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The Future...as I wish it were

hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
I have to say, I am happy to see us getting all these new abilitys for our ships. I am finally not limited to ,TT,TS2,BO3,APO in my tactical boff station. With that said. I know we are going to get at least one more "Type" of new boff with abilitys. Its obvisous. We have new abilitys that now are intergrated with Science and Engineering/ intellegence and Command. So a new boff that intergrates with our Tactical boff is ineviable. I think this needed to happen and I'm glad it did but after the tactical boff the game needs to head in a diffrent direction.

We are always gonna get bombarded with new ships to buy. So its no use in really even talking about that part of the game. Here is the direction I think the game needs to head in to survive. People have asked for the STO story to evolve. People have asked numerous times over and over for a revamped pvp. The biggest though, is for STO to have exploration content. I see only 1 way to do this and only 1 way to cover all the issues that are on players minds.

The complete revamping of the Galaxy into a 100% open world. With this you could have open world pvp. You could fly your ship over and through asteroid belts. It would be complete freedom to do with your ship as you wished. The technology is there. It can be done. I would be satisfied if the whole galaxy was set in a stage simular to what a map looks like when your setting at earth space dock. The only diffrence is if you wanted to go to vulcan your wouldn't warp out you would just turn around and head toward vulcun. There would be no chessee warp out animation and some generic Galaxy travel map from one destination to the other it would be Open world. For the game to survive it needs this. I know this would bring new life back into the game. I have complete confidence in the art team at sto to come up with a rich and beautiful galaxy for us to explore and pvp in. For STO to have a Future we need a revamped Galaxy. Cryptic needs to put the Exploration back in STO and we pvp'ers need a new map to test our weapons out in.

P.S. The new Command ships look awesome BTW but 12000zen. Really.
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