enemy quickly finds himself outnumbered and outgunned.
I agree that certain powers are useful, but I also agree that certain others are terrible and need to be adjusted to be competitive with the rest of them. I tend to fly cruiser class ships so I tend to be Engineering-heavy, but I do what I can to get the more specialized ships that have LTC slots from other careers simply because having a true cruiser often has too many Engineering power slots to be useful. There are exceptions, of course, but there's a reason the Galaxy-class has been a disappointment for so many.
It is true that any Galaxy Class aint optimal for Top DPS. But so far there are only 2 ships that qualifies for that spot. So yes, no other ship qualifies for the top spot unless you are in a Scimitar or FPER.
Galaxy Class only becomes a disappointment if you dont know how to build or your skills arent at upto it to fly it. Which apparently is the majority of those who whine about Galaxy Class.
Galaxy class disappointment is tied down to illusory superiority. Players believing their skills are sufficient that they think the ship is the problem and not them.
I believe they did a 30kish DPS galaxy R, 40k DPS peak before Ryan had any Mk 14 epic stuffs and before they even used plasma doping back in Nov 2014.
Nowadays they have access to Mk14crtd3pen/crtd4 epic stuff and Plasma explosions. Galaxy R is 60kish average on Tac toon, 30kish Average on Eng toon(meaning PuG DPS on right build/right pilot) with a peak of 80k-90kish DPS on a tac toon(premade) 50k60kish on eng toon. That is more than sufficient for elite content.
It is true that any Galaxy Class aint optimal for Top DPS. But so far there are only 2 ships that qualifies for that spot. So yes, no other ship qualifies for the top spot unless you are in a Scimitar or FPER.
Galaxy Class only becomes a disappointment if you dont know how to build or your skills arent at upto it to fly it. Which apparently is the majority of those who whine about Galaxy Class.
Galaxy class disappointment is tied down to illusory superiority. Players believing their skills are sufficient that they think the ship is the problem and not them.
I believe they did a 30kish DPS galaxy R, 40k DPS peak before Ryan had any Mk 14 epic stuffs and before they even used plasma doping back in Nov 2014.
Nowadays they have access to Mk14crtd3pen/crtd4 epic stuff and Plasma explosions. Galaxy R is 60kish average on Tac toon, 30kish Average on Eng toon(meaning PuG DPS on right build/right pilot) with a peak of 80k-90kish DPS on a tac toon(premade) 50k60kish on eng toon. That is more than sufficient for elite content.
And you can do that better in a TAC Cruiser because the BOFF layout makes it easy to do so. Being able to slot things like EPTW3, DEM3, BFAW3, APB1, is no joke. On a Galaxy-class or Gal-X, you're far more limited in what you can slot TAC-wise without making some very serious concessions. And the TAC Cruiser will still have plenty of enough ENG BOFF space to improve performance and have good survivability.
And you can do that better in a TAC Cruiser because the BOFF layout makes it easy to do so. Being able to slot things like EPTW3, DEM3, BFAW3, APB1, is no joke. On a Galaxy-class or Gal-X, you're far more limited in what you can slot TAC-wise without making some very serious concessions. And the TAC Cruiser will still have plenty of enough ENG BOFF space to improve performance and have good survivability.
If we go down this kind of rationality, then all your other cruisers cannot do any better than scimitar or any escort do any better than FPER. Might as well throw away those other your T6s, all t5us and below not named Scimitar and FPER.
THe rationality you have is the same rationality I just gave, because there are better ships don't fly the less optimal, therefore those ship sucks.
Galaxy R easily exposes a player skill and build weakness more than a Scimitar. Although I have seen scimitars with all epic stuff do only 5k dps. You can probably say that less than skilled player will have a hard time optimizing a gal r than a fed tac cruiser.
But then again, let us just wait for temporal insight trait when hull healing gives you damage immunity and how eng heavy setUps fare after that.
If we go down this kind of rationality, then all your other cruisers cannot do any better than scimitar or any escort do any better than FPER. Might as well throw away those other your T6s, all t5us and below not named Scimitar and FPER.
THe rationality you have is the same rationality I just gave, because there are better ships don't fly the less optimal, therefore those ship sucks.
Galaxy R easily exposes a player skill and build weakness more than a Scimitar. Although I have seen scimitars with all epic stuff do only 5k dps. You can probably say that less than skilled player will have a hard time optimizing a gal r than a fed tac cruiser.
But then again, let us just wait for temporal insight trait when hull healing gives you damage immunity and how eng heavy setUps fare after that.
Never said anything about beating the Scimitar. And of course, you can only play Scimitar as a Romulan but you know where all the players sit in which faction, don't you?
It also shows how much you understand the game, how things synergize together, for you to say that Escorts, the FPER, etc is better than Cruisers, etc.
I'll tell you why the TAC Cruisers make the job of DPS and surviving all the hurt coming your way are superior mounts to fly.
They have the ENG stations to slot abilities to make them survivable.
They have the ENG stations to slot abilities to enhance their combat performance.
They have the TAC stations to slot abilities to give them more punch.
Guess what slots the Galaxy, Galaxy-X are severely lacking in?
Also, the Scimitar has many reasons why it still reigns supreme as a DPS machine.
