True story. You only sought to steal away from the greatest kdf fleet ever known its best players. And for a time you succeeded. In fact to the real followers of the story it is known that I WOULD NEVER PLAY A REAL FED OR FED ROM ON MY MAIN ACCOUNT. In fact, Snog leveled an entire alt account fed rom from scratch for me to play fed side.
Too bad the IC had shown its true colors by then, and Zelda, Kell, And Zan had enough of your bull****. (even if they tolerated you---- in the end to Zelda's great peril...) So they stopped playing as feds. Even as the tide turned farther and farther into the feds favor. Rather not play at all than some lame TRIBBLE **** is right! I maintained gold items and maximum damage spike possible on my kdf until the end. Waiting for something worth getting to be added now...
So yeah your right. You were NEVER my friend, or ally, in game. NO FRIEND OF FEDS OR FED FLEETS HERE.You and IC were never friends of opvp, hobo, or even the game itself. Your continued trolling shows what kind of enemy you really are. An enemy of fair play and good games.
So to recap all the times Zelda and friends lowered themselves to fly with IC (f)tags they were doing you a service that you never intended to repay. The second the opportunity presented itself you betrayed them. Sadly you and hannibal were far too dumb to really exploit like a boss (panda) in this game so you ALMOST have a leg to stand on when u talk **** on others but no. Even tho hannibal and ics dregs exploit their darnedest, never were more than a blip in the sto saga.
more cathartic rage released. qapla f u david. i mean it .|.
lol as always minimax seeking for attention in a dying pvp-community, classy. You are pretty self-deluded m8 since many of your fleet comrades have known the way how I used to play pvp and under which principles my playstyle got shaped.
You and IC were never friends of opvp, hobo, or even the game itself.[...]Your continued trolling shows what kind of enemy you really are. An enemy of fair play and good games.
It seems that you are trying to cast us in a very negative light by presenting us something that could be defined as "the Antichrist of STO" - the ultimate epitome of evil which shall be considered as the enemy of each STO player. "IC, an enemy of fair play and good games lmfao." Frankly, I'd recommend you to get real and don't go into generalization and erping stuff about honour, eternity, glory too deeply in an mmo game. You'll loose more and more credibility with such kind of obsessions and exclamations.
Since you have no proofs (not even indices) to back up your claims and inventions about us being exploiters, you may check out the small compilation of links in my sig below and lemme know when you've found something that could convict us as "cheaters". Gl with that beforehand . Third persons may take a look at them too so that they are able to conceive their own opinion about it.
The only thing you've indicated with your raving tantrum is that you absolutely know **** about IC's nature, principles and chronlogy as a pvp-fleet over the last 3 years.
If you dont want that it ends up in a disaster for you I'd highly recommend you to omit your fanatic preachments, calm down a bit and make a cup of coffee or something.
This s hit coming from a ex Dental troll dat talks like dis. F ucking r etard! I am not trying to write an essay to impress you people that's for sure. You people are a f ucking joke to me period. And I enjoy watching you f ucktards take this game's space pvp down with you. You morons drag QQ from another game over here. I hope to god they just nuke the pvp forums cause they serve NO ACTUAL PURPOSE!
That important person in my life also told me: "If you don't use your brain you lose it".
I would say think about it, but it may be too late.
i was just going to pop in and ask about these talking roos, but all this talk of great wars, great fleets, pvp, betrayal, treachery, using people, and disloyalty has me biting my own tongue off hey
At the rate you all are going I will run out of my special 528th vintage Ralph popcorn!!!
Watching the week try to slap each other down squirm worms squirm gives the ones at the top the luls we need :P
Back when pvp actually required timing, thinking and tricking your opponent to do something most of the people here were not even in the pvp community!
Only when the mechanics that allowed you to just spam stuff and the skill tree was simplified for those that cannot read or do math did some of you all come in to the picture and were you good ha nope
The clickys came in did it improve your pvp skill nope but it did make it more difficult to fight the spam.
The pvp community was cleaner back then because intelligent people were there. But special needs came into the dev team and allowed special needs people to compete and now we have this. If you notice as things got more simple to do in the game the worse pvp got... Yea i saw it i been here sense the game was in closed pre beta why my @handle has spaces.
