I can see some good arguments for many/all of those being universal kit modules; before that, however, I think they should be moved out of the lobi store already (consumable items have no business being there). Their presence there is illogical given that one can hit up TFO requisitions for EMP grenades and special shield charges and power cells, by that logic (for instance) the web grenades and rad crystals should be available from Nukara; reverse-engineered Elachi gear from New Romulus... and much of the new Vaadwaur gear from Delta.
I'm fine with leaving the existing ground and space lobi weapons and the lockbox kits alone. I just want the lobi consumeables (within reason) updated to be kits. I don't care if the stats arn't exactly identical.
No way in hell will I ever pay premium currency for a consumable that has negligible benefits. I would be in favor of such a change if Cryptic were to implement it.
Or they could make it so that completing certain content unlocks them as crafting recipes. e.g. completing the Nukara rep unlocks the nukara lobi consumables as something you can craft, etc.. Some of the consumables probably can't be shoehorned into an existing rep though, so those others could be tied to a vaguely-relevant episode mission like chroniton grenades getting unlocked from one of the time travel episodes.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
I'm fine with leaving the existing ground and space lobi weapons and the lockbox kits alone. I just want the lobi consumeables (within reason) updated to be kits. I don't care if the stats arn't exactly identical.
This I concur with.
Got one Captain who'd make some damned good use of the Elachi items. Do love me some Heavy Crescent Turrets.
- Thot Gar - Commanding Officer of the Braaktak Kaan
Lobi is 100% money based in this game. The ONLY way to get it is via a lockbox key, which you can only buy via zen.
For those that don't realize it, EVERY bit of zen on the dil exchange was BOUGHT by somebody and placed up there to bypass the massive dil sinks and grinds in this game. It's pay 2 win at work. Even if you grind out the dil and exchange it, that's already been paid for. Somebody bought that with real life cold hard cash that Cryptic takes to the bank.
The ONLY way to get anything from the lobi store is real world money. Oh, it's laundered through the lobi system, but that's the truth of it.
They won't make the change you suggest because they have made more PURE PROFIT off lockbox sales than they did off of subscriptions before they went F2P.
Lobi is 100% money based in this game. The ONLY way to get it is via a lockbox key, which you can only buy via zen.
For those that don't realize it, EVERY bit of zen on the dil exchange was BOUGHT by somebody and placed up there to bypass the massive dil sinks and grinds in this game. It's pay 2 win at work. Even if you grind out the dil and exchange it, that's already been paid for. Somebody bought that with real life cold hard cash that Cryptic takes to the bank.
The ONLY way to get anything from the lobi store is real world money. Oh, it's laundered through the lobi system, but that's the truth of it.
They won't make the change you suggest because they have made more PURE PROFIT off lockbox sales than they did off of subscriptions before they went F2P.
Greed over quality.
But they might very well sell more lockbox keys by making this change.... They certainly might to me. I'd be interested in buying some kit modules like this, but I have never dropped a single Lobi crystal on a consumable item, and there is no reasonable likelihood I ever will. There is no way I'm paying (as you point out) real money for something that could be used up in an afternoon's play.
A kit module that gives a consistent, reusable benefit... now, that might be attractive enough for me to crowbar open my wallet.
This is a great idea imo, I have never and will never buy consumable lobi ground devices, its just a waste. And I would guess thats the mentality of the majority of the players. Why spend Lobi, which is precious, on consumable ground item? If a mission fails whatever, just play it again? Why spend Lobi? Now if it was a universal module or unlimited use device it would be definitely very very much worth buying.
But they might very well sell more lockbox keys by making this change.... They certainly might to me. I'd be interested in buying some kit modules like this, but I have never dropped a single Lobi crystal on a consumable item, and there is no reasonable likelihood I ever will. There is no way I'm paying (as you point out) real money for something that could be used up in an afternoon's play.
Well put. I would also put forward the idea that moving these things to the appropriate reputation stores would increase demand for dilithium. Which the impatient can buy with real money via Zen if they so desire, but this at least banishes the odiousness that is the idea of ingame consumables being only accessible with real money.
grenades yeah, I love em, but those in the lobi store are far too expensive, and it just seems wrong to me that kits give grenades.
All Grenades should be consumables IMO, but to keep them from overwhelming every single ground map, how about the lobi store unlocks each fancy grenade at the dill store with the initial purchase of that grenade type? (yeah, I know, another dill sink, just what we need.)
What if they increased the price of consumables but made them reusable, like the Nimbus Pirates Distress Call?
I've always been annoyed with the combat pets being given a limited number of uses, a Combat Pet is a PET you should be able to resummon it every time the CD is up.
Others I would like to see as Kits, like Grenades, there is an established method of this for current kit moduals with Stun Grenades, Plasma Grenades, even Cryo from the Q Winter Wonderland.