- It has the TAC seating (Cmdr) and Consoles to support it. Just like an Escort.
- It has less ENG capability than a Cruiser but more than enough to support its use.
- It has Battle Cloak, and do it right, you can have +45% bonus dmg coming out of Cloaks that can last, depending on your BOFFs, up to 23 seconds. Read that again.
- It has the hull of a Cruiser, NOT an Escort.
- Most importantly, it has the EIGHT Weapon Slots of a Cruiser. Not 7 of an Escort.
The Scimitar is a very unique hybrid and the only one in the entire game with that total package. There are Escorts with 8 weapon slots but not the staying power and BOFF seating of the Scimitar, nor do they have the Battle Cloak. There are TAC heavy Cruisers but they do not have the Cmdr TAC station of the Scimitar, much less Cmdr TAC *and* Battle Cloak with the 8 weapon slots.
That is why the Scimitar is the typical king of DPS, even with the advent of T6 ships. And it still is the ONLY ship with that total package.
And don't talk to me about "Well, so and so did this with that ship" as justification for everything is all good / bad for a ship. It's not. Because players MAKE the ship work or they make it fail. Excluding player SKILL, we are left with the bare bones of the ship. The stats. Because stats do not lie. Players excel. Players fail. In any ship, in any build. There's lots of variables. But the stats? The stats are ALWAYS there as the simple truth of any ship.
And that simple truth is this: In terms of DPS'ing, the TAC Cruiser makes your job MUCH easier. The Scimitar is it's own thing and is still OP. But unless you're rolling Romulan, you aren't using it. No sense in putting the Scimitar on a pedestal and forsaking your ships if you're KDF/Fed. Because you can't fly the damn thing.
If you are one of those guys chasing DPS numbers, all the stuff I said is old news. It's common knowledge. But if you are just going to start in that DPS race as your goal in STO, then here's a homework assignment:
When you're Parsing multiplayer instances, take note of what ships players are flying and what the performers are using. Outside the outright, copout answer of the Scimitar. When you hear about those ships, look up their stats and compare that to the Galaxy/Galaxy-X. Or if you are one of the DPS-oriented channels, take note on what players are flying.
I am not saying you can't take any ship and perform. People do that all the time. But the simple fact is that in typical energy weapons DPS, TAC Cruisers will usually reign.
Never said anything about beating the Scimitar. And of course, you can only play Scimitar as a Romulan but you know where all the players sit in which faction, don't you?
It also shows how much you understand the game, how things synergize together, for you to say that Escorts, the FPER, etc is better than Cruisers, etc.
Yes, i dont understand the game that I beat the elite content like HSE, use a Galaxy R/Sci ship/ Eng toons and tac toons/scimitar and beat elite content. Yes, I dont understand the game like the frequent fake experts in STO forum.
Yes, I dont understand it because I spend more time in game rather in the STO forums PvPing with you.
That is why the Scimitar is the typical king of DPS, even with the advent of T6 ships. And it still is the ONLY ship with that total package.
Scimitar isnt the king of DPS anymore. During plasma doping era, FPER and Scimitar are neck to neck. Without plasma doping, and with the current plasma explosion that crown belongs to the FPER. Although Scimitar is the only total package ship due to the valdore console.
You should know that since your an "expert" Not unless you live in the STO forum.
If you are one of those guys chasing DPS numbers, all the stuff I said is old news. It's common knowledge. But if you are just going to start in that DPS race as your goal in STO, then here's a homework assignment:
When you're Parsing multiplayer instances, take note of what ships players are flying and what the performers are using. Outside the outright, copout answer of the Scimitar. When you hear about those ships, look up their stats and compare that to the Galaxy/Galaxy-X. Or if you are one of the DPS-oriented channels, take note on what players are flying.
Right, and your trying to pretend that you are good when you think so much that you only do DPS and cannot tank and finish HSE recently?
Really? If you havent carried HSE both DPS and tank it recently, then comeback talk to me. Otherwise stop pretending to be an expert of PvE.
It is time that fake experts who frequent STO forum and stop giving bad advise in the forums because it is bad for the game. A noob comes in the forums, see a fake expert whining or giving advice results into more players with Illusory Superiority complex.
I am not saying you can't take any ship and perform. People do that all the time. But the simple fact is that in typical energy weapons DPS, TAC Cruisers will usually reign.
Because their STATS make that easier to do.
Everything can be quantified including your skill. Galaxy R is inferior to Scimitar in DPS is a fact. Galaxy R can take more damage in HSE than a Scimitar is a fact. Galaxy R can do more than minimum DPS than any elite content is a fact.
Let's get away from the whole "omg, I'm a DPSser and if you can't bring Scim / FPER levels of DPS to the battle you're slowing down my mark acquisition rates" spiel and get back to the thrust of the matter...
How "Engineering" skills, especially the higher ranked ones, are "lackluster" compared to anything else.
As the thread started, all the "damage causing" skills are "balanced" around tacticals tossing their pile o'buffs.
Recently, with the Sci captain exotic damage boosts when being shot at combined with the Sci crafting L15 trait that turns high part gens (usually only found on science ships) into massive critical hit rates (400 PG = 100% crit with all exotic damage, whether science, engineering, or weapons-generated) - science captains and science ships are fast approaching Tactical levels of DPS with these exotic damage skills...