And no im not talking about the trolls, trolls are trolls you feed them its your dumb fault you should look at yourselves and repeat "you're dumb fix your self"!
Lol, I can remember when he denied console swapping when I called him out in OPVP for that ****, even though I had no pics to back it up back then. Seeing these screenshots and his reaction from back then just makes him the looser he is. Dunno if the rest of the HOBOs knew about him swapping, but it's hard to believe they didn't which makes this just a very sad story in the end.
i was just going to pop in and ask about these talking roos, but all this talk of great wars, great fleets, pvp, betrayal, treachery, using people, and disloyalty has me biting my own tongue off hey
yeah, some things just never get old. beats any sitcom, doesn't it?! ... at least i like to read it as such, as soaps really sux lol :rolleyes:.
At the rate you all are going I will run out of my special 528th vintage Ralph popcorn!!!
Watching the week try to slap each other down squirm worms squirm gives the ones at the top the luls we need
Back when pvp actually required timing, thinking and tricking your opponent to do something most of the people here were not even in the pvp community!
Only when the mechanics that allowed you to just spam stuff and the skill tree was simplified for those that cannot read or do math did some of you all come in to the picture and were you good ha nope
The clickys came in did it improve your pvp skill nope but it did make it more difficult to fight the spam.
The pvp community was cleaner back then because intelligent people were there. But special needs came into the dev team and allowed special needs people to compete and now we have this. If you notice as things got more simple to do in the game the worse pvp got... Yea i saw it i been here sense the game was in closed pre beta why my @handle has spaces.
And no im not talking about the trolls, trolls are trolls you feed them its your dumb fault you should look at yourselves and repeat "you're dumb fix your self"!
Get over yourselves and go pew its a game:P
I enormously miss the old times of pvp and especially the former pvp-community aswell. Alots of great individuals and fleets have stepped away which originally inspired me to play, live and learn the versatility of pvp - fleets like TRH, Apocalypse, Pandas, Ad Infinitum, Nova Core, CSI, Lag Ind., Division Hispana, Alpha Zero, Critz, FES, former fleeties such as the angry clowns/sweet zombies (pretty much every fleet that played in the no bs tourneys) heck I even miss -FS- with cutter and its 4 cheesy wells + 1 escort setups lol.
The fact that they'll probably never return is kind of depressing - alot of knowledge, exemplary persons with good attitudes and characteristics disappeared once and for all. :(Those people weren't just a class of their own but offered great matches, cooperation between fleets, willingness to help and maintained coherence inside the community too that enabled us to organize and particpate in pre-arranged matches and pvp-events such as tourneys.
It has always been a pleasure to play with/against these individual players/fleets and I'd kill to get them in here again
The feeling of nostalgia and the desire for them intensified as I was reading that bunch of whisked bull**** of some guys the last couple of days.
Zelda-a player from STO who used to play STO but doesn't anymore, lost a ship to Bauklotz, a player who doesn't play STO anymore...on an entirely different game and site from this one, which triggered Zelda to send Bauklotz a nastigram, which somehow got ported to the STO forums even though neither of them plays (Or PVP's) in STO anymore...and that's generated a six or seven page flamewar and TRIBBLE contest between a whole bunch of people who don't play STO or PvP anymore, on the STO PvP Forums?
Am I understanding the situation correctly?
Am I the only person on the forums who's looking at this and saying "This is stupid"?
David, the OP attacked Zelda. David still plays STO from time to time (as far as i can tell)
Zelda raged on their TS server.
Zelda kicked Baukl0tz out of HOBO (i guess in some kind of pathertic retaliation move), because B. is also in IC (though he is mainly a kdf player).
Zelda's rage mail has been made public by the OP one of the culprits and hilarity ensues.
David, the OP attacked Zelda. David still plays STO from time to time (as far as i can tell)
Zelda raged on their TS server.
Zelda kicked Baukl0tz out of HOBO (i guess in some kind of pathertic retaliation move), because B. is also in IC (though he is mainly a kdf player).
Zelda's rage mail has been made public by the OP one of the culprits and hilarity ensues.
