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Brotherhood of the Sword



  • theredcomettheredcomet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Oh god the marysuefappingfederation is too strong here.
  • furiontassadarfuriontassadar Member Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    worffan101 wrote: »

    Gorn genders were never officially laid out in the series, and honestly the only way you can tell a male lizard from a female is size (females are generally bigger) and by, ah, getting the males "excited" (their paired hemipenes will evert from the cloaca in preparation for mating).

    Anyway, semi-canon material says that female Gorn are bigger, so...yeah. I think that S'taass is female.

    Doesn't make her any less awesome when she rips out a Jem'Hadar's throat with her bare hands. Or (hopefully) decapitates an Iconian minion boss with a bite.

    S'taass is awesome.

    Again, regardless of the actual gender, I think we can all agree that S'taass is awesome.

    That being said, I have a couple problems with this theory:

    First and foremost, I'm pretty sure the game always used male pronouns when referring to S'taass.

    Secondly, don't female Gorn usually stay on the homeworld, since they're the ones running things in the Hegemony? Which is why we technically don't seem them in the game? Or am I getting them confused with another species?
    "There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
  • spaldospaldo Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    This is interesting, as others have said the attack on Qro_noS makes it seem that the Iconians are either more scared of the Klingons and are trying to wipe them out quick, or they are petrified of the Feds and are doing everything they can to kill any and all help the feds could get before directly attacking them.

    This, of cores, means that they where either the most frightened of the Rom's and had to kill them off first, and the Dominion war might prove that, or lest scared of them and just whipped them out because they where the softest target.

    I wonder witch way it will be proven to be?
  • edited March 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • k20vteck20vtec Member Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    spaldo wrote: »

    This, of cores, means that they where either the most frightened of the Rom's and had to kill them off first, and the Dominion war might prove that, or lest scared of them and just whipped them out because they where the softest target.

    I wonder witch way it will be proven to be?

    At the end of ST-Canon, UFP basically become the dominant Power in Alpha and Beta Quadrant.
    Klingon Empire took a lot of losses in the Dominion war. According to Luther Slolan the Klingons need a whole decade to recover. UFP need much shorter time.
    Romulan Star Empire is in shambles with Romulan council dead and Romulus&Remus is gone
    Cardassians(though I felt their were never as storng as the RSE, UFP and the Klingon) lost the war, the last moment side-switch wont save them from harsh and disadvantageous treaties from the Winners.
    Federation still have the Shape-shifter plague, with tweaks here and there it could be quite potent again.
    Ferengi Alliance have a UFP-friendly Grand Nagus, the son of the said Grand Nagus is even in the Starfleet!

    Voyager got a load of uber-tech from Borg drone 7 of 9, and Voyager got a lot of new knowledge (porbably from the locals in Delta Quardant) to build their own Slipstream drive(even though they failed). Give te corps of engineer somtime to work out the bug and UFP would havev a huge strategic advantage
    Hast thou not gone against sincerity
    Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds
    Hast thou not lacked vigor
    Hast thou exerted all possible efforts
    Hast thou not become slothful
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You get a cigar, sir, for spawning such a .sig-worthy line. Consider it... appropriated.
    Lights cigar and slides a glass of scotch to you.

    Cheers sir.
    Earlier, I'd pointed out that having the good ambadassador present in this event could make for some interesting dialogue.; this is also true for Koren.
    A fair point.
    worffan101 wrote: »

    Gorn genders were never officially laid out in the series, and honestly the only way you can tell a male lizard from a female is size (females are generally bigger) and by, ah, getting the males "excited" (their paired hemipenes will evert from the cloaca in preparation for mating).

    Anyway, semi-canon material says that female Gorn are bigger, so...yeah. I think that S'taass is female.

    Doesn't make her any less awesome when she rips out a Jem'Hadar's throat with her bare hands. Or (hopefully) decapitates an Iconian minion boss with a bite.

    S'taass is awesome.

    I approve of this interpretation. I think the pronouns refer to S'Taass as male, but I really don't care. May the Egg Bringer bless either way.

    Off to Memory Beta.

    As for the continued assault on the Klingon Empire, I'd say annihilating Qo'nos gets you the most bang for your buck. Destroy Earth, the Federation still has another 200 homeworlds to fall back to. A democracy has an established chain of command that authoritarian societies don't have. Despite the moral blow, the idea of destroy Earth and crush the Federation has always been erroneous.

