General:- Resolved an issue where occasionally, a new Bridge Officer could not learn a new power or change their default powers.
- Commodities may now be purchased in bulk up to 250 units at a time.
- The captains chair on the APU Bridge can now be sat in.
- The KDF version of the "Summon Freighter" power has its proper icon.
- Applied new FX and Animations to Heavy Artillery Vessels' siege mode bonuses, which match the player version of this ability.
- Resolved an issue with the Juvenile Passion Wing Risian Tropical Bird which caused it to have long tail feathers.
- The Tholian Sword has had some art updates so the crystals on the back of the sword are more integrated into it.
- Content:
- Additional rewards have been added to many areas of content:
- Dilithium has been added to all Episodes in the Episode journal.
- These rewards are automatically granted just like Skill Points and Expertise is when completing an Episode.
- This also includes Replays of Episodes but at a lower amount.
- The amount of Dilithium earned depends on the scale of the Episode itself and is displayed in the reward list of each Episode.
- Players will now earn more Skill Points when completing PvE queues in all 3 difficulties.
- Battle and Adventure Zones:
- Skill Points and Expertise have been added to each mission in these zones.
- Borg Neural Processors have been added as a once per day reward to the following missions on the Defera Invasion Zone:
- Modus Operandi
- Getting to the Bottom of Things
- Uninvited Guests
- Counter Offensive
- Ancient Power Cells have been added as a once per day reward to the following missions on the Kobali Prime Adventure Zone:
- At the Gates
- The Last Stand
- Delta Quadrant and Tau Dewa Patrol Systems:
- Dilithium rewards have been added to all Delta Quadrant and Tau Dewa Sector patrol systems.
- There is now a 30 minute cooldown for replaying a patrol in these sectors.
- All patrol rewards of Skill Points, Expertise and Dilithium are relative to the amount of time they take to complete.
- The Tau Dewa Sector wrapper missions for patrols have been removed.
[*]The associated wrapper mission rewards have been dispersed among each patrol available in Tau Dewa.
[*]Each patrol now awards 10 Romulan Marks.
- All first play rewards for all repeatable Delta Rising episodes have been increased from Mark 13 rare rewards to Mark 13 very rare rewards.
- Replay rewards for those missions remain as Mark 12 rare rewards.
[*]Resolved an issue with the episode Taris where Taris could enter a state where she could not be captured.
[*]Resolved an issue where interacting with the Anomaly in Viscous Cycle, an Optional Objective, would be interrupted before completion.
- The Anomaly can no longer be interrupted.
[*]Hive Onslaught:
- Decreased HP buff on Queen from +300% to +100% and on the Unimatrix Command Ship from +250% to +100% on Normal and Advanced mode.
- Elite mode remains the same.
- Decreased the optional time for defeating guards on Normal from 10 minutes to 6 minutes.
- Advanced and Elite mode still retains the 10 minute requirement.
- Increased max allowed players to be defeated during the Queen fight on Advanced and Elite modes to be 3 players instead of 2.
[*]Resolved an issue with the Crystalline Catastrophe queue that made it so the event could not be failed when all players are defeated at the same time.
[*]Resolved an issue which was causing Captain Jurlek to not appear in his death cutscene during the Klingon tutorial.
[*]Empress Sela
- Groups of enemies no longer spawn in the same spot during the Infiltration portion.
- The episode now offers a "current Lock Box" option in the replay rewards.
[*]Extended the interaction distance for the tactical optional objective satellites in the Idran system portion of "Operation Gamma".
- These satellites should now be interactable by tactical officers out to 2km.
[*]Increased the range at which one can assist the Ocampan freighter in the sector map to roughly 1 light year.
[*]There is no longer overlapping VO in the intro cutscene of Borg Disconnected.
Systems:- The following Duty Officer Assignments previously available only in Star Clusters have been moved to the adjacent Sector Blocks:
- Deliver Prototype Technology to Allies in Gamma Quadrant
- Compete in Exhibition Ushaan Matches on Andoria
- Raid on Industrial Complex, 6 hour version
- Raid on Mining Colony, 6 hour version
- Raid on Research Facility, 6 hour version
- Resolved an issue that was preventing Romulan captains from ever having access to the assignment Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions.