Which is more appropriately "masking" the issue, while these skills are showing up in the metrics as having their "average damage per activation increased" - engineers don't have access to either set of skills "in the quantities necessary to make them worthwhile" - and if you begin to boost the exotic damage done by these skills they can become "dangerously OP" in the hands of both Tacs and 400 PG exotic killer Scis.
Which then beggars the question - do we want to give Engineers traits to enhance their DPS somehow, say via a trait that replicates the [Amp] mod and scales to the power level(s) in use - so that engineers with their massive power generation skills can parlay that power generation into "tactical levels of DPS", or do we want to attempt to focus on the tank aspect of the engineer in space via attempting to manipulate the threat system?
Maybe both? Manipulate threat and use that as a DPS multiplier?
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Engineers have a shield heal, a shield/hull heal, a power buff, and a drain resist.
That's just survival and power management. Ship selection has far greater impact on role than career.
Engineering doesn't mean tank, nor should it be forced to be a tank. I for one would be pissed off enough to quit, because I only play Engineers, am in the 50k bracket, and only end up a tank if the team is weak.
A new, unskilled pilot is going to do more DPS as an Engineer in an escort than a Tactical in an escort simply because they die less and can mitigate Weapon Power drain better, without being anything close to fulfilling the tank (get aggro, hold aggro, survive aggro) role.
Surviving's not hard when you have Cmdr ENG stations available, much less the basic stations available on TAC Cruisers with Cmdr/Lt, Cmdr/Ens, on top of having the increased Tactical capability. Or Sci if that's what you want. Or both TAC and SCI as what the Guardian is capable of at T6. More than that is unnecessary and can go to other aspects of the ship for a more balanced capability.
Engineers have a shield heal, a shield/hull heal, a power buff, and a drain resist.
That's just survival and power management. Ship selection has far greater impact on role than career.
I'd have to concur on this, esp the last part. Besides, I thought the thread was on ENG BOFF skills? The BOFF abilities and what slots the ship have define a good part of what the ship is going to be able to do.
I'm sure we can go into Captain types, abilities, and traits. But man, that's a huge can of worms.
As far as the higher ranked ENG abilities, the issue is the usefulness on some of them compared to the lower ranks.
- Do you really need A2B2 when A2B1 does the job just as well with the Technician DOFFs?
- Do you really need higher than A2D1 when it does the job perfectly, esp with a lot depending on the Matter-Antimatter Specialist DOFF?
- RSP is a popular "Oh ****" button but do you REALLY need RSP2/3 when RSP1 does essentially the exact same thing in replenishing your shields to max if you're getting pounded by Energy Weapons?
That's in contrast to some ENG abilities that do scale with more usefulness with higher rank. ET3 is a night and day comparison with ET1. EPTx? Same deal. ASIF? Same thing. DEM? Same thing also (IMO).
As for the questionable ENG abilities I listed, some quick thoughts on making them more useful.
Auxiliary to Dampeners: Higher ranks increases buff duration and more improvements to flight speed and turn rates. I'd go on to say the buff should scale higher for lower base turn rate ships.
Auxiliary to Battery: We all know Technician DOFFs make or break this BOFF ability. I'd say the Technician DOFFs should scale the amount of BOFF ability CD reduction according to the *rank* of A2B used.
Reverse Shield Polarity: Shorter RSP CD as you use higher ranked versions of the ability. What the abilities do is already perfect, IMHO. Higher ranked versions last longer. But reduced CD of RSP2/3 could be more enticing.
I think Extend Shields is awesome but I'll acknowledge almost nobody uses this thing. I'm surprised when I see someone else use it. It probably can use more things to make it more enticing:
- Rank I: As is currently.
- Rank II: Range of ES2 increased from 7.5km to 10km
- Rank III: Same range increase as ES2. Zero shield bleedthrough dmg for the ship activating ES3.
Which is more appropriately "masking" the issue, while these skills are showing up in the metrics as having their "average damage per activation increased" - engineers don't have access to either set of skills "in the quantities necessary to make them worthwhile" - and if you begin to boost the exotic damage done by these skills they can become "dangerously OP" in the hands of both Tacs and 400 PG exotic killer Scis.
Which then beggars the question - do we want to give Engineers traits to enhance their DPS somehow, say via a trait that replicates the [Amp] mod and scales to the power level(s) in use - so that engineers with their massive power generation skills can parlay that power generation into "tactical levels of DPS", or do we want to attempt to focus on the tank aspect of the engineer in space via attempting to manipulate the threat system?
Maybe both? Manipulate threat and use that as a DPS multiplier?
When it comes to DPS race, Sci and Eng are neck to neck in practice but in paper Sci is superior.
With regards EnG Bo, a lot of the BOs help both in DPS and tanking. Its just that people dont realize it because it easier to recognize and understand APO stats which add % to All the damage than overcapping and weapon drain resistance.
With regards to overcapping and weapon drain resistance, you need a a certain level understanding of the game what overcapping does and weapon drain resistance does. All of which are in the EnG BO.