    Qo'nos and Romulus are much more integral to their empires functioning and survival.

    In addition, the Klingons discovered the Undine infiltration and thus the conspiracy as a whole much earlier than the Federation and kickstarted the war. Now when they're causing infighting amongst the powers that's playing into the Iconians hands, but when they're focused and cooperating, they're a strong liability.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    captaind3 wrote: »
    Lights cigar and slides a glass of scotch to you.

    Cheers sir.
    *swirls scotch gently, takes a sip* Ahh, a fine vintage; thank you. This reminds me - I should go see how those continuing 'experiments' with tulaberries are working out...
    As for the continued assault on the Klingon Empire, I'd say annihilating Qo'nos gets you the most bang for your buck...
    A reasonable supposition. Indeed, the assumption that destroying/occupying Terra would cause the Federation to fall apart could easily be a bit of projection on the part of OPFORs wherein a single planet does have such significance. Of course, the point of proper intelligence is to suss out how things actually work so that such assumptions don't contaminate your plans...

    In the meantime, a video of the new mission is in the wild (part 1; part 2 - or take in the Doctor's presentation). I imagine this (or another) will show up in the relevant Tribble discussion thread, but for now, my observations:

    • as with Undine Infiltration, there's a prep period (the shuttle drop) that lasts for at least 30s;
    • there are three sets of devices to deal with (each with their own time limit), followed by a boss battle;
    • once one starts the shutdown sequence, there is a fifteen-second window during which the other two devices of the trio have to be deactivated simultaneously. It seems to me that the wise course of action would be to clear the area around the first device, then have a pair head to each of the others before starting the sequence. This way, when you trigger it, they're in place to finish up in good order. In the absence of voice chat, having something like 'Deactivate devices now' cued up in the chat box, needing only double-tapping Enter to send can help, as can use of the /countdown emote (again, work this out ahead of time);
    • the boss is a Harbinger, in this case 'of T'ket'. There could be a pool of them, much like Unimatrix command ships in the Borg incursions, with an associated accolade for sanctioning each at least once.
  • johncampbell07johncampbell07 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The Empire will show these qa’meH quv how a battle is fought!

    Kahless fights at our side.
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    fireseeed wrote: »
    I remember what someone said in one of the shows, the reasons humans fear war, isn't because of blood shred or destruction but because we fear just how good we are at warfare. An I think that was from a klingon basically admitting humans are better warriors than the Klingons.

    In a lot of science fiction,when push comes to shove, and survival is at stake, Humanity is capable of being nasty as all hell. Humans transform from being the super nice neighbors that everybody gets annoyed with, but still grudgingly likes/respects, into HUMANITY **** YEAH! Which is bad for the aliens who draw Mankind's ire.
  • abystander0abystander0 Member Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I am suspicious about this. I have very little faith in Cryptic (Gecko) doing right by the KDF. I have an idea that this is just another handout to Federation players, allowing them access to Qo'nos. I have serious doubts about any revamp of Qo'nos or the First City. :mad:

    I will wait and see before jumping either way.
    If the forums wouldn't sink under the weight of the flood of tears, the Klingons would have long ago conquered the Federation and put Starfleet to work doing pedicures for targs.

    Tempted to make this a signature :P

    captaind3 wrote: »

    As for the continued assault on the Klingon Empire, I'd say annihilating Qo'nos gets you the most bang for your buck. Destroy Earth, the Federation still has another 200 homeworlds to fall back to. A democracy has an established chain of command that authoritarian societies don't have. Despite the moral blow, the idea of destroy Earth and crush the Federation has always been erroneous.

    Qo'nos and Romulus are much more integral to their empires functioning and survival.

    In addition, the Klingons discovered the Undine infiltration and thus the conspiracy as a whole much earlier than the Federation and kickstarted the war. Now when they're causing infighting amongst the powers that's playing into the Iconians hands, but when they're focused and cooperating, they're a strong liability.

    I sort of agree with this.

    Attacking Qo'nos and the High Council puts a huge dent in the KDF's Chain of command. Without it's central decision making body, the empire's feudal nature would cause it's war effort to come to a grinding halt. The Great Houses would no doubt be vying for supremacy in the resultant power vacuum. The Klingon's fractious nature would come to bite them unless a charismatic warlord/general or even the clone of Kahless is able to rally them. While they wold be really mad and out for blood, they would also effectively be without a leader until any infighting comes to a close.

