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Your first real secondary deflector is always your true love

ashtarprimeashtarprime Member Posts: 44 Arc User
So, this is a story of falling for your first real secondary deflector.

So! They came out. Awesome. I crafted a couple mk XII ones like an idiot, picked the one I liked and was temporarily satisfied.

But wait! That didn't have all the mods I liked. And everyone always talked about crafting lots of mk IIs and picking mods for weapons, so I did that: prtg, flwc, grav and sa-damage here I come!

I crafted like, I dunno, 70 to 100. I got 3 with prtg, flwc and sa-damage. And I was like: meh, I'm not doing this anymore, this is boring (and taking up crafting slots, which I use to make the ECs). So I slotted in the experimental science techs and the major research accelerators for them to see what happened. The very first one that I crafted ... did not increase in rarity. At all. Once it got to mk X or so (and so the upgrade chance had dropped to, like, 3 percent), I was done with it. I'll get it up to mk xii and sell it.

The second one picked up shield emitters pretty fast, and went gold pretty fast. Good enough for me, I pushed it to mk XIV and equipped it. The third one picked up, like, INC pretty fast and also went gold pretty fast. Whatever, sold it for 9 million ECs.

So yesterday I realized I still had some leftover superior science upgrades, and got that first secondary deflector to upgrade to mk xi, and then today to mk xii. And lo and behold, with like a 2 percent rarity chance, the upgrade to mk xii finally pushed it to ultra-rare. AND IT GOT THE GRAV MOD!.

I don't even care if its gonna take lots and lots of dil to push it to epic. That was my first secondary deflector that I crafted to try and push. And it failed me over and over again. Until it finally came through like no other secondary deflector had.

I love you, first secondary deflector. You had an incredibly unlikely path to my heart, but you got it anyways.
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