Like I said, wait for the Temproal Insight trait. In paper, that trait would make ET and Aux2Sif tank easier or soak up damage easier even though those are very useful now in the right pilot and the right build. Although tanking would not be required in advanced missions like ISA, it would probably make it preferred once players start playing HSE and new missions at the level of/or more difficult than HSE start appearing.
For now, the Eng BO does not need changes. Just like what I keep saying to PvP people, Certain groups in PvE also needs to start adapting rather than wanting to change the game mechanics.
With regards to Eng captain skill, that is quite different issue but like all these changes for Eng BO just a luxury rather than a necessity.
With regards to threat, there is already a different topic for that.
Engineers have a shield heal, a shield/hull heal, a power buff, and a drain resist.
That's just survival and power management. Ship selection has far greater impact on role than career.
Engineering doesn't mean tank, nor should it be forced to be a tank. I for one would be pissed off enough to quit, because I only play Engineers, am in the 50k bracket, and only end up a tank if the team is weak.
Eh. There's tradeoff's either way. I could slap a tac or sci in a Guardian or Command Cruiser or Sheshar and probably make an effective tank out of it. I know I couldn't fit either in a Scimitar or Recluse and make it a tank. It's a question of where you get your survivability and where you get your damage.
And, straight from my last ISA (earlier today):CLR—Infected Space[3:33]— Dmg(DPS) —Player 1 11,996,210(56,854) Vel 10,771,672(50,810) Player 2 6,039,468(28,354) Player 3 4,459,872(21,237) Player 4 3,536,255(16,920)
50k without recluses, a 3/2, doping, EAP, or anything funny like that, on an Engi Tank. I also had 68% of the hits in. High dps tanks are a thing (though Tachyon is still...).
On a funny side note, Player 4 used neither weapons nor fleet support. And still got nearly 17k. I love some of the people who play this game.
SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
I would argue that the biggest issue with engineering powers isn't their effectiveness, its there rank requirement.
The engineering field has fewer available powers than the other two and most of those at only in the ltc cmdr region.
I mean it only has 5 ensign level powers and 4 of those are on a shared cd..
I would suggest first moving the aux to powers down to start at ensign.
I would then change a2b to simply grant the cd reduction but not the power level increase. Then I would move the cd reduction to a timer allowing you to reduce all your cd,s by x% for x seconds and draining your aux power accordingly.
I would move aceton beam to the Lt ltc slots only much like grav well. I would also double its radiation damage.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
Too bad they took those powers and mate them intel.
Aceton Beam would be significantly more useful if NPCs had stronger energy weapons that needed to be weakened, rather than relying on torpedoes. Aux2Bat would be more useful if power levels had a significantly higher impact on ship performance and it wasn't as easy to max out your power systems as it currently is. Extend Shields would be more useful if NPCs had more sustained damage output that might necessitate support, rather than high burst damage that can be healed in the intervening time between hits. NPCs need to have their subsystem disable resistance reduced so that things like Beam: Target Subsystem and Boarding Party actually have a use against them.
The problem is the game has developed to the point where player ships can easily be entirely self-sufficient. Add in attempts by Cryptic to remove loopholes in the system (it used to be completely possible to power drain a Tactical Cube such that it could literally do nothing for example) and abilities that were already marginalized became entirely worthless, and very few changes have ever been made to Bridge Officer powers that fundamentally altered how they worked. An attempt was made with the Emergency Power abilities but the backlash was so strong that the attempt failed and was never attempted again, and I think that may be part of the problem. Players don't want to see the "good" powers changed to make the "bad" powers more competitive. I would have liked to see the attempted changes to EPtX refined, rather than simply reverted.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
1. Tactical - The game is based on damage now more than ever in PVE land.
2. Engineering - Mixed status but the cornerstone of survivability and performance.
3. Science - Does a lot of things but the way Science is right now, it's either really good (Graviton or Particle Generator Based Skills) or absolutely useless (Sensors based skills, practically every ability based on the very expensive Subspace Decompiler Skill).
The usefulness of Tactical needs not be explained.
Science throughout STO's history has had by far the wildest highs and lows. It's best "high" was in the first year of STO's release. All aspects of Science were pretty useful in both PVE and PVP. But then came the nerfs to SCI to it being in general the most useless of BOFF seats for a ship to specialize in. There was a point that the only useful SCI skills to slot was ST, HE, TSS, GW. Everything else was garbage. That's different now with the sharp rise of Particle Generator Skill-based abilities for Exotic Dmg. But there's significant portions of Science at its highest tiers that is still complete garbage after they were nerfed hard in 2011-2012 timeframe.
Engineering though has been sitting in the middle. Emergency Powers have always been rock solid. Engineering Team had only gotten better (as all other "Team" abilities) with the removal of shared CDs. Auxilary To X abilities are useful (A2B, A2D, ASIF) and potential game changers for any ship that can slot them. RSP for the emergency shield button. Extend Shields is nice but nobody uses it to help someone out. Players still love their Eject Warp Plasma. You guys are SERIOUSLY undervaluing what DEM does and I'm completely against the notion of increasing the additional shield bleedthrough higher.
For ENG, the space abilities that need the most work is Boarding Party and Aceton Beam.