    On the other side, the Federation has clear cut chain of command, and policies covering emergency situations. Losing Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, or any of the core worlds would be serious, but would not impede Starfleet's ability to conduct it's mission or the keep the Federation from maintaining order throughout the rest of it's worlds. The Federation would not have the same devastating power vacuum. Individual leaders might try to take advantage of the situation, but they would be the exception rather than the rule. While the Federation might be militarily easier to defeat on a tactical level or individual level, as a whole, it's not such a simple matter.
  • abystander0abystander0 Member Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    In a lot of science fiction,when push comes to shove, and survival is at stake, Humanity is capable of being nasty as all hell. Humans transform from being the super nice neighbors that everybody gets annoyed with, but still grudgingly likes/respects, into HUMANITY **** YEAH! Which is bad for the aliens who draw Mankind's ire.

    Problem is once you get rid of the external enemy, they turn on each other. Human aggression and greed just don't magically vanish.
  • jheinigjheinig Member Posts: 364 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    amoroxic wrote: »
    Welcome to the Brotherhood of sssss..... wait, aaaa Jesse Jesse! We will get some T-51b too? :D

    something something power armor something
  • sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    First and foremost, I'm pretty sure the game always used male pronouns when referring to S'taass.

    THIS. I had to write S'taass for my Honor of Foundry Series, and I did ALOT of research before writing him. Every single time a pronoun has been used for S'taass, it's he or him. S'taass is a dude. A particularly badass ambassador dude, but definitely a dude.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
  • furiontassadarfuriontassadar Member Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    [*]once one starts the shutdown sequence, there is a fifteen-second window during which the other two devices of the trio have to be deactivated simultaneously. It seems to me that the wise course of action would be to clear the area around the first device, then have a pair head to each of the others before starting the sequence. This way, when you trigger it, they're in place to finish up in good order. In the absence of voice chat, having something like 'Deactivate devices now' cued up in the chat box, needing only double-tapping Enter to send can help, as can use of the /countdown emote (again, work this out ahead of time);

    Thanks for linking those videos.

    From the looks and sounds of it, even Normal mode could be a bit of a challenge for your average que specifically because of needing to coordinate the shutdown of those devices. The final boss might be a bit of pain too, especially on higher difficulties.

    On the other hand, so long as your in a team that *can* coordinate things, it's a really short mission, and the basic Herald mobs don't seem too bad, unless, again, they have some surprises on higher difficulties. And there's always what the optionals might be....
    "There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Oh god the marysuefappingfederation is too strong here.
    I think the Federation is more realistic as a succesful and advanced space civilization than a non-integrative culture like the Romulans, Cardassians or Klingons. The latter 3 all have a single major planet backing them up, while the Federation is based on hundreds of homeworlds that independently achieved warp travel.

    The only explanation for the Rom, Cardie and Klingon even being considered rivals to the Federation seems to be that they have been around much longer.

    The John Ford version of the Klingons made more sense - there we actually see the Klingons taking technology and work power from alien species they conquered.

    STO at least has them conquer and integrate the Gorn, and add Nausicaans, Letheans and Orions to their ranks.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • edited March 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    *swirls scotch gently, takes a sip* Ahh, a fine vintage; thank you. This reminds me - I should go see how those continuing 'experiments' with tulaberries are working out...
    Johnnie Walker, Blue.
    A reasonable supposition. Indeed, the assumption that destroying/occupying Terra would cause the Federation to fall apart could easily be a bit of projection on the part of OPFORs wherein a single planet does have such significance. Of course, the point of proper intelligence is to suss out how things actually work so that such assumptions don't contaminate your plans...
    Even then the Founders who for all their age and wisdom don't understand solids were able to look first hand and still didn't get it.
    In the meantime, a video of the new mission is in the wild (part 1; part 2 - or take in the Doctor's presentation). I imagine this (or another) will show up in the relevant Tribble discussion thread, but for now, my observations:

