With the Lord of the Rings done, and now The Hobbit. are there more stories that can be told from middle earth?
Enter East Middle Earth:
I found it a good read, and Peter Jackson, just might go down this road.
You never know.
What do you guys think.
But good gracious don't give me a trilogy again. Single-shot or duology at the most.
Seems like the guy only skimmed a couple select chapters of the Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales. His rough overview of elves seems to be missing some key divisions.
Anyway, developing media based on the lands east of Rhovanion has always been ripe for fanfic, but would be such a departure from Tolkien's works that the energy might be better spent developing another existing fantasy IP, or just creating a new fantasy world from scratch.
If we're going to see anything more from Middle Earth, it's probably going to be First Age. Either a high fantasy series all about the Noldorin prince's family jewels, or the bitter tragedy of Hurin and his miserable kids.
Actually... Tolkein DID briefly discuss what happened in the eastern lands. It's where the blue and red wizards lived. Also we know there were dragons there, and that Sauron indirectly controlled part of the region(he summoned reinforcements from there late in the War).
My character Tsin'xing
Eh...I dunno. I don't think that the entire Silmarillion would make a good film or films. ESPECIALLY the Ainulindal
It's more likely we could get a prequel kind of story, set in another age. rather then expanding on some of the more vague areas. I never could figure out what became of the Blue wizards.
At least we got to see Radagast. But I was expecting more screen time from Beorn, and the Eagles then what we got.
I see allot of them with a character, and ship.
though I'm not sure which ship to put on there...
I'll think about it. This will do for now.
There was a red wizard? I've always only seen 5 referred to: Sauroman, Gandalf, Radagast, and the unnamed two blue wizards.
Maybe Gandalf was hesitant to talk about them because he had little to say?
Tolkein's notes on them state that their role in the world was to prevent the people of the East from falling under the sway of Morgoth/Sauron. How successful they were is a matter of debate, but since Sauron couldn't call endless legions from the east and only managed to muster a few detachments, probably mediocre. Obviously some of the East was controlled by him, but not all of it.
My character Tsin'xing