Right, let me tell, David bretrayed once again, but in a diferent game, i told him on thier team speak in persone like he is a moron
i didnt kick bauk immidiatly after the incident even when i came to ic team speak and saw him here, (he could prevent me of thier intention but no) he did disrespect me , so ya why should i keep somone like that in my fleet ?
what have made public is IC have ppl immature like David (and hes friend) when they claim they are fair play and not acting like david ...
Zelda-a player from STO who used to play STO but doesn't anymore, lost a ship to Bauklotz, a player who doesn't play STO anymore...on an entirely different game and site from this one, which triggered Zelda to send Bauklotz a nastigram, which somehow got ported to the STO forums even though neither of them plays (Or PVP's) in STO anymore...and that's generated a six or seven page flamewar and TRIBBLE contest between a whole bunch of people who don't play STO or PvP anymore, on the STO PvP Forums?
Am I understanding the situation correctly?
Am I the only person on the forums who's looking at this and saying "This is stupid"?
Once you look past all the typing and realize you are talking to mental midgets you can get past the disbelief of this thread and enjoy it for it's hilarity as well as take pity on these people. It's exactly why I am here adding flames to watch these dumb f ucks burn some more :P
I have to admit all the QQ does make me want to give that game a try. How does the /logout command play over there? LMFAO!
You weren't betrayed, you were subjected to the open style gameplay.
Otherwise you were 'greifed'.
All part of ED, that's why they have a solo mode.
I been in IC for like 6 month and played with some of them befor, the reson why i acted like that agaist david is in my opinion totaly justified
let me make some exemple:
in the past, david have been raging alote cause he was not in a tournament team, because of that, in the last tournament i gived my place to david cause we was going to go with Snog , hank, hannibal and percy . but ya i made my own team with hobo and won
Befor we collectivly kicked IC of hobo, in a match , david have been raging insulting ppl in zone chat and after the match post in the forum, we was suposed to be friends lol
and then more recently, befor hannibal quit STO , hannibal told me that , david been raging on hannibal hardcore in thier teamspeak cause hannibal kiled him in a 10 vs 10 match
That was a fiew exemple, and yes david betrayed cause we was suposed to be in the same group !
Right, le me tell, David bretrayed once again, but in a diferent game, i told him on thier team speak in persone like he is a moron
LoL,.. no you come in our TS and cry like a litte Boy... something like that..
" User joined the Channel. "
" ****ing Maron.. TRIBBLE.. slap in your Face.. dammit.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. "
" User left the Channel. "
I laughed so hard. I wish we Rec. this. Would certainly become a great ringtone. Dammit.
i didnt kick bauk immidiatly after the incident even when i came to ic team speak and saw him here, (he could prevent me of thier intention but no) he did disrespect me , so ya why should i keep somone like that in my fleet ?
He never said anything bad about you.. and what did you ? You just need someone to pay for your stupid mistake. This is more than ridiculous !
what have made public is IC have ppl immature like David (and hes friend) when they claim they are fair play, not acting like david ...
News for you.. in a open World everthing goes.. and the fact is.. i dont like you .. so i kicked your TRIBBLE.. just that. Maybe next time you didn't play in a " open World " if you unable to handle it. Furthermore, who is so arrogant to believe "he is untouchable" simply belongs punished.
You talk about Honor ( say a Hobo LoL ) and all this TRIBBLE.. i remember this.. console swapping.. rageing.. trolling.. spawn camping and the worst all.. the LIES. You also talk a lot of BS about Me and my Friends so you deserve every single shot from my arms. :cool:
T'lilu SCI./Dxxdavid TAK./STO Inner Circle *** R.I.P. ***
You talk about Honor ( say a Hobo LoL ) and all this TRIBBLE.. i remember this.. console swapping.. rageing.. trolling.. spawn camping and the worst all.. the LIES. You also talk a lot of BS about Me and my Friends so you deserve every single shot from my arms. :cool:
Im not going to argue with a persone immature like you enought said...
STO needs "friendly fire" / FFA action going on...including environmental effects affecting the person dropping them out. Not so much for the game, but for the entertainment that would provide on the forums.
STO needs "friendly fire" / FFA action going on...including environmental effects affecting the person dropping them out. Not so much for the game, but for the entertainment that would provide on the forums.
