If you're doing any sort of crafting, you know Argonite Gas is not the easiest component to get, even as it used as a crafting component for both shield
and projectile superior tech upgrades. Most missions that reward it are difficult to do, tedious, or both - assuming you get even get in a group from the public queue.
There is one mission, however, that's relatively quick and easy - if you beat the fail condition. A big if, as it turns out. Problem is, players who even realize there is a fail condition, much less know how to overcome it, are very sparse indeed.
I'm talking of course about Azure Nebula Rescue Advanced (ANRA). This is the mission where Romula warbirds are trapped by tractor beams emanating from asteroid bases guarded by various Tholian ships. You must disable the beams, about 5 of them, to release the warbirds. ANRA requires 3 birds be freed within the first 3 minutes, or the mission fails.
In PUGs I've been in that attempted ANRA, about 9 in 10 are failures. In order to lower that ratio, I've tried explaining how to beat the fail condition at the start, but to no avail.
So I've decided to identify fellow players who know what they're doing upon the very few mission successes and send them friend requests in order to build a pool of ANRA pros that will beat it consistently. As you might imagine, this is slow going. Thus this post.
If you know how ANRA is won, and want to win it consistently, please send me a tell in game
@flynn444. Even if you don't know, but want to learn, read this
Players Guide Azure Nebula Rescue Advanced, then send me a tell too. An in-game email is fine as well if I'm not online.
I play mostly in the evenings eastern time, but if there's enough interest, we can start an invitation-only channel so players can get groups round-the-clock.
Thanks for your consideration and see you in-game!