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What the JHSS Should Have Been

humblesheephumblesheep Member Posts: 423 Arc User
I think the JHSS should have had an hanger, that supports two fighters, it’s trait should have been “Wingmen”, which locks the two fighters into position on the right and left of the ship, slightly behind, and synchronises their weapons with the ship. The fighters should have sufficient manoeuvrability to remain in position during the “Rock and Roll” manoeuvre.

Also it should have an extra device slot and come with the device “Puff Smoke” which works, out of combat, making red, white and blue smoke trails come out from each ship respectively.

Additionally, owners of the JHAS should be able to upgrade to two frigate pets.

If you think that’s OP, then maybe the hardest to get ship in the game should be OP, the JHAS used to be! And after all at the moment it’s not even the best escort and its (now fixed) trait is just meh!

Alternatively, just give it 5 front guns and a decent trait!
Post edited by humblesheep on


  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited March 2015
    I think the JHSS is fine as it is... short of turning it into a 5/2 escort.

    And, sorry, but I don't get the point of the smoke...?
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    mhall85 wrote: »
    And, sorry, but I don't get the point of the smoke...?

    Just think of this picture with 'MURICA! written in big letters on it...

    That's what I took away from it anyway...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I'm not necessarily sure how red white and blue smoke is appropriate for Dominion ships. The Dominion is an interstellar empire formed, usually at the point of a gun, by a cabal of paranoid puppet masters whose word is not only law, but divine edict. The enact their will via slavishly loyal races that they created in the ultimate act of playing god.

    Doesn't exactly scream "truth, justice, the American way."
  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    I think the JHSS should have had an hanger, that supports two fighters, it’s trait should have been “Wingmen”, which locks the two fighters into position on the right and left of the ship, slightly behind, and synchronises their weapons with the ship. The fighters should have sufficient manoeuvrability to remain in position during the “Rock and Roll” manoeuvre.

    Also it should have an extra device slot and come with the device “Puff Smoke” which works, out of combat, making red, white and blue smoke trails come out from each ship respectively.

    Additionally, owners of the JHAS should be able to upgrade to two frigate pets.

    If you think that’s OP, then maybe the hardest to get ship in the game should be OP, the JHAS used to be! And after all at the moment it’s not even the best escort and its (now fixed) trait is just meh!

    Alternatively, just give it 5 front guns and a decent trait!

    And where would you hang it?
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    mhall85 wrote: »
    I think the JHSS is fine as it is... short of turning it into a 5/2 escort.

    He, had the same thought but no, with a turn rate of 20 I really think the JHSS is fine as it is. :cool:
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • jjdezjjdez Member Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    It should have been a free upgrade from the JHAS. Since that obviously was never the plan, it should have been made a completely different type of ship to avoid the fallout it caused.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I'm sorry that I didn't read anything, but after looking at the Pilot BOFF abilities on Tribble...I'm leaning toward the JHSS should have been that.
  • humblesheephumblesheep Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    I'm not necessarily sure how red white and blue smoke is appropriate for Dominion ships. The Dominion is an interstellar empire formed, usually at the point of a gun, by a cabal of paranoid puppet masters whose word is not only law, but divine edict. The enact their will via slavishly loyal races that they created in the ultimate act of playing god.

    Doesn't exactly scream "truth, justice, the American way."

    You’re absolutely right, I'm sorry.

    I also was thinking of the Red Arrows; just try to picture 3 bugs doing a barrel roll trailing smoke, I'd pay to be able to do that!
  • frontline2042frontline2042 Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    If you think that’s OP, then maybe the hardest to get ship in the game should be OP, the JHAS used to be! And after all at the moment it’s not even the best escort and its (now fixed) trait is just meh!

    Alternatively, just give it 5 front guns and a decent trait!

    TRIBBLE it, let's just make all 7 of its weapon emplacements in the front and get rid of the traits internal CD. After all, you think it should be OP.

    Note: I have the new bug and I like it as it is, it doesn't need to be god tier for me to have fun
    Ignorance is an obstacle not an excuse
    Let the stupid suffer
  • jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    I'm sorry that I didn't read anything, but after looking at the Pilot BOFF abilities on Tribble...I'm leaning toward the JHSS should have been that.