Sto is simply dead unless u want to buy lots of zen to help keep the servers open-there is no other end game reason to play other than "can i do ise any faster than last time?" Which for me is repetetive and boring. Elite i was interested in but looks like space truckers which i cant be annoyed with so we shall see what star citizen brings- IF chris roberts isnt using the cash for a new yaght and house in the bahamas
So let me get this as i dont play elite - does this mean u were same fleet/clan or what?? If so dirty move
Zelda is wrong.. fleet/clan does not exist.. btw. he play in the " OPEN WORLD ".. so its like Kerrat.. everything goes. In the Solo or Group Play it will never happend. Its his own fault.
T'lilu SCI./Dxxdavid TAK./STO Inner Circle *** R.I.P. ***
Zelda is wrong.. fleet/clan does not exist.. btw. he play in the " OPEN WORLD ".. so its like Kerrat.. everything goes. In the Solo or Group Play it will never happend. Its his own fault.
Exactly that.
Trading or exploring in open is a ballsy move, especially around places like lave.
lol as always minimax seeking for attention in a dying pvp-community, classy. You are pretty self-deluded m8 since many of your fleet comrades have known the way how I used to play pvp and under which principles my playstyle got shaped.
I actually had to chuckle when reading this:
It seems that you are trying to cast us in a very negative light by presenting us something that could be defined as "the Antichrist of STO" - the ultimate epitome of evil which shall be considered as the enemy of each STO player. "IC, an enemy of fair play and good games lmfao." Frankly, I'd recommend you to get real and don't go into generalization and erping stuff about honour, eternity, glory too deeply in an mmo game. You'll loose more and more credibility with such kind of obsessions and exclamations.
Since you have no proofs (not even indices) to back up your claims and inventions about us being exploiters, you may check out the small compilation of links in my sig below and lemme know when you've found something that could convict us as "cheaters". Gl with that beforehand
The only thing you've indicated with your raving tantrum is that you absolutely know **** about IC's nature, principles and chronlogy as a pvp-fleet over the last 3 years.
If you dont want that it ends up in a disaster for you I'd highly recommend you to omit your fanatic preachments, calm down a bit and make a cup of coffee or something.
-=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
There are some people who are mentally unfit to own firearms.
And then there are people who are mentally unfit to even play computer games!
That important person in my life also told me: "If you don't use your brain you lose it".
I would say think about it, but it may be too late.
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Watching the week try to slap each other down squirm worms squirm gives the ones at the top the luls we need :P
Back when pvp actually required timing, thinking and tricking your opponent to do something most of the people here were not even in the pvp community!
Only when the mechanics that allowed you to just spam stuff and the skill tree was simplified for those that cannot read or do math did some of you all come in to the picture and were you good ha nope
The clickys came in did it improve your pvp skill nope but it did make it more difficult to fight the spam.
The pvp community was cleaner back then because intelligent people were there. But special needs came into the dev team and allowed special needs people to compete and now we have this. If you notice as things got more simple to do in the game the worse pvp got... Yea i saw it i been here sense the game was in closed pre beta why my @handle has spaces.
And no im not talking about the trolls, trolls are trolls you feed them its your dumb fault you should look at yourselves and repeat "you're dumb fix your self"!
Get over yourselves and go pew its a game:P
Lol, I can remember when he denied console swapping when I called him out in OPVP for that ****, even though I had no pics to back it up back then. Seeing these screenshots and his reaction from back then just makes him the looser he is. Dunno if the rest of the HOBOs knew about him swapping, but it's hard to believe they didn't which makes this just a very sad story in the end.
yeah, some things just never get old. beats any sitcom, doesn't it?!
I enormously miss the old times of pvp and especially the former pvp-community aswell. Alots of great individuals and fleets have stepped away which originally inspired me to play, live and learn the versatility of pvp - fleets like TRH, Apocalypse, Pandas, Ad Infinitum, Nova Core, CSI, Lag Ind., Division Hispana, Alpha Zero, Critz, FES, former fleeties such as the angry clowns/sweet zombies (pretty much every fleet that played in the no bs tourneys) heck I even miss -FS- with cutter and its 4 cheesy wells + 1 escort setups lol.
