BUG: Repeat instance of mission "Boldy They Rode" cannot be successfully completed.
Description: If Cardassian mission "Boldly They Rode" is repeated, it skips most of the mission points
CATEGORY : Episode mission: Cardassian missions
How to reproduce
1- Play "Boldly They Rode" as normal to completion
2- Select mission again
3- Start mission. Character will beam on to Jem'Hadar ship
4- Conversations are skipped and player ends up in airlock
5- Exit airlock and player is deposited at hatch to enter promenade; the entire EVA mission section is skipped.
6- Complete mission from this point including space combat. Mission ends.
7- follow prompt to beam to DS9.
8- Capt. Kurland does not acknowledge mission complete.
LOCATION: Deep Space 9
Commentary This appears to affect Tribble only but prevents replay to collect other rewards. Have not seen this problem with other replays.