    • as with Undine Infiltration, there's a prep period (the shuttle drop) that lasts for at least 30s;
    • there are three sets of devices to deal with (each with their own time limit), followed by a boss battle;
    • once one starts the shutdown sequence, there is a fifteen-second window during which the other two devices of the trio have to be deactivated simultaneously. It seems to me that the wise course of action would be to clear the area around the first device, then have a pair head to each of the others before starting the sequence. This way, when you trigger it, they're in place to finish up in good order. In the absence of voice chat, having something like 'Deactivate devices now' cued up in the chat box, needing only double-tapping Enter to send can help, as can use of the /countdown emote (again, work this out ahead of time);
    • the boss is a Harbinger, in this case 'of T'ket'. There could be a pool of them, much like Unimatrix command ships in the Borg incursions, with an associated accolade for sanctioning each at least once.
    Thanks for the vids.

    So my first thought is, there are defilers...does that mean there will also be Violators? Will we be violated like girly men?

    Second, the activation time on the devices seems reasonable. There will be some issue in getting people to actually activate the devices rather than shoot, clearly shown by the guy that made the video.

    Actually an activate now button as an interact would be very nice.

    I was thinking the same thing about a named boss accolade.

    Seems to be a straightforward mission.

    I'd hate to see the rages when the Advanced and Elite accolades fail the mission the first time you don't activate the devices perfectly.
    In a lot of science fiction,when push comes to shove, and survival is at stake, Humanity is capable of being nasty as all hell. Humans transform from being the super nice neighbors that everybody gets annoyed with, but still grudgingly likes/respects, into HUMANITY **** YEAH! Which is bad for the aliens who draw Mankind's ire.

    patrickngo wrote: »
    The Federation? you mean that humans-only club with token near-humans with funny ears and planet-of-hats humans, all anchored and centred on Earth? the Federation, comprised of civilizations that were spacefaring before the monkeys left the trees, that bows knee to a Human homeworld, that Federation?

    As opposed to the Klingons only club, with token near Klingons with fang faces all anchored and centered around Qo'nos? The Empire comprised of civilizations that were conquered by military force even if they hadn't even known the Klingons existed the day before that now bow knee to a Klingon homeworld, THAT empire?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • britewolfbritewolf Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Gods! This forum desperately needs a 'Like this post' button... Posts 2 through 9 though!

    More content on Q'onos is great. I'd say it was more enticing than an Orion doing a striptease in a Bloodwine bath, but no, I'm NOT hoping for an art and layout revamp on First City. To be fair, I'm happy if we do get one, but I'm equally happy if we don't. We're already more awesome than the new ESD or RRC.
    This is an excuse for us to prove how awesome the KDF already are.

    New maps and artwork? No thanks... We got the best already! We are the best already!
    General T'Reirr Asei
    Captain of the venerable I.K.S. Y'Kun.
    Warrior of the Empire; Savior of Cookies; Lord of String; Devious Little S*!7
    #PlomeekSoupForTheIndifferent #AmNotFluffy #Klingons4Equality #PriorityOneRocks #ShortButPouncey

  • nazelnagnazelnag Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    curious it's entitles "Brotherhood Of The Sword" as swords aren't dropping as much and got it's usefulness downgraded, with Elite borgs repelling malee players constantly with some knock back stuff.

    you had several opportunity to make available nano pulse swords for winter event, but there's only bat'lets or lirpas and a big chunk of people don't like that any way.

    maybe you could bring some new kind of sword or re-evaluate the sword availability for the ground pve queues or maybe that's just some catchy name to lure people in, i don't know ... i guess we will see later ... :rolleyes:
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    nazelnag wrote: »
    curious it's entitles "Brotherhood Of The Sword" as swords aren't dropping as much and got it's usefulness downgraded, with Elite borgs repelling malee players constantly with some knock back stuff.

    you had several opportunity to make available nano pulse swords for winter event, but there's only bat'lets or lirpas and a big chunk of people don't like that any way.

    maybe you could bring some new kind of sword or re-evaluate the sword availability for the ground pve queues or maybe that's just some catchy name to lure people in, i don't know ... i guess we will see later ... :rolleyes:
    Technically it should be brotherhood of the batleth as that makes more sense with it being on quonos it would be interesting if you could only do it with melee weapons as that would make it better than standard ground pew pew
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    nazelnag wrote: »
    curious it's entitles "Brotherhood Of The Sword" as swords aren't dropping as much and got it's usefulness downgraded, with Elite borgs repelling malee players constantly with some knock back stuff.
    robeasom wrote: »
    Technically it should be brotherhood of the batleth as that makes more sense with it being on quonos it would be interesting if you could only do it with melee weapons as that would make it better than standard ground pew pew

    http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Yan-Isleth = "Brotherhood of the Sword" (well established term)