- Boarding Party became useless in PVP with all the Tactical Team spam. TT clears the effects of this ability. It became useless in PVE when all the Disable-based SCI abilities got kicked in the teeth years and years ago. Phaser Proc was affected by this at the same time (there was a time every Fed one faced in PVP flew with Phasers... The proc had no lockout timers when this game first released, and a team of Feds firing it was a concern to everyone getting shot at by it).
- Aceton Beam - It actually does exactly as advertised. Throw Aceton Beam on the higher damage NPCs and the ability does its job. It lasts for a pretty decent amount of time. The problem however is that this ability is one of the higher ranked ones and me, personally, am loathe to put Aceton Beam in a LtCdr or Cmdr slot. That's space for EPTx3, ET3, ASIF3, etc. If anything, I'd recommend shifting Aceton Beam to start at Ensign with 3 at LtCdr. This would also give an ability that is not on shared CD with anything at the critical Ensign ranks of ENG. Too many abilities at Ensign are on shared CD for ENG.
Edit: Someone mentioned the pointlessness of A2B abilities higher than version 1, and I'll concur with that.
I'd be careful about that sort of thing.
You also have to be careful to make sure it is 10% bleedthrough and not an additional 10% damage to hull as it is now, which for escorts and other quick shield strippers would be a nerf to DEM. I don't however like your uptime changes, as it is most people quite like the current 30/90 (single) 60/90 (global)
Aceton Beam though, eh... and DEM is only really useful with Marion, 2xDEM1 only accounts for under 5% of my ships' damage.
Oh man, Boarding Party, hah.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
If you take note on some of the higher end DPS builds out there, DEM is a feature.
It has uses in PVE and PVP. Marion DOFF would be an immense luxury but you don't need that to do the extra shield piercing dmg DEM does.
I did note that DEM is extra damage rather than shield penetration of base damage. My problem is with shield piercing in general. Shield piercing itself really only becomes useful when you kill a target before you knock down their shields, which pretty much just doesn't happen in a PvE environment. So in PvE DEM is simply just another damage ability, and a subpar one at that because it doesn't scale with your equipped weapon damage to my knowledge, although it can be boosted by things that boost weapons, unlike Tactical abilities which are based entirely on your actual weapon damage and stack together more readily. For DPS min-maxers it's preferable to things such as EWP which are based on PartGen rather than weapons, and of course preferable to abilities that do not impact damage output at all, but for a general purpose ability it is less desirable.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
The Top PvE DPS ships are still T5U.
Scimitar > current T6
FPER > current T6
So I dont know where you got that info of your statement.
I can't recall the specifics off the top of my head, but there's a few targets where we kill it through bleedthrough. At least in Advanced or higher?
Probably Voth...
Borg Diamond. Voth Citadel Dreadnought. Tethys Bio-Dreadnought. Basically any dread class ship (cept tac cubes and borg unimatrices).
As for engi powers being not valuable? I beg to differ incredibly hard. EPtX abilities alone completely discount that statement.
EPtS was once described as the perfect buff by VD. It ups your shield power levels (which in turn increase shield resilience and regen rate), it increases your shields resilience, AND it gives a shield heal. Explain to me please how that needs more value?
EPtW is now incredibly useful. Back in S5 and S6 it was not as useful since the damage buff only lasted for 5 seconds, but now that it lasts the entire duration, it's become incredibly powerful. Add on that it allows for insane overcapping... Well need more be said.
EPtE also is now incredibly useful. Back when the speed buff only lasted 5 seconds it was meh, but again, like EPtW, now that it's buff lasts the whole duration, it's incredible. It allows for great speed tanking.
EPtA has always been the red-headed step child. Out of all the EPtX abilities, it's probably the least universally useful, but it's still good for certain sci builds and for sniffer builds.
I'd go into an in depth analysis of each ability, but warmaker already did, and he's more or less right.
But as a final note, I will say that yes, AB and BP are TRIBBLE. DEM is hella powerful if you build around it, and Aux2SIF is useful beyond incredibly useful. Short CD, decent chunk heal, AND ADDED HULL RES. That's a boon on most DPS builds which focus on damage dealing often at the cost of durability. Give them a decent strength Aux2SIF1 or 2, and they will be set for the next 10 seconds.
I agree that certain powers are useful, but I also agree that certain others are terrible and need to be adjusted to be competitive with the rest of them. I tend to fly cruiser class ships so I tend to be Engineering-heavy, but I do what I can to get the more specialized ships that have LTC slots from other careers simply because having a true cruiser often has too many Engineering power slots to be useful. There are exceptions, of course, but there's a reason the Galaxy-class has been a disappointment for so many.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
IMO tactical captains buffs should buff only weapons oriented powers/damage not all damage, sci's of course should continue with their exotic/radiation damage focus, and engi's need some kind of damage dealing mechanic that improve them such as maybe a growing damage modifier that increases the longer the engineer is in combat and taking damage basically rewarding them with increased damage for drawing agro and taking the damage instead of their teammates. Of course for that to work the mechanic would have to be tied to the engineering career rather than engineer heavy ships as tactical captains would just jump into those ships and take advantage of the mechanic and further improve upon it via their +all damage buffs unless other changes are made as well. There really is no simple single answer on how to fix the obvious desparity between tactical captains and the other 2 careers and the amount of work that will most likely be involved to bring balance to the 3 careers is most likely to much for cryptic to do with everything else they already have going on.
