Just the other day I was doing your usual cure space, hit that BOP, kick the raptor and smash the Negh'Vars:) but as I was paying it I saw these 3 npcs that looked like Defiants but labelled as Artillery Vessel, anyone got any idea as to what they are?
I'm also sorry if is thread is in the wrong section of the forums
Yup. it was an interesting interpretation of the Defiant to make it work as "Artillery Vessel". But I guess it almost makes sense, with its ability to cloak and its quantum torpedoes...
Of coursem itwould make sense if they stuck around afterwards. But that's game mechanics for you.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
They really should just redesign Call Emergency Artillery to have those 3 Defiants warp in, drop Torpedo Spread 3 with Quantums to all available targets and then warp out.
Of coursem itwould make sense if they stuck around afterwards.