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Missing solar system descriptions fixed with map revamp?

captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
edited February 2015 in The Art of Star Trek Online
There are a number of solar systems scattered around Sector Space that currently don't display their system information.

Just for one example - Argelius in the Regulus sector block. It has system information tied to it, but it can only be seen after taking the "Treasure Trading Station" Klingon War mission on the Fed side. As soon as the mission is complete, the information box disappears from Sector Space again. :(

I'm hoping these issues will get fixed in the upcoming Galaxy map revamp.

And if the dev team doesn't already have a list of these systems, I can try to start one here to help out. :)
Post edited by captainhunter1 on


  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    We have a spreadsheet with a ton of info about each system, including it's description. However, that doesn't note if the description is used on multiple doors in the same system. So, in our spreadsheet, Argelius has a description. I can easily copy that (or others) onto any doors that are missing them, but with 300+ systems, and some with multiple doors, having a list to run through would make it much easier to accomplish.
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  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,415 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    We have a spreadsheet with a ton of info about each system, including it's description. However, that doesn't note if the description is used on multiple doors in the same system. So, in our spreadsheet, Argelius has a description. I can easily copy that (or others) onto any doors that are missing them, but with 300+ systems, and some with multiple doors, having a list to run through would make it much easier to accomplish.

    Could you not just get systems to write you a basic excel script to iterate through all possible doors and assign all matching descriptions to a variable, then write a copy of the file/files that attaches the matching description for each to every connected door?

    Seems like it would be easier than manually going through every system in the game to find the ones missing descriptions.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    Well, no. We've used up our systems time on this already.

    As an update though, what I said above isn't the issue. The issue is that the system info ONLY shows for you when you can interact with the door. For the most part, that's only when you have a mission there.

    So, without tech time to force those descriptions to draw any time you hover over the system name, I have no method to make this happen.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Here's a quick observation:
    On a character that HAS done Eirhess system patrol, I see no system description of any kind when I'm parked there. I see a button to start a Foundry mission, but nothing else.
    On a character that hasn't done the patrol I see a description box of Eirhess, a button to start the patrol, and the foundry button.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Alright, after touring the galaxy for investigation this is what I found:

    Locations that consistently show their information box are - Starbases (Sol, Qo'nos, etc.), 'Open' Systems (places that you can look around inside, like Wolf 359, Vulcan, Andoria, Romulus, etc), and Fleet Action queue locations (like the Tostig system in the Regulus sector block).

    Locations that show system information 'a lot' of the time - systems that have old patrol missions tied to them (like Kei, Beytan, etc.). By 'a lot' I mean they show their information box consistently UNTIL the patrol mission there is completed, then it disappears forever (as old patrol missions can only ever be played once).

    Locations that show system information only 'some' of the time - any location with an official Cryptic mission tied to it. Places like Argelius (Treasure Trading Station), Lackey (Hide and Seek), etc. These systems only show their information box when the mission is active in your log.

    Places that never show their information box - places that currently have no 'offical' content tied to them whatsoever. These are Santos (Alpha Trianguli sector block), Quatlek (Pelias sector block), Cestus, Noro, TRD 0720 (all in the Gamma Orionis sector block), Ch'menira (Iota Pavonis sector block), Demil, Vendor (both in the Alpha Centauri sector block), and finally New Talax in the Delta Quadrant (can only be travelled to through the "Reunion" mission that starts at the Entaba system).

    EDIT: I've had a chance to go to each of the 'never shows information' systems (above) in the game on a Federation character since I originally posted this thread and can confirm that none of these have system descriptions (because no content is tied to them at all). The only exception being the Vendor System in the Alpha Centauri block. It was tied to the now defunct 'Divide et Impera" mission. Also of note are the Delta Corvi system in Iota Pavonis, the Santos system in Alpha Trianguli, and the Syllerran, Entaba, New Talax, Shenda, Al'yans, Nal Shadaan, Vaadwaur, Turei, 'Deep Space Signal', Kartella, Orlitus, and Molinya systems in the Delta Quadrant - none of these systems show a system name while traveling near or to them in sector space (probably not a big deal as they would get fixed with the map revamp, but I thought I'd point them out just in case :) )

    Hope that helps. :)

    P.S. On the plus side I found the Foundry Top 3 system is working great. Though it is kinda weird to have Foundry mission info pop up, but no system information when approaching places. :P
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    As a follow-up to the above...

    Wouldn't the easiest solution just be to flag all sector space location descriptions as 'always on' instead of 'only when active'?

    At least that's what the logic looks like to me - not being a programmer or anything. :)
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