The most drastic idea I've had to reduce or eliminate the desparity between the classes is to simply do away with careers in general and instead of giving all captains certain skills at various lvl's based on their career such as Attack Pattern Alpha (tacs), Rotate Shield Frequency (engineers), Subnucleonic beam (Science), ect..., but rather captains would just be given certain basic skills as they lvl such as brace for impact, evasive manuevers, ect.... then at certain milestones they get to choose a specialiist skill from the pool of specialist skills which would include all the current major captain skills plus some new ones. The end result would be that the captain could be fine tuned with the skills the captain wants to focus on for his are her particular build/playstyle. For example if the captain wanted to focus strictly on damage they would most likely choose the same current skills tac captains already have (lets face it tactical captains skills have great synergy and are far superior to anything the other classes bring to the pve environment in the current state of the game) or if they wanted the damage boost of attack pattern alpha and tac team they could choose those but if they say had no need for the CD reduction of tactical initiative they could choose rotate shield frequency or something instead.
My Science also lands generally around 2 or 3 on the dps charts on any run... but with a lot less survivability invovled in her.
The big difference... science my dps is also CC.. Cruiser... it's two seperate things really with very little cross over.
However when you look at the cost ratio... I've put a lot less dilithium, EC, and time to get my Cruiser where I want it compared to my science ship.
Skill for skill though... if you're not into it for survivablity Science has better higher level skills... and engineer tends to have better lower level skills.
If you're in it for dps... they honestly tend to be equal.... in both cases you're thinking outside of the box.
Lets be honest here though... compared to tactical in space nothing is even remotely close. Tacticals are easy street when you compare them to the other two, making genenerally Tactical BO skills the most valuable in any and all cases.
Now I'm not saying that Tacticals need a nerf... but yes something needs to be done to bring the usefullness back to Science and Engineer skills across the board...
But Cryptic in their infinite prejudice has decreed that anything and everything that in any way remotely competes with the usefulness of Tactical skills in this game must be nerfed to insure that Tactical remain the Queen of the game in space.
Ground is a totally different story where I fee that Engineers and Science are pretty much the Queens of the battlefield.. with Tacticals taking a distant but useful third place.
I recently benched my Science Away Team officer and replaced her with a second Engineer. With two dudes dropping turrets and mortars, the enemy quickly finds himself outnumbered and outgunned.
It is true that any Galaxy Class aint optimal for Top DPS. But so far there are only 2 ships that qualifies for that spot. So yes, no other ship qualifies for the top spot unless you are in a Scimitar or FPER.
Galaxy Class only becomes a disappointment if you dont know how to build or your skills arent at upto it to fly it. Which apparently is the majority of those who whine about Galaxy Class.
Galaxy class disappointment is tied down to illusory superiority. Players believing their skills are sufficient that they think the ship is the problem and not them.
I believe they did a 30kish DPS galaxy R, 40k DPS peak before Ryan had any Mk 14 epic stuffs and before they even used plasma doping back in Nov 2014.
Nowadays they have access to Mk14crtd3pen/crtd4 epic stuff and Plasma explosions. Galaxy R is 60kish average on Tac toon, 30kish Average on Eng toon(meaning PuG DPS on right build/right pilot) with a peak of 80k-90kish DPS on a tac toon(premade) 50k60kish on eng toon. That is more than sufficient for elite content.
And you can do that better in a TAC Cruiser because the BOFF layout makes it easy to do so. Being able to slot things like EPTW3, DEM3, BFAW3, APB1, is no joke. On a Galaxy-class or Gal-X, you're far more limited in what you can slot TAC-wise without making some very serious concessions. And the TAC Cruiser will still have plenty of enough ENG BOFF space to improve performance and have good survivability.
If we go down this kind of rationality, then all your other cruisers cannot do any better than scimitar or any escort do any better than FPER. Might as well throw away those other your T6s, all t5us and below not named Scimitar and FPER.
THe rationality you have is the same rationality I just gave, because there are better ships don't fly the less optimal, therefore those ship sucks.
Galaxy R easily exposes a player skill and build weakness more than a Scimitar. Although I have seen scimitars with all epic stuff do only 5k dps. You can probably say that less than skilled player will have a hard time optimizing a gal r than a fed tac cruiser.
But then again, let us just wait for temporal insight trait when hull healing gives you damage immunity and how eng heavy setUps fare after that.
Never said anything about beating the Scimitar. And of course, you can only play Scimitar as a Romulan but you know where all the players sit in which faction, don't you?
It also shows how much you understand the game, how things synergize together, for you to say that Escorts, the FPER, etc is better than Cruisers, etc.
I'll tell you why the TAC Cruisers make the job of DPS and surviving all the hurt coming your way are superior mounts to fly.
They have the ENG stations to slot abilities to make them survivable.
They have the ENG stations to slot abilities to enhance their combat performance.
They have the TAC stations to slot abilities to give them more punch.
