What it says on the tin! List Tier 6 starships and their attributes that you would like to see up and coming in STO. I'll start us off.
Gemini Exploratory Science Vessel (T6)
Hull: 30,000 @ 50, 34,500 @ 60
Shield Mod: 1.3
Weapons: 3 Fore, 3 Aft
Crew: 100
Commander Science
Lt. Commander ScienceLt. Commander TacticalLt. Engineering/Spec***Ensign Universal
Devices: 3
3 Tactical 5 Science 2 Engineering
Turn Rate: 14
Impulse Mod: 0.2
Inertia: 60
Bonus Power:
+15 Auxiliary
Subsystem Targeting
Sensor Analysis
Secondary Deflector
Special Console:
Gemini Computer Core (Universal)*only compatible with Gemini, Experimental and Pathfinder Science Vessels
Gemini Effect to all Energy Weapons
On Hit: 10% chance: -3 second recharge time on all BOff abilities (cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds)
+26.2 Starship Flow Capacitors
+26.2 Starship Particle Generator
Set Bonus:+ Photonic Displacer Module
+ Gemini Computer Core
Enhanced Photonic Battle SynergyWhile Photonic Displacement is active:
+20% All Damage dealt by You and your Photonic Duplicate
+100% Hit points for your Photonic Duplicate
+100% Threat Generation for you Photonic Duplicate
Its a T6 Refit for the Nova/Rhode Island Class, similar to the treatment the Intrepid received with the Pathfinder class for Delta Rising.
***denotes a 'universal' specialization slot. Able to fit intel, command and pilot respectively.
give it an extra sci console slot(yeah, 6. thats what I said), another tac boff ability and, and aux beam array instead of the aux cannons. Make the trait something for critD on exotics and it would be the most OP sci ship ever. I might even pay for it.
Too lazy to worry about other details.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
yeah t6 bop. My gorn engie would finally have something to fly.
Hull 35,000 - 38,500 with mastery
Shield mod 1.0
Weapons 3/3
Crew 150
Turn rate 15
Impulse mod .25
Inertia 65
Device slots 3
3/3/4 consoles
+5 power to all sub systems
Can mount dual cannons
Sensor analysis
Command frequency engines
Mastery package frigate
Tier 1 10% hull
Tier 2 5% defense
Tier 3 10% damage
Tier 4 5% impulse speed and turn rate
Tier 5 trait strafing run. +30% damage -25 engine power for 15 seconds when entering red alert.on expiration +25 engine power.
Console long range passive sensor array. +10 to starship sensors, 10% accuracy. Active ability: Jamming screen 1 minute up time 2 minute cd 5k sphere. When you or a nearby ally are attacked apply jam sensors 1 to attacker can be applied once every 10 seconds per attacker.
Commander universal
Ltc eng/Intel
Lt tac/Intel
Lt sc
Lt eng
Console synergy
Long range passive sensors
Tachyon detection grid
2 piece bonus
2.5% chance to disable a subsystem
2.5% shield penetration
+10 to countermeasure systems.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
You've been here long enough to know that the people that make new ships aren't the same people that fix bugs. Asking them to do so would be like asking a painter to design the support structure for a skyscraper. Unless you're insinuating that they lay off everyone not related to code fixing so that they can hire more people to fix code until all the bugs are gone? In which case, good luck with that. :rolleyes:
On topic: I would love to see a T6 K'vort! As much as I love my Mat'ha, there's something about that majestic bird who's wings don't fold down like the smaller birds of prey.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Well I didn't.....say.....that.
More seriously though, they keep releasing new stuff that doesn't work right on top of old stuff that doesn't work right. It just makes the bug list ever longer, and as the appropriate people get pulled to fix some of the new things, they never get around to fixing old stuff thats been around forever. How about giving the bug fixers time to get caught up before introducing all-new not-working and/or imbalanced stuff.
Maybe even hire one less designer, one more coder next time around. I'd rather see them take their time to be thorough rather than keep rushing stuff out by arbitrary deadlines.
But then if it all worked perfectly, what would we do on the forums?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
T6 Iconian Battleship
T6 Iconian Cruiser
Iconian AP Rep weapons to go with them all. In a non-standard Red/Purple/Black beam.
Exchange useful information while being polite and thoughtful?
(And, ya know, free puppies for all. Same probability).
Where is the fun in that?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Commander Uni/Intel
Lieutenant Commander Uni/Pilot
Lieutenant Commander Uni
Lieutenant Uni
Ensign Uni
Weapons; 5 front, 1 rear
Consoles: 5 Tac 3 Eng 3 Sci
Battle Cloak
Console Universal: Cannon Frequency Modulator All cannon weapons have an additional 2.5% Proc chance. Cannon weapons are no longer affected be damage fall-off
Trait: Fleet of Foot +inertia and +turnrate on miss. Stacks up to (insert number here) times
T6 B'rel Science Bird of Prey
Commander Uni
Lieutenant Commander Uni/Intel
Lieutenant Commander Uni/Pilot
Lieutenant Commander Uni
Consoles: 3 Tac 3 Eng 5 Sci
Console Universal: Passive Sensor Field: Provides 1/2 the bonus of Sensor analysis to all ships within 10km, but does not drop cloak.
Trait: Hit-and-fadeabilities used from cloak gain 5% effectiveness. Attacks made from cloak deal 10% bonus damage
T6 Qul'Dun Engineering Bird of Prey
Commander Uni/Command
Lieutenant Commander Uni/Pilot
Lieutenant Commander Uni
Lieutenant Uni
Ensign Uni
Consoles: 4 Tac 4 Eng 3 Sci
Console Universal: Active ShieldingBrings shields online for 20 seconds while cloaked. When this ability expires, cloak is disabled for 5 seconds. Can only be activated while in Red Alert.
Trait: Adaptive Hull Armorwhen fired upon, you will gain resistance to the weapon type at the cost of resistances to other weapon types. When a resistance reaches 0, the stats reset and you gain a brief but massive boost to weapon damage
Console Bonuses
2-piece: Elite Flankinggain an additional 15% flanking damage bonus.
3-piece: Ambush PreparationWhen under cloak, all ability cooldowns are reduced by 10%
3-piece: Gains Enhanced Battle Cloak
4 eng
4 sci
commander SCI
lt commander ENG
LT comander UNI
ensign UNI
and some console
Oh, and while we're on it, a few Unicorns would be nice too.
Unicorns are OP. You get antilope.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Maybe some type of T6 Romulan Carrier...Sci heavy with a Lt Cmdr in Command...would be weak in this game but it would be fun to me.
That and a T6 Negh'var with the lower nacelle/weapon pods included. Doesn't have to be a Negh'var, they can redesign a ship to resemble it, so long as it does resemble it. I'm not a huge fan of these late KDF designs at all.
What else? A Dominion Battlecruiser - about time one of them came to the table.