So, now with the upcoming recruitment event i've had a look at the character creator to play with it and decide how my new alts would like
And I noticed some things that could be added because they're already ingame:
1- Gorn bodies: In the game you can actually find two types of Gorn; the huge one (often used for high-ranking officers who use assault miniguns or no weapon at all) and the smaller one (Usually low-ranking officers which typically use the spec ops shield). Although the creator allows you to shorten the gorn's height and play with the sliders to make it look slimmer, the creator only uses the larger body type and you cannot make a short Gorn. Also it is known that NPC gorns can be taller. Here are some images of what I mean. For a reference, my character measures 1.98m (6'6'')

The first one is the creator gorn, 2m tall (6'7'') with all chest, waist, shoulder and stomach sliders at 0
So I wondered if a body type option could be added for Gorns. Also maybe the slider efectiveness could be redone, so you can make a slim gorn (like the ship repair npc in the Qo'nos shipyard)
2-Reman male: Well, as I took a look at the female options for the head type, I noticed there were 3 different head types while males have a single one.
As the male option is the old Reman face (like Obisek's) I wondered if more options could be added.
This is all I saw for now. If I find any other reasonable requests i'll edit and add them. Thank you very much
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It also gets a bit annoying that there are so many arbitrary restrictions in the editor, that don't make sense game-play wise, or even lore wise. I support anything that gives you more options.
The Retro Gorn had a lot of color options that the new ones don't sport.
Not saying replace the new with the old but incorporate the old back into the system to have more of an option.
Those are the best Gorn skins STO ever had, in my opinion. I do wish they would return them as options.
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I too want to see the old Gorn restored along side the newer Gorn. Goodness knows, there are still some of those older designed Gorn BOFFs running around.
(I wish we did, but....)
My character Tsin'xing
The uppermost Gorn in the photo I posted is my KDF Science character. I still routinely play the character. with the old Gorn skins, when I have the time. It's a lot of fun to play in adventure zones with a full Retro Gorn crew and run past some of the newer Gorn. Granted, I look like an ant in comparison, but it's still a lot of fun.
I've also got one of the old Gorn diplomatic BOs on one of my Fed Sci characters that's based off of my KDF character. Best First Officer ever.