Now that I finally have Projectiles R&D at sufficient level, I'm debating which torps to upgrade. Breen Cluster was a no-brainer, but I'd also like to upgrade a fast-firing fore torpedo launcher.
Gravimetric seems like a good option with TS and Neutronic with both TS and HY. Or I could just go with a plain jane [CrtD]x3 quantum.
Thoughts, opinions, experiences? Would the surefire radiation AoE from Neutronic be preferable to Gravimetric's 33% mini GWs?
it all depends on your build, for example if your going to do an exotic damage sci build both would be good to use, cause the particle gen skill will make the grav torp hit harder and increase the damage bonus of the set bonus of the delta arsenal isokentic canon. if you have the R&D science trait and 400 part gen skill that canon will have 100% chance to crit.
but between the two torps i would go with the grav torp and get the bio torp set from counter command to further increase the photon torpedo damage and you can get some big numbers from those.
The problem with the Neutronic is the longer cooldown. Exotic dmg build often double as torp boats due to synergies. So if you use both, Neutronic and grav Torps, and maybe even the Biometric one, chances for torp spreads and high yeilds to affect the Neutronic are rather slim (unless you micromanage your torp launchers manually).
it all depends on your build, for example if your going to do an exotic damage sci build both would be good to use, cause the particle gen skill will make the grav torp hit harder and increase the damage bonus of the set bonus of the delta arsenal isokentic canon. if you have the R&D science trait and 400 part gen skill that canon will have 100% chance to crit.
but between the two torps i would go with the grav torp and get the bio torp set from counter command to further increase the photon torpedo damage and you can get some big numbers from those.
Since when does the grav torp get boosted by part gens? I never noticed any difference or seen any evdeince to say it does. I found the Neutronic does a lot more damage and DPS then Grav.
Since when does the grav torp get boosted by part gens? I never noticed any difference or seen any evdeince to say it does. I found the Neutronic does a lot more damage and DPS then Grav.
the grav well it produces does get boosted as does the particle emissions from the plasma particle emission torpedo(the effects get boosted not the torpedo damage)
the grav well it produces does get boosted as does the particle emissions from the plasma particle emission torpedo(the effects get boosted not the torpedo damage)
I tired to confirm that but have been unable to see any difference. I agree emission torpedo is boosted but I could not see any change in the grav well.
I apologize for allowing it to take this long before reviewing the Neutronic+TS issue. This thread finally pulled the issue back to the front of our radar, so we were able to spend some time to verify the reports.
Yes, the torpedo is bugged.
The current magnitude values being referenced by all ranks of Torpedo Spread is incorrect, pointing to the wrong variables, which results in far more damage output than is intended for any torpedo launcher. The same is also true for this weapon when used with Rank II and III of Transport Warhead, except it's dealing far less damage than intended.
After correcting the issue, the Neutronic Torpedo will begin scaling its damage in the same manner as other torpedoes: Each individual hit deals less damage when using Spread, but there are more torpedoes overall, still resulting in a damage increase, rank-over-rank.
In the end, the following adjustments are being made:
Torpedo Spread:
- Torpedo Spread 1 = Base Damage increased by ~42% per Torpedo
- Torpedo Spread 2 = Base Damage reduced by ~17% per Torpedo
- Torpedo Spread 3 = Base Damage reduced by ~36% per Torpedo
- Number of torpedoes and damage of Radiation AOE remain unchanged
Transport Warhead:
- Transport Warhead 1 = Unchanged
- Transport Warhead 2 = Base Damage increased by ~17%
- Transport Warhead 3 = Base Damage increased by ~33%
- Damage of Radiation AOE remains unchanged
In the review that resulted in the above changes, we performed extensive comparisons to the scaling of many other Torpedo types, including both basic Quantum launchers, and unique launchers like the Gravimetric Photon Torpedo, in order to arrive at a level of scaling that adhered to the relative scales used in the rest of the game. And, even after these adjustments, this Torpedo is still quite a powerhouse, to compensate for its longer recharge cycle. (Which can still be reduced using the related set bonus!)
This review didn't focus on the energy drain aspect of the torpedo's secondary effect, which I see is also reportedly not working correctly. We'll take another look at that very soon.
Ah yes, I did hear something about a Neutronic nerf incoming. Might be best to wait and see whether it's a slight tuning or a crippling deathblow.
I was mostly interested in how the two torps stand on their own without set boni or specialized builds, but I suppose some context helps when asking for info. When I include a torpedo launcher in fore weapons, I'll be using 2-3 CD reduction Doffs - photons do fire quickly. Currently tweaking Faeht, so console space is at a premium. Usually I bring a GW and drop a TS into the mess, which means overlapping AoE damage earns its keep. Getting the gel pack to fit on board is tricky, though I can sort of make it work.