    Here's my expectations:

    T6 Pilot Romulan Dreads.

    T6 Intel Oddys.

    T6 Command Bort's.

    Available as single ships, 3-packs, or a whole set of 9.

    Of course, I'd prefer Intel Dreads to Pilot Dreads, at first look, but some of those Pilot abilities might shape up quite nicely on them.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

    Tacs are overrated.

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  • medalionemissarymedalionemissary Member Posts: 612 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The Jem'Hadar Strike ship is just another ship in the lineage infantry Bug

    The thing is very small and to have a hangar on that is ridiculous

    You probably meant a T6 Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier
    Deep Space Nine in HD, make it so!
  • x1c3c0ldxx1c3c0ldx Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    They will never change anything in regards to the JHAS or JHSS as it is now.
    They send me the following message a couple of days ago.


    Thank you for your follow-up message. Again, we apologize for any frustration caused by this issue, however, we will not be able to provide a T6 version of the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship, or any other form of compensation. To see the whole discussion, including the posted response from the Executive Producer, please visit this forum thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=22667151&posted=1#post22667151.

    We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

    Perfect World Support
  • mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Slap a hangar on it!

  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I just wish a defiant skin was made for it. its almost a perfect T6 defiant class ship, just add a 5th forward weapon slot!
  • ab4r4xusab4r4xus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    I'm not necessarily sure how red white and blue smoke is appropriate for Dominion ships. The Dominion is an interstellar empire formed, usually at the point of a gun, by a cabal of paranoid puppet masters whose word is not only law, but divine edict. The enact their will via slavishly loyal races that they created in the ultimate act of playing god.

    Doesn't exactly scream "truth, justice, the American way."

    I sure hope that's some combination of sarcasm and satire. Don't you know, it's the will of the heavens for the YOU ESS of AHH to be the greatest superpower the world has ever seen.
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The Vaadwaur Mansa should have been a 6 Fore 2 Aft ship with a Cmdr Intel seat, and with a Polaron Barrage that can be used at 20km away.

    The Astika should have been a 3 Fore, 3 Aft, 6 Port, and 6 Starboard weapon slot ship with a Cmdr Command seat and equipping the Polaron Barrage would allow it have extended firing arcs to the sides. Also, it should have allowed cannons to be equipped on the Port and Starboard sides for Broadsiding.

    The Odyssey and Bortesqu series should have been bigger with 4 Fore, 4 Aft, 6 Port, and 6 Starboard weapon slots. They also need a hangar equipped to carry a set of Frigates (Defiant for Feds, BoPs for KDF) for defense purposes and a smaller hangar for small craft. They also need Cmdr Universal/UniSpec seats to fit any Specialized Boff of any current or future Specialization.

    The Scimitar series needs 6 Fore, 4 Aft, 5 Port, and 5 Starboard weapon slots and two Drone hangars. Also needs the same Cmdr Universal/UniSpec seats to fit any Specialized Boff of any current or future Specialization.

    The Sheshar should have had two frigate hangars, a 1sec charge BFG on both the core body and the separated body, and hold within the firing cone of said BFG (similar to the Magnometic? console of one of the KDF ships), and have a Cmdr Eng/UniSpec seat. Should have also had 6 Port and 6 Starboard weapon slots.

    All T6s should have a Surgical Strikes ability Built-in, but with longer CD, and only equivalent to SS1. Also, they should all have access to OsS1 as well, with the same longer CD. And they should all have a hangar, even if it's unrealistic for some of them. And they all also need the ability to use any ship console regardless of faction, and can all use Singularity or Warp Cores.