The fact that they'll probably never return is kind of depressing - alot of knowledge, exemplary persons with good attitudes and characteristics disappeared once and for all. :(Those people weren't just a class of their own but offered great matches, cooperation between fleets, willingness to help and maintained coherence inside the community too that enabled us to organize and particpate in pre-arranged matches and pvp-events such as tourneys.
It has always been a pleasure to play with/against these individual players/fleets and I'd kill to get them in here again
The feeling of nostalgia and the desire for them intensified as I was reading that bunch of whisked bull**** of some guys the last couple of days.
-=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
Because STO FORUM PVP is the BEST.
Yepp...too many...too many...
Nope, you don't.
David, the OP attacked Zelda. David still plays STO from time to time (as far as i can tell)
Zelda raged on their TS server.
Zelda kicked Baukl0tz out of HOBO (i guess in some kind of pathertic retaliation move), because B. is also in IC (though he is mainly a kdf player).
Zelda's rage mail has been made public by the OP one of the culprits and hilarity ensues.
Right, let me tell, David bretrayed once again, but in a diferent game, i told him on thier team speak in persone like he is a moron
i didnt kick bauk immidiatly after the incident even when i came to ic team speak and saw him here, (he could prevent me of thier intention but no) he did disrespect me , so ya why should i keep somone like that in my fleet ?
what have made public is IC have ppl immature like David (and hes friend) when they claim they are fair play and not acting like david ...
JOIN us in Star Citizen <
Otherwise you were 'greifed'.
All part of ED, that's why they have a solo mode.
Once you look past all the typing and realize you are talking to mental midgets you can get past the disbelief of this thread and enjoy it for it's hilarity as well as take pity on these people. It's exactly why I am here adding flames to watch these dumb f ucks burn some more :P
I have to admit all the QQ does make me want to give that game a try. How does the /logout command play over there? LMFAO!
I love elite dangerous.
It requires skill, not clicky paid for consoles.
I been in IC for like 6 month and played with some of them befor, the reson why i acted like that agaist david is in my opinion totaly justified
let me make some exemple:
in the past, david have been raging alote cause he was not in a tournament team, because of that, in the last tournament i gived my place to david cause we was going to go with Snog , hank, hannibal and percy . but ya i made my own team with hobo and won
Befor we collectivly kicked IC of hobo, in a match , david have been raging insulting ppl in zone chat and after the match post in the forum, we was suposed to be friends lol
and then more recently, befor hannibal quit STO , hannibal told me that , david been raging on hannibal hardcore in thier teamspeak cause hannibal kiled him in a 10 vs 10 match
That was a fiew exemple, and yes david betrayed cause we was suposed to be in the same group !
lol this post should have been my first post O_O
JOIN us in Star Citizen <
You talk about Honor ( say a Hobo LoL ) and all this TRIBBLE.. i remember this.. console swapping.. rageing.. trolling.. spawn camping and the worst all.. the LIES. You also talk a lot of BS about Me and my Friends so you deserve every single shot from my arms. :cool:
*** R.I.P. ***
Im not going to argue with a persone immature like you enought said...
JOIN us in Star Citizen <
Says the Guy who jumped in our TS and cry like a wild animel and freaks totally out after desstroying in a Videogame..
*** R.I.P. ***
So you destroyed him in ED?
What system did this happen?
So let me get this as i dont play elite - does this mean u were same fleet/clan or what?? If so dirty move
yes we was in the same fleet/clan, Well im still frendly with Frank who is passionated of Elite, in the beta he made a group and i joinnned
JOIN us in Star Citizen <
Well lesson learned then trust no1 even clan mates in ED so back to tanks
Sto is simply dead unless u want to buy lots of zen to help keep the servers open-there is no other end game reason to play other than "can i do ise any faster than last time?" Which for me is repetetive and boring. Elite i was interested in but looks like space truckers which i cant be annoyed with so we shall see what star citizen brings- IF chris roberts isnt using the cash for a new yaght and house in the bahamas
Zelda is wrong.. fleet/clan does not exist.. btw. he play in the " OPEN WORLD ".. so its like Kerrat.. everything goes. In the Solo or Group Play it will never happend. Its his own fault.
*** R.I.P. ***
Exactly that.
Trading or exploring in open is a ballsy move, especially around places like lave.