It's also worth mentioning that this is for casual PvE situations, so a salad fork launcher would get the job done. It's just that if I'm going to sink the dil into upgrades, might as well pick a toy that's actually useful.
Since when does the grav torp get boosted by part gens? I never noticed any difference or seen any evdeince to say it does. I found the Neutronic does a lot more damage and DPS then Grav.
He wasn't saying that it got boosted by the partgens. It was about the R&D Sci Trait. It does 25% of your Part gen level to Crit chance to exotic damage. So, actually, if you have your partgen at 400, that ads a 100% crit chance to all damage done if the torps spawn a well.
The best way I know to do this is to spawn a Grav well in a mass of ships, let them collect for a moment, and TS3 the grav torp at them all. This increases the crit probabilities as, the more torps, the more chances to spawn a well, and if 2-3 spawn, all the better. Everything will start flying around in circles from the grav pulls and take damage. The smaller ships will go first and create warp core explosion damage on the bigger ships, killing or seriously damaging them.
Granted this is only good in a PvE where there are mass amounts of ships to destroy (e.g. NWS, patrols), but it works.
He wasn't saying that it got boosted by the partgens. It was about the R&D Sci Trait. It does 25% of your Part gen level to Crit chance to exotic damage. So, actually, if you have your partgen at 400, that ads a 100% crit chance to all damage done if the torps spawn a well.
Some small corrections/additions:
1) The R&D trait works only on "Exotic Abilities" so neither PEP/Grav proc or any other exotic proc is effected.
3) The damage ticks of grav/PEP can't individually crit even if the log lists this, what happens is this: If the base hit crits all ticks of the rift/cloud will be crits and use the severity bonus, even if not correctly listed in the log.
4) GravGen will increase the listed tool-tip duration of the rift from 4.5 at 99 to 8s at 400, but the rift does not get extra damage ticks. So at best it will increase the pull range and strength but not the damage, if this even works at all on the rift? I would rather assume the effect duration does not change at all, since the damage ticks apply at the same 4s interval, even if 8s are listed. So i doubt that the rift stays active without damage after the normal 4s damage interval and just pulls for the remaining 4s?
5) You only get one PEP cloud per target not per torpedo fired if you use TS1-3, so i would assume this works the same for the gravimetric. So you increase you chance per enemy hit and not per torpedo fired. (I need to retest this for the gravimetric, so i could be wrong on this.)
1) The R&D trait works only on "Exotic Abilities" so neither PEP/Grav proc or any other exotic proc is effected.
2) PtGen do effect the gravimetric rift damage, but in a similar way they do effect GW which is a rather low increase compared to TR/TBR/TB.
3) The damage ticks of grav/PEP can't individually crit even if the log lists this, what happens is this: If the base hit crits all ticks of the rift/cloud will be crits and use the severity bonus, even if not correctly listed in the log.
4) GravGen will increase the listed tool-tip duration of the rift from 4.5 at 99 to 8s at 400, but the rift does not get extra damage ticks. So at best it will increase the pull range and strength but not the damage, if this even works at all on the rift? I would rather assume the effect duration does not change at all, since the damage ticks apply at the same 4s interval, even if 8s are listed. So i doubt that the rift stays active without damage after the normal 4s damage interval and just pulls for the remaining 4s?
5) You only get one PEP cloud per target not per torpedo fired if you use TS1-3, so i would assume this works the same for the gravimetric. So you increase you chance per enemy hit and not per torpedo fired. (I need to retest this for the gravimetric, so i could be wrong on this.)
1. PEP's exotic proc scales with part gens and the current and tribble state of embassy consoles.
2. No they don't. Bort has stated this, and my own testing has reflected this anyway.
SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
5) You only get one PEP cloud per target not per torpedo fired if you use TS1-3, so i would assume this works the same for the gravimetric. So you increase you chance per enemy hit and not per torpedo fired. (I need to retest this for the gravimetric, so i could be wrong on this.)
You are correct. Thanks for the post, btw. I learned something myself, which also answered some questions I had in the back of my mind.
Someone also said that the PEP cloud is limited to 1 per target per specific radii. I'd like to find that out myself.
Someone also said that the PEP cloud is limited to 1 per target per specific radii. I'd like to find that out myself.
I tested this on cubes and battleships and at least 2 clouds on the same target/area works, so i assume more also works. I did this by firing 2 torps in 2 seconds and counted the ticks, which was not reduced by the second torpedo.
You are correct. Thanks for the post, btw. I learned something myself, which also answered some questions I had in the back of my mind.
Someone also said that the PEP cloud is limited to 1 per target per specific radii. I'd like to find that out myself.
I was curious about this after reading it also. I ran Battleship Royal Rumble with only the PEP fore and three VR PWO officers. As I suspected, every torpedo produced a snare/damage cloud against a single target, even against a single target that had been previously hit.
That meant that if the RNG allow me to proc PEP's every 3-6 secs I could theoretically continue to snare a target in PvE if it was not running a counter.