Guess what slots the Galaxy, Galaxy-X are severely lacking in?
Also, the Scimitar has many reasons why it still reigns supreme as a DPS machine.
- It has the TAC seating (Cmdr) and Consoles to support it. Just like an Escort.
- It has less ENG capability than a Cruiser but more than enough to support its use.
- It has Battle Cloak, and do it right, you can have +45% bonus dmg coming out of Cloaks that can last, depending on your BOFFs, up to 23 seconds. Read that again.
- It has the hull of a Cruiser, NOT an Escort.
- Most importantly, it has the EIGHT Weapon Slots of a Cruiser. Not 7 of an Escort.
The Scimitar is a very unique hybrid and the only one in the entire game with that total package. There are Escorts with 8 weapon slots but not the staying power and BOFF seating of the Scimitar, nor do they have the Battle Cloak. There are TAC heavy Cruisers but they do not have the Cmdr TAC station of the Scimitar, much less Cmdr TAC *and* Battle Cloak with the 8 weapon slots.
That is why the Scimitar is the typical king of DPS, even with the advent of T6 ships. And it still is the ONLY ship with that total package.
And don't talk to me about "Well, so and so did this with that ship" as justification for everything is all good / bad for a ship. It's not. Because players MAKE the ship work or they make it fail. Excluding player SKILL, we are left with the bare bones of the ship. The stats. Because stats do not lie. Players excel. Players fail. In any ship, in any build. There's lots of variables. But the stats? The stats are ALWAYS there as the simple truth of any ship.
And that simple truth is this: In terms of DPS'ing, the TAC Cruiser makes your job MUCH easier. The Scimitar is it's own thing and is still OP. But unless you're rolling Romulan, you aren't using it. No sense in putting the Scimitar on a pedestal and forsaking your ships if you're KDF/Fed. Because you can't fly the damn thing.
If you are one of those guys chasing DPS numbers, all the stuff I said is old news. It's common knowledge. But if you are just going to start in that DPS race as your goal in STO, then here's a homework assignment:
When you're Parsing multiplayer instances, take note of what ships players are flying and what the performers are using. Outside the outright, copout answer of the Scimitar. When you hear about those ships, look up their stats and compare that to the Galaxy/Galaxy-X. Or if you are one of the DPS-oriented channels, take note on what players are flying.
I am not saying you can't take any ship and perform. People do that all the time. But the simple fact is that in typical energy weapons DPS, TAC Cruisers will usually reign.
Because their STATS make that easier to do.
Yes, i dont understand the game that I beat the elite content like HSE, use a Galaxy R/Sci ship/ Eng toons and tac toons/scimitar and beat elite content. Yes, I dont understand the game like the frequent fake experts in STO forum.
Yes, I dont understand it because I spend more time in game rather in the STO forums PvPing with you.
Scimitar isnt the king of DPS anymore. During plasma doping era, FPER and Scimitar are neck to neck. Without plasma doping, and with the current plasma explosion that crown belongs to the FPER. Although Scimitar is the only total package ship due to the valdore console.
You should know that since your an "expert" Not unless you live in the STO forum.
Right, and your trying to pretend that you are good when you think so much that you only do DPS and cannot tank and finish HSE recently?
Really? If you havent carried HSE both DPS and tank it recently, then comeback talk to me. Otherwise stop pretending to be an expert of PvE.
It is time that fake experts who frequent STO forum and stop giving bad advise in the forums because it is bad for the game. A noob comes in the forums, see a fake expert whining or giving advice results into more players with Illusory Superiority complex.
Everything can be quantified including your skill. Galaxy R is inferior to Scimitar in DPS is a fact. Galaxy R can take more damage in HSE than a Scimitar is a fact. Galaxy R can do more than minimum DPS than any elite content is a fact.
How "Engineering" skills, especially the higher ranked ones, are "lackluster" compared to anything else.
As the thread started, all the "damage causing" skills are "balanced" around tacticals tossing their pile o'buffs.
Recently, with the Sci captain exotic damage boosts when being shot at combined with the Sci crafting L15 trait that turns high part gens (usually only found on science ships) into massive critical hit rates (400 PG = 100% crit with all exotic damage, whether science, engineering, or weapons-generated) - science captains and science ships are fast approaching Tactical levels of DPS with these exotic damage skills...
Which is more appropriately "masking" the issue, while these skills are showing up in the metrics as having their "average damage per activation increased" - engineers don't have access to either set of skills "in the quantities necessary to make them worthwhile" - and if you begin to boost the exotic damage done by these skills they can become "dangerously OP" in the hands of both Tacs and 400 PG exotic killer Scis.
Which then beggars the question - do we want to give Engineers traits to enhance their DPS somehow, say via a trait that replicates the [Amp] mod and scales to the power level(s) in use - so that engineers with their massive power generation skills can parlay that power generation into "tactical levels of DPS", or do we want to attempt to focus on the tank aspect of the engineer in space via attempting to manipulate the threat system?
Maybe both? Manipulate threat and use that as a DPS multiplier?
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
That's just survival and power management. Ship selection has far greater impact on role than career.
Engineering doesn't mean tank, nor should it be forced to be a tank. I for one would be pissed off enough to quit, because I only play Engineers, am in the 50k bracket, and only end up a tank if the team is weak.