To this day I am STILL baffled as to why the Undine Bio Armor and AP Lance aren't part of a 2/2 set -.-
"Why all the sales"?
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
Read through it; it doesn't seem unreasonable (note that this would also affect the anesthazine gas grenades available to science officers as well). I reiterate too that lobi - and by extension, real money - has no place being a requisite for purchasing ingame consumables. Dilithium is a compromise on this issue that does have precedent (the TF Omega store has a whole tab devoted to consumables).
I've always been annoyed with the combat pets being given a limited number of uses, a Combat Pet is a PET you should be able to resummon it every time the CD is up.
Yes, that's why I never bothered with the summons from the Nukara and New Romulus rep stores (this is not an issue with the combat-grade horta). Why the Nimbus beacon mechanic was never adopted for these (with the more powerful examples having longer cooldowns) I don't know. And the fact that there are use limits for the non-combat pets (item consumed after X hours' total usage) - the NR entourages and the MIA-for-whatever-reason vanity drones - is even sillier.
Hell no.
So much broken stuff in the Lobi store, I am REALLY glad they're consumables. I hope they stay like that forever.
Now if Cryptic does a balance pass on them, that's a different story.
STO Screenshot Archive
Or they could make it so that completing certain content unlocks them as crafting recipes. e.g. completing the Nukara rep unlocks the nukara lobi consumables as something you can craft, etc.. Some of the consumables probably can't be shoehorned into an existing rep though, so those others could be tied to a vaguely-relevant episode mission like chroniton grenades getting unlocked from one of the time travel episodes.
Joined January 2009
This I concur with.
Got one Captain who'd make some damned good use of the Elachi items. Do love me some Heavy Crescent Turrets.
- Thot Gar - Commanding Officer of the Braaktak Kaan
Temporal grenades here.
They might even go so far as to start updating the ground Lobi gear to be sets.
Weapon + Armor + Shield + Kit Module = four piece.
The armor should ideally come with a costume unlock but that could (possibly) be done with some nice subtle variations of existing options.
Maybe they could have the armor unlock the opposite faction's 29th century outfit...?
Lobi is 100% money based in this game. The ONLY way to get it is via a lockbox key, which you can only buy via zen.
For those that don't realize it, EVERY bit of zen on the dil exchange was BOUGHT by somebody and placed up there to bypass the massive dil sinks and grinds in this game. It's pay 2 win at work. Even if you grind out the dil and exchange it, that's already been paid for. Somebody bought that with real life cold hard cash that Cryptic takes to the bank.
The ONLY way to get anything from the lobi store is real world money. Oh, it's laundered through the lobi system, but that's the truth of it.
They won't make the change you suggest because they have made more PURE PROFIT off lockbox sales than they did off of subscriptions before they went F2P.
Greed over quality.
But they might very well sell more lockbox keys by making this change.... They certainly might to me. I'd be interested in buying some kit modules like this, but I have never dropped a single Lobi crystal on a consumable item, and there is no reasonable likelihood I ever will. There is no way I'm paying (as you point out) real money for something that could be used up in an afternoon's play.
A kit module that gives a consistent, reusable benefit... now, that might be attractive enough for me to crowbar open my wallet.
All Grenades should be consumables IMO, but to keep them from overwhelming every single ground map, how about the lobi store unlocks each fancy grenade at the dill store with the initial purchase of that grenade type? (yeah, I know, another dill sink, just what we need.)
For more specifics of my proposed grenade system revamp, go to http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=22521391#post22521391
I'd rather make them craftable or something instead of that.
I've always been annoyed with the combat pets being given a limited number of uses, a Combat Pet is a PET you should be able to resummon it every time the CD is up.
Others I would like to see as Kits, like Grenades, there is an established method of this for current kit moduals with Stun Grenades, Plasma Grenades, even Cryo from the Q Winter Wonderland.
To this day I am STILL baffled as to why the Undine Bio Armor and AP Lance aren't part of a 2/2 set -.-
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
Read through it; it doesn't seem unreasonable (note that this would also affect the anesthazine gas grenades available to science officers as well). I reiterate too that lobi - and by extension, real money - has no place being a requisite for purchasing ingame consumables. Dilithium is a compromise on this issue that does have precedent (the TF Omega store has a whole tab devoted to consumables).
Yes, that's why I never bothered with the summons from the Nukara and New Romulus rep stores (this is not an issue with the combat-grade horta). Why the Nimbus beacon mechanic was never adopted for these (with the more powerful examples having longer cooldowns) I don't know. And the fact that there are use limits for the non-combat pets (item consumed after X hours' total usage) - the NR entourages and the MIA-for-whatever-reason vanity drones - is even sillier.