It's a good thing that we can swap out weapons and consoles on ships to suit particular situations, and that this functionality was extended to kits and their modules. Recently I found myself asking, not for the first time, why not extend this to personal weapons and armor and their mods? There is a reason, after all, that
Picatinny rails and their ilk are so common on current-day firearms... a reason that can't have become less relevant with the passage of time. For other game examples, consider recent CoDs, the Army of Two games, and even Defiance (which, however, screws it up with that old added-mods-are-fused nonsense); Section 8: Prejudice is noted for armor customization.
Q: So how does this work?
A: The idea is that all weapons come with a quartet of mod slots, and the mods themselves are distinct items that can be found in the world, purchased from stores, or crafted. Rarity is, of course, relevant (just as rarity affects a weapon's base damage, a mod's rarity affects the magnitude of the bonus it confers).
Q: What about special mods like [Borg] or [SHeal]?
A: In theory, these could still be found - albeit rarely (very so in the case of [SHeal] or [SDisrupt]) - in the world, but purchasing and crafting would be tied to the appropriate reputations (i.e. NSF for [Sonic]). This also leaves room for things like [Refrac] or [Nanite]...
Q: What about melee weapons?
A: It seems plausible that they would have their own set of mods that do the same things as the ones for their ranged counterparts, yet are distinct (i.e. you can't put the [Dmg] mod for a bat'leth on your disruptor, or vice versa). Of course, the availability of melee weapons is a whole other topic outside the purview of this thread.
Q: How does this affect weapons with unusual alt-fires (i.e. KHG/Adaped MACO PWA; Dyson proton beam rifle; etc)?
A: Actually, the PWAs mentioned above would be affected by another possible outgrowth of this system: the fact of rifles having a
fifth slot that is used exclusively for underbarrel weapons. The others would gain the UB slot, but remain otherwise unchanged.
Q: Did you just say 'underbarrel weapons'? Like the real world's M203?
A: Oh yes I did. There'd be a variety of these: an assortment of grenade launchers (photon, plasma, smoke, anesthazine), mini-PWAs, and even microflamers; which, like mods, come in different rarities. Note that these
would not replace the host weapon's alt-fire, but add an action that must be slotted into the taskbar (much like the TFO gear sets' integral remodulators).
Q: So this change goes live. What does this mean for my existing weapons?
A: As I recall was done with kits, you would be able to turn them in at a vendor and receive in exchange a package with the weapon and mods in component form. For example, you have a rare disruptor PWA with [CrtH][Dmg][KB3] - you turn that in and get a package containing four items: the rare disruptor PWA (with its quartet of mod slots plus UB slot) plus three common-quality mods: [CrtH], [Dmg], and [KB3]. A KHG/Adapted MACO PWA will come back with the abovenoted slots, plus a separate common photon GL.