- Resolved an issue that was causing the following Military assignments to reward Diplomatic CXP, even to KDF-aligned Romulans:
- Provide Additional Security for Delegation from Klingon Defense Force
- Provide Additional Security for Delegation from United Federation of Planets
- Provide Additional Security for Delegation from Acamarian Sovereignty
- The following Romulan assignments can now accept Duty Officers from the player's allied faction:
- Common Duty Officer Reassignment
- Uncommon Duty Officer Reassignment
- Uncommon Duty Officer Transfer
- Rare Duty Officer Reassignment
- Rare Duty Officer Transfer
- Very Rare Duty Officer Transfer
- A new Research and Development School has been added called "Special Projects":
- This school will be used to house projects which are not directly related to any existing R&D School, and do not reward nor rely upon R&D Research XP or Skill Levels.
- The existing Omega Refinement R&D Projects have been moved from the Science School, to the Special Projects School.
- This will have no impact on Projects that are already in-progress.
- Omega R&D projects will remain available indefinitely, as part of this new Special Projects School.
- For R&D mods, added missing damage bonus for the enhancements [Pen], [Thrust], [Snare], [Over], [Rapid], and [Sprd].
- This will cause weapons with those enhancements to correctly do bonus damage for their quality.
- Added the [Run] mod as a possible mod for crafted ground weapons.
- This mod grants +15% run speed while the weapon is equipped.
- The massive beam attack used by Undine Planet Killers is no longer subject to the Beam Overload "always crit" mechanics.
- It has been restored to function as it did before the recent changes to Beam Overload.
- This will result in far fewer Critical Hits, but a higher base damage value for non-Crits.
- Reduced the number of Reputation Marks required by the Hourly projects for Delta and Counter-Command reputations from 20 to 15.
- This brings them in line with other Reputation hourly requirements.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the gold rarity mod on Secondary Deflectors from applying correctly to the player.
- Powers:
- Command Bridge Officer Abilities:
- Call Emergency Artillery:
- AOE Damage increased by 60% at all ranks.
- AOE Radius increased from 2km to 3km around each Artillery Vessel.
- Ambush Marker:
- Ambusher Ship damage increased at Rank II and III, by 25% and 50% respectively.
- Phalanx Formation:
- [
- Markers are no longer visible to opponents in PvP, and do not grant their buffs to PvP opponents.
- Rally Point Marker:
- Instant Shield Healing value increased by 50%.
- The Hull and Shield Healing values can now be increased using Hull Repair and Shield Emitters skills, respectively.
- Concentrate Firepower:
- Duration extended from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
- Free "High Yield I" Mode now only triggered by Torpedo hits to ensure it is not granted to a player that cannot use it.
- Any ally that receives the free High Yield I Mode will also instantly have all torpedo cooldowns reset.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing the extra Kinetic Damage from reliably being added to Torpedo hits.
- Command Bridge Officer Abilities and Kit Modules:
- Many Command Abilities did not previously have correct Shared Category Cooldowns in place, allowing for unintended stacking capabilities when using more than one copy of the ability at different ranks.
- The following Shared Cooldowns now affect all ranks of the listed ability, whenever any are activated:
- Space:
- Overwhelm Emitters 15 seconds
- Concentrate Firepower 15 seconds
- Reroute Power from Life Support 15 seconds
- Rally Point 30 seconds
- Subspace Interception 60 seconds
- Needs of the Many 30 seconds
- Ambush Marker 30 seconds
- Phalanx Formation 30 seconds
- Emergency Artillery 15 seconds
- Suppression Barrage 20 second
- Ground:
- Take Cover 20 seconds
- Hammer and Anvil 20 seconds
- Overwhelm Shields 10 seconds
- Shock and Awe 30 seconds
- Strategic Analysis 10 seconds
- Delegated Devastation 15 seconds
- Timely Intervention 30 seconds
- Coordinate Bombing Strike 15 seconds
- Return Fire 15 seconds
- Sanctuary 30 seconds
- The healing bonus applied by the Regenerative Integrity Field console now scales better on high-end ships, offering a bonus that is far closer to the actual value reflected on the tooltip.
- Neutronic Torpedo Launcher:
- Resolved an issue that was causing it to reference incorrect damage values with Torpedo Spread:
- Torpedo Spread 1 = Base Damage increased by ~42% per Torpedo
- Torpedo Spread 2 = Base Damage reduced by ~17% per Torpedo
- Torpedo Spread 3 = Base Damage reduced by ~36% per Torpedo
- Number of torpedoes and damage of Radiation AOE remain unchanged
- Resolved an issue that was causing it to reference incorrect damage values with Transport Warhead:
- Transport Warhead 1 = Unchanged
- Transport Warhead 2 = Base Damage increased by ~17%
- Transport Warhead 3 = Base Damage increased by ~33%
- Damage of Radiation AOE remains unchanged.
- The power drain inflicted by the Neutronic Torpedo can now be resisted by things like Power Insulators.