    It's also the "Sword of Kahless", simply because "Bat'leths" are some type of sword, just like "Claymores" i.E.
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • theredcomettheredcomet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Dear fed fans:

    The lore in STO and in ST in general has already time and time again established that destroying earth ends the federation. It's a pacifist democracy without a real unifying force behind it.
    Plenty of alternate time lines , the neural parasites , a single borg cube.. plenty of examples of things that nearly wiped out the federation entirely.

    The iconian analysis also clearly states that the destruction of earth would suffice for the federation thus giving priority to the destruction of qo'nos to disorganize the KDF long enough for complete iconian victory.

    Considering what STO put the romulans through - the republic being a fraction of the empire's original might and still holding 4 of the roughest fronts any of 3 powers has to contend with (voth , delta , elachi , tholian..) is an epic feat of endurance to say to the least.

    Pushed to the brink the romulans overcame with amazing results.

    The klingons as well are no push overs considering the amount of times their leadership has been annhiliated and the fact that the houses are so caught up in infighting it only serves to show the klingons are demonstrating but a fraction of their strength.

    One alternate timeline without the federation has the romulan empire on the winning side of it's war with the klingon empire only to be pushed back when the klingons begin using kamikaze attacks.

    Pushed to the brink the klingons thrive and yearn for glory in battle.
  • lessley00lessley00 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Watched Brents vid, the Protheans ah I mean Heralds are... okay. But the way the boss looked was the final straw. I was hoping the Heralds wouldnt be some Neverwinter rejects and would be a bit more... solid. Im calling the Heralds the Mages from now on. And threre is a fine line between tech and magic, and whatever TRIBBLE I saw the Mages weild looked like magic. This is TRIBBLE, the whole thing
    Captain Joseph Riker, U.S.S. Odyssey==General V'Mar, U.S.S. Blackwater-A==Admiral Laura Holmes, U.S.S. Forward Unto Dawn
    Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv

    Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    captaind3 wrote: »
    Even then the Founders who for all their age and wisdom don't understand solids were able to look first hand and still didn't get it.
    I imagine that from the Founders' point of view, the thought processes, etc. of solids were just so different as to be hard to grasp, for the effort they put into learning about them.
    So my first thought is, there are defilers...does that mean there will also be Violators?
    I would not discount the possibility - after all, we can't say we've seen all of the infantry types the Heralds have at their disposal. What is surprising, though, is that none of the ones we've seen make any use of command or intel abilities... after all, their ships certainly do.
    Second, the activation time on the devices seems reasonable. There will be some issue in getting people to actually activate the devices rather than shoot, clearly shown by the guy that made the video.
    One other complication: the interact button doesn't always come up when it should; sometimes you have to move around the device a bit to get it. This is something I've seen occasionally with turrets needing updates in the Defara IZ.
    I'd hate to see the rages when the Advanced and Elite accolades fail the mission the first time you don't activate the devices perfectly.
    That raises a good question - aside from optional objectives no longer being so, what else would change with an increase in difficulty? A likely candidate would be each area's time limit... or they could add a global time limit as well.
    nazelnag wrote: »
    you had several opportunity to make available nano pulse swords for winter event, but there's only bat'lets or lirpas and a big chunk of people don't like that any way.
    This absence surprised me too. That aside, I was annoyed to discover that the nanopulse weapons operate like lightsabers - meaning that yes, Borg do in fact adapt to them. I'd been expecting something more like WH40K's power weapons, wherein the energy effect is a bonus on top of the base damage; in this case, the adaptation simply nullifies the bonus damage.
    maybe you could bring some new kind of sword or re-evaluate the sword availability for the ground pve queues or maybe that's just some catchy name to lure people in, i don't know ... i guess we will see later ... :rolleyes:
    It'd be nice if we could craft our own melee weapons (why this isn't already so escapes me). Yes, you can get them from replaying 'Coliseum' (after defeating the elder worm, be sure to search both cell blocks) and a certain repeatable doff assignment (from 'Caitian Diaspora', IIRC).
  • furiontassadarfuriontassadar Member Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    lessley00 wrote: »
    Watched Brents vid, the Protheans ah I mean Heralds are... okay. But the way the boss looked was the final straw. I was hoping the Heralds wouldnt be some Neverwinter rejects and would be a bit more... solid. Im calling the Heralds the Mages from now on. And threre is a fine line between tech and magic, and whatever TRIBBLE I saw the Mages weild looked like magic. This is TRIBBLE, the whole thing

    I think the "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" look is specifically what they are going for when it comes to the overall design of the Heralds/Iconians.