    And to finish this list of unreasonable requests and wishful thinking, we should have a Borg Tactical Cube with 5 Fore, 5 Aft, 5 Starboard, 5 Port, 5 Top, and 5 Bottom weapon slots, and it rotates regardless of direction traveled. Also, all sides are considered Fore, so mounting DHCs and DBBs is perfectly fine. And this Tactical Cube needs 2 Cmdr Tac/UniSpec seats, 2 Cmdr Sci/UniSpec seats, and 1 Cmdr Eng/UniSpec seat.
  • seriousxenoseriousxeno Member Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    This is what it should have been instead:


    I would gladly throw a lot of millions at that, not this re-packaged bug ship.
    "Let them eat static!"
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The Vaadwaur Mansa should have been a 6 Fore 2 Aft ship with a Cmdr Intel seat, and with a Polaron Barrage that can be used at 20km away.

    The Astika should have been a 3 Fore, 3 Aft, 6 Port, and 6 Starboard weapon slot ship with a Cmdr Command seat and equipping the Polaron Barrage would allow it have extended firing arcs to the sides. Also, it should have allowed cannons to be equipped on the Port and Starboard sides for Broadsiding.

    The Odyssey and Bortesqu series should have been bigger with 4 Fore, 4 Aft, 6 Port, and 6 Starboard weapon slots. They also need a hangar equipped to carry a set of Frigates (Defiant for Feds, BoPs for KDF) for defense purposes and a smaller hangar for small craft. They also need Cmdr Universal/UniSpec seats to fit any Specialized Boff of any current or future Specialization.

    The Scimitar series needs 6 Fore, 4 Aft, 5 Port, and 5 Starboard weapon slots and two Drone hangars. Also needs the same Cmdr Universal/UniSpec seats to fit any Specialized Boff of any current or future Specialization.

    The Sheshar should have had two frigate hangars, a 1sec charge BFG on both the core body and the separated body, and hold within the firing cone of said BFG (similar to the Magnometic? console of one of the KDF ships), and have a Cmdr Eng/UniSpec seat. Should have also had 6 Port and 6 Starboard weapon slots.

    All T6s should have a Surgical Strikes ability Built-in, but with longer CD, and only equivalent to SS1. Also, they should all have access to OsS1 as well, with the same longer CD. And they should all have a hangar, even if it's unrealistic for some of them. And they all also need the ability to use any ship console regardless of faction, and can all use Singularity or Warp Cores.

    And to finish this list of unreasonable requests and wishful thinking, we should have a Borg Tactical Cube with 5 Fore, 5 Aft, 5 Starboard, 5 Port, 5 Top, and 5 Bottom weapon slots, and it rotates regardless of direction traveled. Also, all sides are considered Fore, so mounting DHCs and DBBs is perfectly fine. And this Tactical Cube needs 2 Cmdr Tac/UniSpec seats, 2 Cmdr Sci/UniSpec seats, and 1 Cmdr Eng/UniSpec seat.
    Why isn't there a reputation system here? Devs can turn it off so they won't be negged into oblivion for things that are not their fault.

    But this needs +1ing.

    But seriously if you read it in a hyped up voice, I mean...I want to Brock Scream this ludicrous list. It's that awesome a post.

    Here ya go people, read that post in the Macho Man Randy Savage voice and ramp up the intensity as you go along DIG IT!
    This is what it should have been instead:


    I would gladly throw a lot of millions at that, not this re-packaged bug ship.

    Word Life.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,908 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I think the JHSS should have had an hanger, that supports two fighters, it’s trait should have been “Wingmen”, which locks the two fighters into position on the right and left of the ship, slightly behind, and synchronises their weapons with the ship. The fighters should have sufficient manoeuvrability to remain in position during the “Rock and Roll” manoeuvre.

    Also it should have an extra device slot and come with the device “Puff Smoke” which works, out of combat, making red, white and blue smoke trails come out from each ship respectively.

    Additionally, owners of the JHAS should be able to upgrade to two frigate pets.

    If you think that’s OP, then maybe the hardest to get ship in the game should be OP, the JHAS used to be! And after all at the moment it’s not even the best escort and its (now fixed) trait is just meh!

    Alternatively, just give it 5 front guns and a decent trait!

    How is it harder to get than the Sheshar or the Bulwark...neither which were ever OP (Even if people claimed the Sheshar would be the Scimitar killer, which it wasn't)
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
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