- Updated the Polarized Tetryon Beam Array and Polarized Dual Tetryon Beam Bank from the mission rewards of "The New Link".
- In order to reduce confusion with other Polarized weapons, these are now labeled as "Resonating Tetryon" weapons.
- These now have two mods: [Chance] and [Dmg].
- This means that their damage output should be comparable to other blue Tetryon weapons of the same type.
- Their [Chance] mod means that they have a 5% chance to cause extra shield drain which is down from the previous 10%, because they now inflict more base damage.
- These weapons are now fully supported by the Upgrade system.
- Embassy Console Plasma Procs:
- Resolved an issue that was allowing the damage of these procs to scale with consoles that improved Plasma and/or Energy Damage, including themselves.
- Resolved an issue with their damage scaling potential that was causing them to benefit disproportionately from Mk XIII, Mk XIV and Gold-quality upgrades.
- Aceton Assimilator: Now drains the amount shown in the Tooltip, minus any resistances the target may have.
- Load Viral Torpedo: Resolved an issue where multiple Viral Torpedoes could get loaded within a single reload period when triggered by Tactical Team.
- The "Chroniton Flux Torpedo" reward from "The New Link" was just a Chroniton torpedo with [Dmg]x2, and it now displays as such.
- It can be upgraded like a normal Chroniton torpedo.
- Resolved an issue with Enhanced Armor Penetration that was causing it to give 50 Armor Penetration instead of 5.
- Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause Voth set items to not provide set bonuses such as "Hunker Down".
- Bio-molecular weapons now gain the appropriate bonus to damage based on their quality level.
- Timely Intervention no longer attempts to rescue turrets and drones.
- It can only be activated to save Players and Bridge Officers.
- Ionic Turbulence:
- The immunity period applied by being knocked by this ability now lasts 20 seconds versus Players.
- NPCs still only receive a 10 second immunity period if knocked by this ability.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing the Lockout/Immunity Period from working correctly.
- Altered the power's activation sequence so that it now travels to the target's current location, instead of tracking them.
- In other words, the projectile can now be avoided if the player moves quickly enough.
- Resolved an issue with the Command Battlecruiser Console Set Bonuses that was causing some bonuses to flicker and/or not reliably apply.
Foundry:- Resolved a crash that occasionally happened when swapping between a map and editing mode in the Foundry editor.
- Added a Bluegill Boss NPC Group.
- Added the following NPC Contacts to the Foundry:
- Dewan Arthropods
- Rihan Sailbacks
- Risian Feather Monkeys
- Risian Lizards
- Risian Tropical Birds
- Snowman
- Voth
- Resolved an issue which was causing UI lag in the space power tray.
- Resolved an issue which would cause the icons of valid powers to grey out when a power is moved to the power tray.
- A Secondary Deflector category has been added to the Exchange.
- Resolved an issue where a Carriers Launch Fighter UI would always be grayed out.
- Added a Select/Deselect All button to the PvE Queue reward filter.
Character:- Substantial improvements to cloth outfits that allows them to hang much more naturally and have more realistic weight and movement overall.
- The Mirror Universe Bajoran Combadge has been adjusted to better fit on all Female captains.
- Caitian and Ferasan:
- Tucked Ears have been removed from the options in "Feline Head".
- Tucked Ears were meant only for the "Hats and Hoods" category.
- Caitian and Ferasan captains now have a Tails option when wearing the Kobali Armor.
- Ferasan Teeth (Fangs), and Ferasan Facial Hair now appear correctly when in the head category "Hats and Hoods".
- Resolved an issue in numero
us Female Uniform Uppers where elbows would look incorrect while in the Thoughtful pose including:
- Dyson Uniform
- Hirogen Uniform
- Klingon Bortasqu
- Padded Romulan Fed
- Romulan TOS
- Sierra Uniform
- Talaxian Panel Upper
- Resolved an issue with clipping on the back and arms when wearing the Female Khan outfit.
- Braided Hair option has been added to Aliengen captains.
- Resolved an issue causing clipping when scaling the neck while wearing the Female Upper Motion Picture uniform.
- Dyson Sphere Costumes textures have been made less "reflective" especially underneath the jacket.
- The side of the pants is now less bulgy.
- Removed lapels from male short Intel Jacket as this was not meant to have them.
Known Issues:- "EPS Power Transfer" from benefiting from the effects of "All Hands On Deck."
- The Cruiser Command - Weapon Systems Efficiency continuously flashes its application FX if more than one player uses this effect in the same area.
- KDF players do not appear in the scoreboard at the end of a PVP match.