In B4 lock... lol.
Not asking for a T6 Connie here at all.
But I have noticed an interesting trend in the last couple T6 cruisers Cryptic has released. The Guardian seems designed very much in a style reminiscent of an Ambassador Class ship, such as the Enterprise C.
And now, the Corcorde seems designed very much in a style reminiscent of an Exelsior Class ship, such as the Enterprise B.
If this micro-trend continues, could we expect the next cruiser to be designed very much in a style reminiscent of a Constitution Class ship, such as the Enterprise A? Or are there other ships that will be getting this treatment? The NX-O1? The Nebula/Miranda? The Oberth? I think we can argue that the Phantom is a takeoff on the Defiant, while the Cochrane is very specifically linked to the Intrepid.
It seems to be a T6 trend... if not the Connie, which ship gets the next reboot?
They already did this with a lot of lower tier ships as additional "costumes" and putting them maybe a tier or a half above they original one, like the regent, so there's really nothing to be surprised about.
Of course they "have" to continue certain styles like the connie-ambassador-galaxy line to appeal to their fans and make some $ with it.
You probably saw how well recieved the eclipse was because it wasn't a "traditional starfleet design".