And like the Gravimetric Torpedo, except that the proc is guarantee with the PEP, there is only one proc per spread group. That means that for the Grav torp up to three shears can be proc'ed, and for the PEP only three PEP clouds will appear.
That means that for the Grav torp up to three shears can be proc'ed, and for the PEP only three PEP clouds will appear.
Isn't TS2/3 hitting 4 and 5 targets, so you get up to 5 clouds? At 5 targets and 33% chance you have a 86% chance to get at least one gravimetric rift. The chances to get 3-5 at once are extremely low.
but between the two torps i would go with the grav torp and get the bio torp set from counter command to further increase the photon torpedo damage and you can get some big numbers from those.
the grav well it produces does get boosted as does the particle emissions from the plasma particle emission torpedo(the effects get boosted not the torpedo damage)
The damage calculations are bugged, they said it'll be rebalanced. Not sure if that's gone live yet.
I was mostly interested in how the two torps stand on their own without set boni or specialized builds, but I suppose some context helps when asking for info. When I include a torpedo launcher in fore weapons, I'll be using 2-3 CD reduction Doffs - photons do fire quickly. Currently tweaking Faeht, so console space is at a premium. Usually I bring a GW and drop a TS into the mess, which means overlapping AoE damage earns its keep. Getting the gel pack to fit on board is tricky, though I can sort of make it work.
It's also worth mentioning that this is for casual PvE situations, so a salad fork launcher would get the job done. It's just that if I'm going to sink the dil into upgrades, might as well pick a toy that's actually useful.
Thanks for the input.
He wasn't saying that it got boosted by the partgens. It was about the R&D Sci Trait. It does 25% of your Part gen level to Crit chance to exotic damage. So, actually, if you have your partgen at 400, that ads a 100% crit chance to all damage done if the torps spawn a well.
The best way I know to do this is to spawn a Grav well in a mass of ships, let them collect for a moment, and TS3 the grav torp at them all. This increases the crit probabilities as, the more torps, the more chances to spawn a well, and if 2-3 spawn, all the better. Everything will start flying around in circles from the grav pulls and take damage. The smaller ships will go first and create warp core explosion damage on the bigger ships, killing or seriously damaging them.
Granted this is only good in a PvE where there are mass amounts of ships to destroy (e.g. NWS, patrols), but it works.
As we say in my fleet, "Everything dies."
Some small corrections/additions:
1) The R&D trait works only on "Exotic Abilities" so neither PEP/Grav proc or any other exotic proc is effected.
3) The damage ticks of grav/PEP can't individually crit even if the log lists this, what happens is this: If the base hit crits all ticks of the rift/cloud will be crits and use the severity bonus, even if not correctly listed in the log.
4) GravGen will increase the listed tool-tip duration of the rift from 4.5 at 99 to 8s at 400, but the rift does not get extra damage ticks. So at best it will increase the pull range and strength but not the damage, if this even works at all on the rift?
I would rather assume the effect duration does not change at all, since the damage ticks apply at the same 4s interval, even if 8s are listed. So i doubt that the rift stays active without damage after the normal 4s damage interval and just pulls for the remaining 4s?
5) You only get one PEP cloud per target not per torpedo fired if you use TS1-3, so i would assume this works the same for the gravimetric. So you increase you chance per enemy hit and not per torpedo fired. (I need to retest this for the gravimetric, so i could be wrong on this.)
1. PEP's exotic proc scales with part gens and the current and tribble state of embassy consoles.
2. No they don't. Bort has stated this, and my own testing has reflected this anyway.
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
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You are correct. Thanks for the post, btw. I learned something myself, which also answered some questions I had in the back of my mind.
Someone also said that the PEP cloud is limited to 1 per target per specific radii. I'd like to find that out myself.
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Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
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I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
Oh sorry my fault, i rechecked my test data and the increase was because of other exotic increasing factors not PtGen.
I tested this on cubes and battleships and at least 2 clouds on the same target/area works, so i assume more also works. I did this by firing 2 torps in 2 seconds and counted the ticks, which was not reduced by the second torpedo.
I was curious about this after reading it also. I ran Battleship Royal Rumble with only the PEP fore and three VR PWO officers. As I suspected, every torpedo produced a snare/damage cloud against a single target, even against a single target that had been previously hit.
That meant that if the RNG allow me to proc PEP's every 3-6 secs I could theoretically continue to snare a target in PvE if it was not running a counter.
And like the Gravimetric Torpedo, except that the proc is guarantee with the PEP, there is only one proc per spread group. That means that for the Grav torp up to three shears can be proc'ed, and for the PEP only three PEP clouds will appear.
Isn't TS2/3 hitting 4 and 5 targets, so you get up to 5 clouds? At 5 targets and 33% chance you have a 86% chance to get at least one gravimetric rift. The chances to get 3-5 at once are extremely low.