    I'll admit, I'm not entirely sold on the designs they came up with based on that idea myself, since I'm not sure it entirely fits the slightly more realistic aesthetic of Star Trek (the Heralds really look like they belong to a whole other sci-fi game, for example), but I at least understand where they are coming from with the design.
    "There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
  • edited March 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • darthkuribohdarthkuriboh Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    mhall85 wrote: »
    Please don't tell me that Season 11 will bring "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" to STO...

    We already have that. It's called the United Federation of Planets :p
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Yan-Isleth = "Brotherhood of the Sword" (well established term)

    It's also the "Sword of Kahless", simply because "Bat'leths" are some type of sword, just like "Claymores" i.E.

    I had forgotten all about them.

    Indeed, leth appears to be the Klingon word for sword as seen shared between Bat'leth and Mek'leth. By the way, we need some Mek'leths.
    Dear fed fans:

    The lore in STO and in ST in general has already time and time again established that destroying earth ends the federation. It's a pacifist democracy without a real unifying force behind it.
    Plenty of alternate time lines , the neural parasites , a single borg cube.. plenty of examples of things that nearly wiped out the federation entirely.

    The iconian analysis also clearly states that the destruction of earth would suffice for the federation thus giving priority to the destruction of qo'nos to disorganize the KDF long enough for complete iconian victory.

    Considering what STO put the romulans through - the republic being a fraction of the empire's original might and still holding 4 of the roughest fronts any of 3 powers has to contend with (voth , delta , elachi , tholian..) is an epic feat of endurance to say to the least.

    Pushed to the brink the romulans overcame with amazing results.

    The klingons as well are no push overs considering the amount of times their leadership has been annhiliated and the fact that the houses are so caught up in infighting it only serves to show the klingons are demonstrating but a fraction of their strength.

    One alternate timeline without the federation has the romulan empire on the winning side of it's war with the klingon empire only to be pushed back when the klingons begin using kamikaze attacks.

    Pushed to the brink the klingons thrive and yearn for glory in battle.

    Galen is that you?

    Aye that's what's been proposed.

    And I'm still saying it's a foolish theory. Maybe if you destroy all four founding worlds you might have something.

    Technical Pacifist Democracy. The Federation has always fought when necessary. There's a difference between not going out and starting fights and being a pacifist.

    The Iconian analysis also seems to indicate we can be scared into not allying against them. In other words, the Iconians are wrong.
    lessley00 wrote: »
    Watched Brents vid, the Protheans ah I mean Heralds are... okay. But the way the boss looked was the final straw. I was hoping the Heralds wouldnt be some Neverwinter rejects and would be a bit more... solid. Im calling the Heralds the Mages from now on. And threre is a fine line between tech and magic, and whatever TRIBBLE I saw the Mages weild looked like magic. This is TRIBBLE, the whole thing

    As Furion said...
    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

    What did you call that hand wave slaughter of the council (or whoever) at the end of Surface Tension?

    Furthermore there's a reason why the Iconians were called demons of air and darkness and gods. They promoted that image.

    Remember when Picard took over "Ardra's" powers and was making Earth quakes with his eyes?

    It seems apparent that Iconians like to play up the supernatural imagery for shock value.

    Too bad no one in this alliance is scared of ghosts and demons.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I don't know why they would see the Klingon empire in this game a threat. I mean for real they are the most undeveloped faction in the game. None the less we have been given battle cruisers as additions but the carrier and bop lines that make up 2/3's of our forces pretty much go undeveloped especially when we see all these ships from lockboxes and other factions when we need some variety and to bring us back on par since this is nothing more than a dps race.

    Although based on current events that surround the company I highly doubt we will see any kdf development at all in the future.
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