A new, unskilled pilot is going to do more DPS as an Engineer in an escort than a Tactical in an escort simply because they die less and can mitigate Weapon Power drain better, without being anything close to fulfilling the tank (get aggro, hold aggro, survive aggro) role.
Surviving's not hard when you have Cmdr ENG stations available, much less the basic stations available on TAC Cruisers with Cmdr/Lt, Cmdr/Ens, on top of having the increased Tactical capability. Or Sci if that's what you want. Or both TAC and SCI as what the Guardian is capable of at T6. More than that is unnecessary and can go to other aspects of the ship for a more balanced capability.
I'd have to concur on this, esp the last part. Besides, I thought the thread was on ENG BOFF skills? The BOFF abilities and what slots the ship have define a good part of what the ship is going to be able to do.
I'm sure we can go into Captain types, abilities, and traits. But man, that's a huge can of worms.
As far as the higher ranked ENG abilities, the issue is the usefulness on some of them compared to the lower ranks.
- Do you really need A2B2 when A2B1 does the job just as well with the Technician DOFFs?
- Do you really need higher than A2D1 when it does the job perfectly, esp with a lot depending on the Matter-Antimatter Specialist DOFF?
- RSP is a popular "Oh ****" button but do you REALLY need RSP2/3 when RSP1 does essentially the exact same thing in replenishing your shields to max if you're getting pounded by Energy Weapons?
That's in contrast to some ENG abilities that do scale with more usefulness with higher rank. ET3 is a night and day comparison with ET1. EPTx? Same deal. ASIF? Same thing. DEM? Same thing also (IMO).
As for the questionable ENG abilities I listed, some quick thoughts on making them more useful.
Auxiliary to Dampeners: Higher ranks increases buff duration and more improvements to flight speed and turn rates. I'd go on to say the buff should scale higher for lower base turn rate ships.
Auxiliary to Battery: We all know Technician DOFFs make or break this BOFF ability. I'd say the Technician DOFFs should scale the amount of BOFF ability CD reduction according to the *rank* of A2B used.
Reverse Shield Polarity: Shorter RSP CD as you use higher ranked versions of the ability. What the abilities do is already perfect, IMHO. Higher ranked versions last longer. But reduced CD of RSP2/3 could be more enticing.
I think Extend Shields is awesome but I'll acknowledge almost nobody uses this thing. I'm surprised when I see someone else use it. It probably can use more things to make it more enticing:
- Rank I: As is currently.
- Rank II: Range of ES2 increased from 7.5km to 10km
- Rank III: Same range increase as ES2. Zero shield bleedthrough dmg for the ship activating ES3.
When it comes to DPS race, Sci and Eng are neck to neck in practice but in paper Sci is superior.
With regards EnG Bo, a lot of the BOs help both in DPS and tanking. Its just that people dont realize it because it easier to recognize and understand APO stats which add % to All the damage than overcapping and weapon drain resistance.
With regards to overcapping and weapon drain resistance, you need a a certain level understanding of the game what overcapping does and weapon drain resistance does. All of which are in the EnG BO.
Like I said, wait for the Temproal Insight trait. In paper, that trait would make ET and Aux2Sif tank easier or soak up damage easier even though those are very useful now in the right pilot and the right build. Although tanking would not be required in advanced missions like ISA, it would probably make it preferred once players start playing HSE and new missions at the level of/or more difficult than HSE start appearing.
For now, the Eng BO does not need changes. Just like what I keep saying to PvP people, Certain groups in PvE also needs to start adapting rather than wanting to change the game mechanics.
With regards to Eng captain skill, that is quite different issue but like all these changes for Eng BO just a luxury rather than a necessity.
With regards to threat, there is already a different topic for that.
Eh. There's tradeoff's either way. I could slap a tac or sci in a Guardian or Command Cruiser or Sheshar and probably make an effective tank out of it. I know I couldn't fit either in a Scimitar or Recluse and make it a tank. It's a question of where you get your survivability and where you get your damage.
And, straight from my last ISA (earlier today):CLR—Infected Space[3:33]— Dmg(DPS) —Player 1 11,996,210(56,854) Vel 10,771,672(50,810) Player 2 6,039,468(28,354) Player 3 4,459,872(21,237) Player 4 3,536,255(16,920)
50k without recluses, a 3/2, doping, EAP, or anything funny like that, on an Engi Tank. I also had 68% of the hits in. High dps tanks are a thing (though Tachyon is still...).
On a funny side note, Player 4 used neither weapons nor fleet support. And still got nearly 17k. I love some of the people who play this game.
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
Tacs are overrated.
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The engineering field has fewer available powers than the other two and most of those at only in the ltc cmdr region.
I mean it only has 5 ensign level powers and 4 of those are on a shared cd..
I would suggest first moving the aux to powers down to start at ensign.
I would then change a2b to simply grant the cd reduction but not the power level increase. Then I would move the cd reduction to a timer allowing you to reduce all your cd,s by x% for x seconds and draining your aux power accordingly.
I would move aceton beam to the Lt ltc slots only much like grav well. I would also double its radiation damage.
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